I've deleted my response to this several times because I didn't want to put forth the effort into something that is just going to be interpreted as a defense of a system I really don't care all that much about; but since you seem to be a bit froggy this morning, why not have a go at it?
I'm not saying his general argument is wrong. I don't care to read that wall of text. I'm saying the facts used to support his opinion are. The myth of FP+ requiring planning months in advance for your stay is just that, a myth. It's been demonstrated dozens of times that routinely all but a few attractions across property are available day of. Pulling up day of FP+ times has been going on around here since the system came out. One data point does not an argument make. Also regarding that data point, 6 were meet and greets, 1 was a parade that was over, and another was an attraction that FP+ was down at and it wasn't used at all.
To your second point, you understand essentially what you are saying is that unless all attractions are available for on demand access to you the system is unacceptable? Historically, most of the headliner attractions were out of fastpasses by noon. I'm sure you can search for TSMM and find threads about waiting in the line at rope drop to get fastpasses for the day or getting to Soarin at 10 a.m. to get a 6 p.m fastpass. Prior to the fastpass system 17 years ago, you just waited in line: 80-100 minutes for Safaris, 3 hours on hot days for Splash.
Much like my "issue" in the other thread, make whatever argument you want, just support it with accurate and verifiable facts. To be clear again, I'm not saying that
@MrPromey is wrong in his general conclusion, but the "facts" he's using it to support it is incorrect based on what has been consistently demonstrated over time.
Finally, would it help if I said I read the first couple of post and, while I understand this is just a survey, this implementation would have me reconsidering my annual pass? See...I don't disagree with the premise, but if we are going to draw conclusions without authenticity we might as well be arguing between the world being flat and the sun orbiting the earth.