Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


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speck76 said:
I think the responses on this thread are a microcosm of everything that is wrong with society today.....mainly, AMERICAN society.

Having a child does not make a person an expert on parenting....if that was the case, there would be no need for governmental "family services".....but try to tell that to some self-righteous parent, especially when one is not a parent, and expect to get an big load of crap tossed at your face. Much as parents expect others to be tolerant of their strollers, their kids crying in the 3-D movies, their stinky diapers befouling the otherwise pleasant smell of Main Street USA, the parents need to be more respectful and tolerant of those without children. If you have a double-wide stroller, you can not move as fast or effieciently as when you do not have do not try to....and don't block paths, and don't run into people legs....If your kids cries in a 3-D movie, quietly leave the theater....don't "negotiate" with the kid throughout the remainder of the film....better yet, know your kid's limits and don't force the child to exceed those limits....Know your position in life and be happy with it.

There are over 40,000 people in the Magic Kingdom on any given day....but to most people, nobody matters except for themselves. Main Street is always crowded when leaving after the fireworks...and if everyone just walked out at a standard pace, they would all get home at a decent time....yet there are always people pushing, weaving, and otherwise being jerks that "need to be first" to get out of the perhaps they will get to their hotel 4 minutes before the next family.

I believe many parents take their kids to WDW when they are far too young to experience anything, keep them in the parks all day, and then do not seem to accept the fact that they are tired and cranky at 9pm. Hell, I am 30, and I am tired and cranky at 9pm....and I never go to the parks prior to 4 or 5 in the afternoon....but the parents "have to get their money's worth"...because it is the parents that are there to enjoy the park....the kid is the "additional hassle". The kid would have probably been equally as happy going to the neighborhood park and playing on the slides for an hour....but it is not about the kid, it is about the parents.

Perhaps if the parents and the non-parents would all be a bit more tolerant, less selfish, and realize that they are guest number 28,492 out of 57,224 that day at the Magic Kingdom, we could ALL enjoy ourselves a bit more.

Well said. I want my kid to remember WDW...the way I remmebered it. The nostalgia of it is amazing, the way it bonds a family together. I want my kid to be old enough to apreciate the place, the details, and the man...Walt Disney. how many of these 3 year olds know Walt? How many know his legacy? How many teens know about him? Why bring your kid and spend a pretty penny to go to WDW if the kid is too young to enjoy, or likewise too old and would rather sit at home watching MTV?


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mmartelli said:
If Bob from Apopka FL, has so many "conditions" he shouldnt be riding space mountain or EE for the 3rd time. Your too nice to people, they should walk it off. But alas, the truth hurts. I dont think that so many people have so many problems. Walking doesnt hurt. Doctors recomend some walking even for obese people with heart diseas. Plus I saw many a bob from Apopka FL, eating turkey legs or guzzling down soda and beer...not to healthy.

Are Americans getting fatter? If one was to judge only by visiting WDW in a 5 year span of time, I would say yes. Perhapse if we all took time to walk instead of ride a wheelchair, then maybe we could help the situation.

Stop making excuses for people, if they are in perfect health enough to ride EE, Splash Mt, Space MT..etc then they are in perfect health to walk.

I lost 20 lb in one year just by walking more...Im in better shape now because of it.

Like I SAID...some do take advantage..but we do not know what is wrong with everyone...If they are getting off the ecv to ride these rides that are not good for them...or they are running around and walking all over and then riding in the chair from ride to ride then fine.,thats a diff story.They still could have something wrong with them...And really who are you to judge who eats what...Im sorry,but if someone weighs 500 lbs and is eating a cheeseburger and fries and is riding in an ecv...Why do you care? Honestly..How in the world is he hurting you? I am a nice person and I do like to give the benefit of the doubt to people.Like I said before..I do understand alot of what you say and I agree but some of the stuff is really nobodys business at all.


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maggiegrace1 said:
First of all.. Get over myself!.That is hard to do when you are as great as me...:cool: (Just Joking)
Anyway....I do not think things are perfect..never said that at all..I do understand your frustrations and Yes,it is annoying and I do hate Disrespectful people..Adults and Kids..
My point is there is NOTHING we can do..really ...So just enjoy your vacation and try not to let them ruin it for you.. That is what I said I do...Im not saying you are wrong..Im just saying that it does not pay to be so upset or angry over a situation you cant change.
Then you are miserable and it messes up your vacation and the others who have done these things just go right on along with no problem.

We can do something. We all can teach our children to be respectful. I did enjoy it and I will try not to let the crazy kids bother me, but that doesnt excuse their behavior. We can change this by being respectful of others at WDW and any other place. I think it is good to be optomistic, but lets not just complain for the sake of complaining. Let us all learn from this, and see what kind of behavior we don't want out of our children or ourselves and try to change ourselves. You are right, we can not change others...we can only change what we have influence over. And if we complain enough perhapse Disney will open the parks up an hour extra only for people above 18....:king: Theres an idea....Adult hours at WDW :sohappy: It might just work...they could get money from older people who cant stand screaming kids.


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mmartelli said:
good for you that you didnt have to beat your kid, or threaten a yeti visit. Your lucky. I know If I wasnt instilled with fear then I would be a brat.

But shame on you for taking away a sense of accomplishment for your child. If you tell your child the Yeti will get you then your child will not fear the Yeti and therefore will not feel a sense of accomplishemnt from surviving a Yeti Attack.

Ok I was not hit,slapped,threatened, or beaten and I was not a brat..Me and my 3 siblings all born within 2 yrs of each other were all well behaved..and we all went to WDW 2-3 times a do not need to do those things to have a good child.

Your second statement....You should run for Vice-president along with the other guy(who should be president) who said kids should be where they belong jail..Are you all reading what you are writing...OMG....Shame on You..


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summergirl32 said:
The first time I took my two boys to WDW they were 2 & 5. They both have ADHD and I had no idea how they would react. They were holy terrors (at times) and there was very little my husband and I could do. Sure you correct the problem when it happened but you cannot predict what preschoolers and toddlers are going to do next. We were quick to apologize to anyone they bothered. With that said, I don't regret taking them at all. Seeing Disney through their eyes is amazing. We have since taken them five times and their behavior gets better with each visit. I expect that most children are in "overload" when they arrive at Disney and their behavior is going to be less than perfect (to put it mildly). It does not mean their parents are bad or that they themselves are bad, they are just beside themselves with excitement.
As for the stroller issue, I think parents must make this decision based on the endurance of their children. I will be the first to say that all the strollers in the parks are a nuissance but Disney is a kid-oriented park and strollers there are a fixture that aren't going away. If getting hit in the ankles ruins your entire vacation then perhaps you need to loosen up a little and enjoy what the world has to offer.

I commend you for appologizing to other people. Its understandable that there will be thing you can not controll, but to take responsibility and appologize is a big help. I got alot of crap from kids this time around and the parents smilled and didnt do anything. To appologize for your kid's unrully behavior is a sign of a well educated person...thanks :animwink:


Well-Known Member
mmartelli said:
And if we complain enough perhapse Disney will open the parks up an hour extra only for people above 18....:king: Theres an idea....Adult hours at WDW :sohappy: It might just work...they could get money from older people who cant stand screaming kids.

That is a GREAT idea...then maybe they will bring Mr.Toad and 20,000 Leagues under the sea back for the adults....Smart guy....:rolleyes:


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As for the stroller issue, I think parents must make this decision based on the endurance of their children. I will be the first to say that all the strollers in the parks are a nuissance but Disney is a kid-oriented park and strollers there are a fixture that aren't going away. If getting hit in the ankles ruins your entire vacation then perhaps you need to loosen up a little and enjoy what the world has to offer.[/quote]

Walt Disney said that he never did this just for kids...this is a family park and it is there for the enjoyment of families, kids, big sis/bro, mom and dad even grandma and grandpa.


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maggiegrace1 said:
Like I SAID...some do take advantage..but we do not know what is wrong with everyone...If they are getting off the ecv to ride these rides that are not good for them...or they are running around and walking all over and then riding in the chair from ride to ride then fine.,thats a diff story.They still could have something wrong with them...And really who are you to judge who eats what...Im sorry,but if someone weighs 500 lbs and is eating a cheeseburger and fries and is riding in an ecv...Why do you care? Honestly..How in the world is he hurting you? I am a nice person and I do like to give the benefit of the doubt to people.Like I said before..I do understand alot of what you say and I agree but some of the stuff is really nobodys business at all.

Maggie's mom,

I dont care, I am a libertarian, and as long as it doesnt brake my leg or pick my pocket then I dont care what Bob from Apopka FL eats. That doesnt mean I can't comment on that. I was greatly overweight, I still am a bit overweight and I am offering advice...put down the cheeseburger and eat a salad and get of that ecv and walk! I can not change how Bob eats or acts, but I can still comment on his behavior. Similarly I can comment on how a murderer is wrong. Just because he didnt murder me and it didnt affect me, doesn mean I cant comment on what he did.

You have a kind heart so my hat goes off to you...but we must examine this problem and it doesnt hurt to talk about it, to vent frustrations.


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mmartelli said:
Walt Disney said that he never did this just for kids...this is a family park and it is there for the enjoyment of families, kids, big sis/bro, mom and dad even grandma and grandpa.

Very good point.


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maggiegrace1 said:
That is a GREAT idea...then maybe they will bring Mr.Toad and 20,000 Leagues under the sea back for the adults....Smart guy....:rolleyes:

You never know....they need to bring back Alien Encounter for us older folks. The Imagineers are the worlds greatest theme park designers, it would be amazing to see what they could come up with for thrill rides that would be ridden by people above 18. Like Alien encounter, it was the best thrill ride I have ever been on and it never moved. They are masters of the thrill and it would be nice to see what they could come up with.


"Our youth now love luxury-they have bad manners and contempt for authority....Children are now tyrants-not the servants of their households....They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food and tyranize their teachers." (Socrates)

There's nothing new under the sun.



Well-Known Member
I understand what you are saying but I can not respond any more because no matter what anyone says have a comment about it... So it was a pleasure discussing this with you and I hope we can chat another time in a different situation. I dont want this thread locked because of me.. My name is Dana...Welcome to the site..


New Member
mmartelli said:
And if we complain enough perhapse Disney will open the parks up an hour extra only for people above 18....:king: Theres an idea....Adult hours at WDW :sohappy: It might just work...they could get money from older people who cant stand screaming kids.

Thrawn is that you? :lookaroun

(oh yes... complaining alot has gotten people sooo very far in the world of Disney... good luck with that... :rolleyes: )

Mori Anne

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In the Parks
speck76 said:
On the radio a year or so ago, they were talking about how Abercrombie and Fitch sells thong underwear in kids sizes.....for kids as young as 7.

Mothers were calling in and so thankful for this because now "their daughters would not have a noticable pantyline"



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ScrapIron said:
"Our youth now love luxury-they have bad manners and contempt for authority....Children are now tyrants-not the servants of their households....They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food and tyranize their teachers." (Socrates)

There's nothing new under the sun.


Walt Disney was on the record for saying he didnt design things just for children.

Walt Disney created disneyland and theme parks as a place where families can have fun together. Read up on Walt's life or go see the Walt Disney show/exhibit at MGM. He was inspired by trips he took with his daughters, where he would sit and watch them play. He wanted a place where adults could play alongside thier children.

"Give the public everything you can give them, keep the place as clean as you can keep it, keep it friendly." Walt Disney (he always mentioned a broad audience, not just kids)

"Adults are interested if you don't play down to the little 2 or 3 year olds or talk down. I don't believe in talking down to children. I don't believe in talking down to any certain segment. I like to kind of just talk in a general way to the audience." Walt Disney

"We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together." WALT DISNEY

And for the grand finale

"Your dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." WALT DISNEY


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garyhoov said:
Sure I am. Do you think lies and violence are good parenting?

Threats and intimidation are short term solutions. Teaching kids to respect the property and rights of others is the key.

I've never hit my son. I've never told him the "Boogie Man" would get him if he didn't behave. I've taught him to behave because it's the right thing to do . . . not to avoid punishment. He sees the way I act. He sees that I don't hit people when I don't like what they're doing.

He's never been sent to the principal's office, and none of his teachers have ever had anything but praise for his behavior.

I agree that "smacking" a kid in the head could be considered violence, it's probably just the parent venting thier anger. That's bad.

Spanking however, administered with love and for the well being of the child, is definately not "violence". In fact I think it's abusive to neglect spanking a child when thier behaviour warrants it.

Some will say that you can discipline a child effectively without ever spanking them.

I disagree.

Sure maybe for some very sensitive and compliant children you can get away with it, but I have 5 children and it's very clear that they all have thier own personality. Some of them are naturally compliant and easy to discipline, some take a little more "persuading".

I know a number of large families with 6,7,8 up to 13 children. ALL OF THEM use corporal punishment when the situation warrants. And they all have good, respectful, compliant, well adjusted and happy children that you would be very impressed with.


New Member
i hate to say this but the reason for all of these kids misbehaving is because most of them are british,rough familys from britain.
im british and it ashames me to find that most if not all of the kids that i have seen misbehaving when im at 'the world' are these rough british familys.

sorry if this offends any other fellow brits,i know not all british familys that visit WDW are like this, in fact they are all the queitest (sp?) but based on what i have witnessed,specifically last year,it is mostly inconciderate british.


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Just wanted to share. we went to Chef Mickeys Back in Feb and we had this obnoxios family next to us. The waitress told us they have been there for two hours. We were seated all the way to the back of the restraunt and their children about 14, 12, 10 ,6yrs. Were sitting on the floor behind our table. That was not the problem. They proceeded to open every salt shaker,pepper shaker , an sugar shaker they could find .( Even ones from other tables) and pour them on the floor. The pile was about six inches high! The parents Said NOTHING! I realize Disney Doesnt like to offend people but they were ridiculous. We left after about an hour and they were still there. Standing on chairs(Adults)waving there napkins etc. Yes that is part of the show , but they were way out of line!

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