You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I am big fan of Resort TV1, they put a lot of effort into doing great live streams. The have spent a ton of money finding the best equipment to stream with, they have worked with people to get specially modified streaming software to help improve the experience, they have learned how well streaming works in each area of the park and on each attraction and adjust their stream on the fly to keep the stream working, and they come up with creative things to do on streams. As for the actual streaming process, just try walking around a crowded park, keeping an eye on the phone to be sure you are showing something interesting, trying not in interfere with other guests, keeping an eye on stream quality and adjusting settings on the fly, watching the weather radar, checking ride times, reading the chat and interacting with your viewers in the chat and in the park all at that same time. Can barely walk through a crowded park without tripping on people.