As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I do not watch the Trackers any more; I found their content to be getting boring and somewhat annoying. They have also had some controversial videos in the past. Both these facts are not really a big deal-if you don't like it, don't watch, which is what I've done. The concern I have with them is their young son. They continue to feature him prominently in their videos, even after they have had numerous comments on their videos of someone threatening serious harm to their son. The fact that it is fairly easy to know exactly where they are or where they will be, poses a danger to themselves, and more importantly, their child. This is the issue I have with them-they seem to be more concerned with their views/subs and the $$$ they make than they are about their only child's well-being. The amount of creepy comments regarding their son is disturbing too-people saying they want t-shirts with their son's face on it, people saying they want more of him in their videos, people offering to babysit, etc. They also like to delete comments and ban people who point this out to them. And there are alot of their "stans" that are not bothered by all of this. I completely understand now why some celebrities don't want their children photographed.