AP Rates!!

Pecos Bill1201

New Member
Has anyone else read the article on Mousesavers.com?? The operator says that there is a possability that they are phasing out room only reservation discounts in exchange for huge discounts on packages? Now I know that the mouse will not completely do this but what do you think this is spelling for the future? Any connection to "Magical Gatherings"? Since most large groups will naturaly buy packages? When are those rates coming out? I heard a rumor on another thread of 8/17? Any conformation?:veryconfu


:veryconfu Yeah, I read the article earlier today and it sounds disappointing. We all have PAP's and probably wont renew them if they pull the codes for discounted hotels. That was the main reason we bought them. Probably will stay off site also, since the discounts will be gone, or may quit going to WDW all together if they keep taking everything away from us....:(
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
From what I was told, A LOT of people in the travel industry that book trips for clients going to Walt Disney World have complained about Mousesavers. ** Please note that I was NOT one of them, so please do not flame me.

The travel agents do get a commision from Disney when they book the trips and with her posting all of the discount codes, the majority of the people going to WDW will book their own instead of calling a TA and saying, "I have this code can you book my trip with it." In essence they are taking money away from the TA which is how they earn their living. I can understand their anger since I am a travel agent. I also will look for the codes to use them to save my clients money though. So I see it from both sides.

It's in my own opinion that Disney must have said something to her or something like that in order for this letter to be posted on her site.

I will continue to try to find deals for my clients, even if it means giving back part of my commision by offering disney dollars to those who book a pkg with my or free on-board credit for clients booking a Disney cruise.

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New Member
I too was very discouraged by the Mousesavers Newsletter. I was anxiously awaiting the AP codes for early Dec. But I bit the bullet & called the Swan & booked a room with the AP rate of $136 with an upgrade to lakeview with late check-out at 2:00 p.m. ! :sohappy: First I was a little disappointed because we had our hearts set on the WL or BW but oh well. I had to re-arrange the days I wanted because 12/7 & 12/8 were filled so we booked 12/9 - 12/16 ! If any codes come out for FL residents or AP passholders for that timeframe I can always cancel Swan & book thru Disney. I know that Disney doesn't guarantee the discounts but it'd be nice to hear a definite NO so we don't keep our hopes up or get bitter about it.

It just feels a little frustrating with the not knowing about the future of AP rates. Maybe it's not worth it anymore, at least for my family & it's only my humble opinion.
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New Member
AP comments

I have seen the mousesaver.com info. This really concerns me. I was a TDS cast member before and didn't have to worry about discounts. Now that I am on the other side of the "magic carpet" I was counting on some form of discount. We try and go at least twice a year if not more. DVC is not an option right now due to the fact that we are about to get married AND buy a new house!:sohappy: I have heard rumbles about this from my cast friends in WDW. They are just being told that "Disney is going through some great changes in the hopes of better guest serves"
I hope we find out soon!
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Well-Known Member
I agree. Even though we do not own APs, we are a family that always books "room only" res. at Disney. Even when we travel as a large family--as many as 8 rooms on one reservation--we always book "room onlys" and then purchase tickets. The packages do not fit our family needs.
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Account Suspended
AP Rates

Well, we are trying to make our vacations each year around Disney now, and even though things appear to be changing, I beleive that it all will work out. I'm in the retail industry, and we have both worked for TDS. And even though we don't always agree with Daily operations, I find that most of the time things work out for the best.

I am very glad to see the Fairytale package and hope that those sort of savings continue. However, with any type of change, or addition to a program like that, something has to go away. Sometimes I look at the AP rates and feel like they are a great deal. But then I look at them other times and feel like they are aren't a great deal for everyone. I believe that what's happening is that Disney is searching for that broader market again.

For example, we just received our latest Disney Store Catalog, and there appears to be a much broader item list than in the past to choose from. Same thing with the rates. If they are going to offer more "package vacations" then something else has to give a little.

And I think this also helps balance the Fla. resident discounts as well. I grew up and lived in Fla. for 17 years. Went to Disney many many times. And as an adult, I would love to be back there right now to take advantage of those rates. However, if they didn't offer package rates at all, what would be the incentive, as an out-of-state resident to go?

Let's wait and see, and hope for the best on this one. I truly beleive in Disney and that in the long run, that they offer competitive pricing for the vast majority of us who are diehard fans.
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New Member
Whether or not AP rates come out, our family is still going over Christmas. In past years, even at Christmas, we always found some kind of deal. I've booked Pop Century and if rates change I can switch.

We make at least two trips to WDW each year, so our AP are definitely worth it regardless of room discounts. Usually one trip pays for the tickets.

I read the Orlando Sentinel most days and they are still predicting that travel will be down this year. Because of these articles I believe, maybe wrongly, that there will still be discounts in some form.

Of course Disney wants to book complete packages to make more money. But I find it hard to believe that they will not let people book "rooms only". And if they still allow that, putting a package together yourself is still economical.

These are just my opinions and I could be very wrong. But I hope not.:confused:
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I'll be very disappointed if they don't release AP rates soon. Earlier this year, I struggled with the notion of getting AP's for us, as we have started going to Disney 3 or 4 times a year for the past three years. It is always our first choice for a get-away!

So with our anniversary this month on the 28th, I took the plunge back in May and got the passes and booked at the Contemporary, which we have never stayed at. I had decided last month that when the discounts came out, I'd book an extra night on the front end of our stay as a surprise for the wife. Yesterday, she asked me if we could arrive one day early!!! Now I have to book another night at $306 with tax!!!

She doesn't know we are staying at the Contemporary, it's a surprise.....

Is this how Disney is going to reward frequent and loyal guests--by eliminating a discount which makes it possible for us to visit more each year??

I'm going to be sweating out the next week in hopes of those rates appearing!


T-minus 10 days and counting!
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New Member
Originally posted by pandora174
I bit the bullet & called the Swan & booked a room with the AP rate of $136 with an upgrade to lakeview with late check-out at 2:00 p.m. ! :sohappy:

Lucky dog! DW and I are spending four days and three nights at WDW after our Disney cruise in November. We've been trying to get the AP rates for over a month and are getting quite frustrated with the whole thing. When we heard about the S&D rates (the day they were announced), we jumped at them, only to be told that they weren't valid during the time we were going to be there. :( We keep trying, but so far, there's no joy.

We really want to stay on-property, but it looks as if the only way we can is to spend much more than we want to. We'll probably just stay in the DD hotels. It also looks like this will be our last year with APs. I'm tired of the crap Disney keeps throwing at us loyal customers. Now, maybe we should be reconsidering our DVC membership...

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Well-Known Member
I was a bit disheartened to read the Mousesavers article, yet not surprised. No amount of complaining will change Disney's mind. However, with everyone having a different situation; and I am no exception, I will have to think twice about obtaining an annual pass as I had planned in December. Why? For one, I may not be able to go back next year as planned. The package deals that Disney offers do me no good. Length of stay passes are not for me; as we are on a tight schedule. We had planned on my going in Dec. and purchasing an annual pass for that trip. Then we have thought about taking the little boys in late January for a three night stay at the All-Stars. Then taking the bigger boys in May for a three night stay. Then celebrating our 10th anniversary with a 5 night stay in October 2004. We are willing to purchase 4 day passes and save the two remaining days for a future trip. If I purchase a 4 day length of stay pass and plan on going to the parks for 3 days and one of those days is rained out, then I have a loss of two days. Again, these deals are not for me.
I also was one who wouldn't make a reservation and drive to Ocala and get some great walk-in deals. I understand that this has been fazed out too. In 1996, I got the Contemporary for $129.00 per nite. Then in Dec. 1998, I got the Poly for $159.00 per nite.
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It seems dumb for Disney to run off their loyal customer base. I live 3 1/2 hours from the parks, so it's nothing for us to pick up and go for a day or two. They give good discounts for Fla residents but I'm not in Fla. I live closer than half the people in Fla do (Georgia). The AP discount is the only way for us to do Disney as much as we want to, which has been to stay on property. I guess the DD resorts may be getting our business in the future.

Of course, the rate may come out Monday AM and all this will be washed away in the rush to apply the discounts.

Or at least I hope it works out that way.

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New Member
I feel the same the vacation packages are not for my family. It's cheaper for us to book the room only & get the ticket separate. That's why this year we splurged on 2 AP passes & now this dilemma. I really don't think we'll renew next year. I can't complain because I got the Swan for the AP rate but we REALLY had our hearts set on the WL or BW. Oh well ! We'll definitely make the best of it. & as to FL resident codes they're not even out for when we go in early Dec. So I thought I had 2 chances AP & Fl resident codes for early Dec & nothing. Hopefully something comes out soon & we'll change our reservations but I'm not as hopeful as I used to be. At least for me this whole fiasco with the codes has taken some of the fun & magic of planning for a Disney trip. Just my humble opinion.:cry:
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New Member
I took the mousesavers newsletter as more of her opinion and not factual. I would not get all worked up about this, I would think Disnet would announce to us if AP rates would no longer be available, it would certainly stop all the calls coming in to them asking WHEN the rates would be out. I would think the call volume they must be getting on just that subject would be a pain. Don't jump the gun yet and get upset, just hang in there and see what happens. It's really all we CAN do at this point.
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Active Member
Originally posted by hulabird
just hang in there and see what happens. It's really all we CAN do at this point. [/B]

Actually we are venting our frustration:cool: Venting is healthier than holding it in:D

I will be paying rack rate:eek: for Dec.28-31 and so far rack for Jan1-5.:( I know there will be no discount for Dec. but still hope for something off for the Jan. days:)

I have 20% off (AAA) for September but an AP 40% off will sure make paying $114 a night for All Stars in Dec. a little more acceptable:cool:

Yes, I have an AP and will make the Sept. and Dec. trips (air is already paid) but I am thinking of off site for Dec. which would mean the only money Disney would get from me for those eight days would be that spent at lunch:lookaroun

Lets see they will lose hotel, breakfasts and suppers.:animwink:

Multiply that by hundreds or thousands of unhappy AP holders and you get lots of empty rooms even at peak times. That does not make me happy as I also hold stock in the company as many AP holders do. I want those rooms filled. To fill them they will have to be discounted. $49 a night for a room brings in more revenue than $0 for an empty room.:D
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Account Suspended
Ap Rates

Well, as a former Castmember at TDS, I can tell you all this. We had to wait until very late in the year before learning what/if any discounts would be made available to us. We went in Jan, but didn't find out about discounts until late Oct/Nov. So, it may be that Mgmt. is holding back as long as possible in order to book more "packages" prior to releasing the new years' discounts.

If they were released now, you'd have, I think, reduced travel throughout the rest of the year. For example, if I knew as an AP holder that I could wait until Jan, and get some great deals on Hotel/Tickets, then I would, as opposed to visiting in Nov/Dec. with knowing what the rates then would be already. And especially if the rates were better for Jan.

So maybe they are holding back trying to book as many packages for the rest of the year. Let's remember, it's only August. And even though it may have been common practice for rates to be released earlier, could this be the answer?

And as for the $136/night rate at the Swan and Dolphin? Wow!!! I'd love to get that rate for the Contemporary, much less the S&D.
Again, I fall on the side of optimism here, hoping that all will work out.

Don't give up on em' just yet!!!
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Well-Known Member
I couldnt agreee with you more Pandora. I just got off the phone with Disney reservations and the young lady I spoke to said she is amazed they they havent come out with anything further. She had said that she is hoping that when the current offer expires which is 8/23/03, she is hoping that they will release something else. but she is not even sure of that. I wonder how many people would be affected if Disney decides to do away with the AP rates? Any idea of how many people are AP holders? Both within and outside of Florida? And why would you want to alienate a strong repeat customer base? Just from a marketing stand point it doesnt seem too swift, in my humble opinion. Belle
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Well-Known Member
What was the F.T. package, was that available world wide? I have never seen any special package over here. The only exclusive thing us Brits get special is the 10 Day Hopper.
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