Well-Known Member
They do not just need a whole new fleet, they need to repair the whole system asap. Look these things are long overdue for a replacement but the hard fact is they won't be replaced anytime soon. There needs to be something done soon, there are few if any off days anymore and lets face it no one likes being packed liked sardines. I've seen parents try to shove 5 strollers into already crowded cars during peak rushes and cast members trying to shove more in while the ferry is the same situation. Simply put it always has been a hassle during opening and closing but nothing will be done anytime soon to address the issues at hand. The monorails are old, no amount of updates, painting, or refurbs can hide the fact that these things are approaching 30 years of age. Mark IV was replaced just after 20 years of service. Why management doesn't believe new trains are needed baffles me a bit. It needs upgrading soon hopefully before the 50th with a capacity to hold at least another 100-200 passengers.