Anyone else have trouble fitting in the rides?


I am also 6'6" (or 5'18" as I like to say) and well over 300 lbs. The lap bars are a problem, and on our last trip I found out something else. My wife always wanted to try the runaway train. She is 5'3" so the bar came down on my lap and did not even come close to her. She bounced around like a rag doll, screaming the whole way. Didn't even think of that problem until it was too late. Just a warning to those "mismatched" folks out there.

That's funny, my wife is 5'4"!

On Big Thunder I usually sit cross-legged as others have mentioned so the bar will go down far enough for her. That and she just holds onto me...

I don't like the cross-legged thing either. Aside from the boys getting crushed, I feel like I can't properly brace myself sitting that way.


Well-Known Member
I'm 5'10 (all legs) and had problems with legroom on Space Mountain and Small World. These just stick out for me as the most memorable but I'm sure they weren't the only ones. I've never been on Splash (hate flumes) so I can't comment on that one, although I'd imagine it being dicey.

For Small World, I had to sit sideways and it still wasn't at all comfortable. I think its the distance between the rows and then the high bottom that doesn't allow anyplace for legs to really go. I can't remember or I blocked out if I had the same problem with the Fiesta and Pirates boats.

I haven't been on Space Mountain for years. I once wound up in the front of the rocket and not being able to get out after since my legs fell asleep in that awkward cramped position. The front should be for children and small adults. Not anyone over 5'5.

Actually one other uncomfortable ride sticks out but not for height reasons..that Primevil Whirl coaster or whatever its called in AK. I was so knocked around on that, that it left black and blue marks all over. I also almost fell out after one turn and drop.


Active Member
I'm 6'4" and also 300 lbs .I cant believe nobody has said anything about test track.If i have to sit on the left side ,my knee is shot for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
I'm 6'4" and I've hit my head on the inside of the doombuggies.

Also...on another note...I was in Philharmagic with my DW, DS and DD. I had my DS on my knee (he's 6), and I was as low in my seat as I could be (I'm very conscious of the fact that I'm tall and could block someone else's view). Anyways, I was as low as I could get (my knees were against the seat in front of me), and the guy behind me taps me on the shoulder and asks if I could please squish down lower so he could see better. My wife was furious (we aren't the type of people who would ever make a scene and normally just brush things off, but I could tell that really bothered her). What got me was that there were seats beside him that were empty???


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
6'4" here also. Always have trouble with the legs too.

That makes 17 people over 6' on this thread. I wonder if our height has anything to do with our being Disney fans?


Well-Known Member
Heh!:lol: How? It seems to always line up....:lookaroun

It lines up above, but I don't ratchet it down all the way. I leave a bit of space.

Speaking of lined up, I was "lined up" during sparring at TKD tonight, so now this thread is bringing back (painful) memories. :)


Frank Stallone

New Member


Well-Known Member
I am only 6 feet even, but my buddy who plays college ball who I went on a trip with is 6 foot 9. Lets just say lots of complaining on space, splash but especially space.


Well-Known Member
This is hilarius guys. I am sitting here laughing my head off. The spider thing was the best all i can see in my mind is legs coming very slowly untwisting and then climbing out with his knees above his head and how hard that must be,wonder if anyone has become so stoved up when they need to get off that they couldn't and everyone is looking at you. I am kinda pooh bellied and sometimes it was a little more uncomfortable to sit, but my problem is that getting out of something that you have just sat for a bit after walking miles it is hard ot get them going feel like mr a tuggle tim conway. ha ha


Well-Known Member
I'm 6'2" and only 165lbs. A lot of the attractions are a bit tight for someone with long legs. I'm always banging my legs.


Well-Known Member
I am 5'11" and I never had a problem in places whereas it could be challenging.

Except on two rides: BTMR & Everest.

They really lock into place my lengthy legs & I have to cross them with little space.

Oh, and the bar at Everest really sucks since pushing all the way down results in too much discomfort for me. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I am 5'7 at 350lbs male. The only ride I have severe trouble on is Test Track. The seats are very small and the seatbelt does not reach over my body. I have to have help getting it to buckle. They rush you so I am usually embaressed by this.

Soarin is ok, if no one is next to me I can get it. Otherwise, I need assistance

Rock n Rollercoaster, I think if you get a front car you are good.

But overall, 90% of attractions I can do with no problems. This is why I love Disneyworld so much.


Well-Known Member
While people of certain widths have had their fair share of the issues, anyone else wish that WDW made rides friendlier for those of us who are vertically gifted? I'm tall, but not that tall (6'3"), but I still have trouble with some rides (Splash Mountain, Space Mountain...). Anyone else feel my pain? What rides are the worst for you?

I'm 5'10" and the only ride I have any real problems with is BTMRR. My legs always seem to get in the way of the lap bar. If I cross my ankles that makes me fit better, but then I slide all over the place during the ride.


I have a question for the other large/tall/big people...since we are all together now. :cool:

Do you guys always end up in the front of Splash??? I swear, every single time I ride Splash I end up in the front and get soaked. Is it a conspiracy or what??? :lol:

Oh, and how about squeezing into the Coaster Simulator at Disney Quest??? That made me understand how sardines feel...

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