OK - so we just got back from another awesome WDW vacation in December. It was COLD but we had a great time. We definitely didn't get to do everything we wanted to, but I guess that's what keeps you (us) going back! Anyway, we went last year in November and the year before that in July. We are definitely going back, but I think I want to wait until 2012 or whenever FLE is complete. We like to stay on the monorail and for a family of 4, with airfare, dining, souveniers and using 40% off it always tops out around $4,500. So I figured MAYBE we would go somewhere else for our 2011 vacation. So I started pricing. Atlantis - 5 days - over $5,000. Beaches - 5 days - close to $6,000. What the heck?! I'd rather go to Disney for 7 days!! So my question is - does anyone ever go anywhere else? If so - where? I'm thinking of just doing a few weekend trips (Hershey Park, etc.) and saving the cash for Disney. Any ideas?