Anybody understand women?


New Member
Originally posted by Angelique
okay fun being single... Dan.. sweetie.. show me the fun.. ;)

And about that girls being crazy from Darrel, no we are not crazy I would apprieciate it if you would not insult the female race, thank you very much.

Guys can't figure girls out ... Girls can't figure guys out.. it's a vicious circle. I'm working on the answer and when I find it out I will write a book and make millions :animwink:

But also Erika is right.. if these girls all know each other they are going to talk, and if they talk then of course they would wonder why you've asked them all out in a short period of time. That's just nature. And a break would be good. Although this all coming from the girl who has never had a relationship last longer then 6 months... lol...
Girls ARE Crazy:p :lol: And I`ll tell you I lived with 2 woman for 6 years and especially Jennie, everytime she told me to go to the store and get her a chocolate bar I would go get it bring it to her and RUN and get as far away from the apartment as possible,cause I knew what that meant!:lol:


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Girls ARE Crazy:p :lol: And I`ll tell you I lived with 2 woman for 6 years and especially Jennie, everytime she told me to go to the store and get her a chocolate bar I would go get it bring it to her and RUN and get as far away from the apartment as possible,cause I knew what that meant!:lol:

Okay as I said.. Women are not crazy and I would apprieciate it if you did not call us so. You guys get just as moody as we do and don't tell me you don't. So I would appreiciate it if you retracted your statement, it's unfair.

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by Angelique
Okay as I said.. Women are not crazy and I would apprieciate it if you did not call us so. You guys get just as moody as we do and don't tell me you don't. So I would appreiciate it if you retracted your statement, it's unfair.

Oh Angel you hit it right with that statement! My hubby gets so moody I want to choke him. :lol: Woman can be fickle and it is a womans perogative to change her mind.:animwink:
But we are not crazy.


New Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Oh Angel you hit it right with that statement! My hubby gets so moody I want to choke him. :lol: Woman can be fickle and it is a womans perogative to change her mind.:animwink:
But we are not crazy.

LMAO Pam.. hehe thanks for backing me up.

And I didn't prove your point Darrel I'm just sick of guys giving girls the short end of the stick cause they are too lazy to get to know girls and want to use the cop out (they are too moody) thing.


New Member
ok here is one for the woman to answer,I was dating this one woman and I`m the type of person that I don`t care what we do,just as long as I `m with the woman I love and all that I care about is her happiness! So everytime We went anywhere,like for instance the movies. I would ask her what she wanted to see,she would say I don`t know! Then she would tell me she wanted me to be the "MAN" to make the decission on what we see,so I would say ok let`s see... say
Beauty and the Beast Then she would proceed to tell me that she didn`t want to see that,Then I would say what ever:rolleyes: Then I would say then you pick and she would get mad. I asked her why she did that and she would tell me that she wanted me to pick movies that she would like,WHAT THE HECK! I`m NOT A FRIGGIN MIND READER! Then she would say Well you always pick Disney movies and Disney movies are for kids!:mad:

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Well maybe if you start the convo with "what's playing at the movies?" She would open up and tell you the special movie playing that she would like to see. Woman like movies that are romantic or funny for the most part. At least I do. And if she is not a disney fanatic, she will not want to see a disney movie.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Girls ARE Crazy:p :lol: And I`ll tell you I lived with 2 woman for 6 years and especially Jennie, everytime she told me to go to the store and get her a chocolate bar I would go get it bring it to her and RUN and get as far away from the apartment as possible,cause I knew what that meant!:lol:

Hey, are you my husband? :lol:
I'm a woman and I agree... we're all a little crazy~ :rolleyes:
It's not my fault, men drive me there all the time! :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by justgoofin
Hey, are you my husband? :lol:
I'm a woman and I agree... we're all a little crazy~ :rolleyes:
It's not my fault, men drive me there all the time! :D

You don't know who your husband is?


New Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Well maybe if you start the convo with "what's playing at the movies?" She would open up and tell you the special movie playing that she would like to see. Woman like movies that are romantic or funny for the most part. At least I do. And if she is not a disney fanatic, she will not want to see a disney movie.
I always opened the conversation that way! And she would say I don`t know,Then I would get a paper and see what`s playing. Most of the time I didn`t care what we saw,but there are times when I definately would want to see a specific movie say Star wars or Lord of the rings and she would not,Why is it always the MAN who has to sacrifice and do things she wants to do,but the woman are never willing to sacrifice once in awhile and say well you saw this movie with me,eventhough you didn`t want to see it, so this time I will bite the bullet and see this with you?

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I always opened the conversation that way! And she would say I don`t know,Then I would get a paper and see what`s playing. Most of the time I didn`t care what we saw,but there are times when I definately would want to see a specific movie say Star wars or Lord of the rings and she would not,Why is it always the MAN who has to sacrifice and do things she wants to do,but the woman are never willing to sacrifice once in awhile and say well you saw this movie with me,eventhough you didn`t want to see it, so this time I will bite the bullet and see this with you?

Do you have the same problem with going out to dinner? Some woman don't like to compromise. I usually will with my hubby. I don't mind watching the action flicks that he likes. Now that wrestling he watches on TV, THAT I have a problem with! LOL



New Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Do you have the same problem with going out to dinner? Some woman don't like to compromise. I usually will with my hubby. I don't mind watching the action flicks that he likes. Now that wrestling he watches on TV, THAT I have a problem with! LOL

DARN! Why can`t I find a woman like you? LOL!:lol: I hate wrestling!:D All I want is compromise on both sides.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by justgoofin
hmmm, yea that was so funny~ :hammer:

Do you have some sort of problem? Please refrain from making sarcastic remarks about others posts.

ALSO, please refrain from creating multiple screen names. It isn't hard to tell when you do, and it's against forum policy. Steve has been notified, and in the meantime, I'll be checking to see just how many you currently have.



1st, let me just say that in the statement below YOU can fill in the blanks...

Obviously justgofin' has a problem...he or she or whoever the h-e-(double hockey sticks) this (fill in the blank) is.........hates their life, so justgofin' feels the Obligation to talk trash (acting like a 2 year old), about this thread which in my opinion is really not a Disney topic.

On this Personal Note, Pam is a good friend of mine on this board as so are many others of justgofin', if you feel the Obligation to cause (fill in the blank) with anyone here then you obviously want to cause (fill in the blank) with me...

I dislike molecular insignificant outrageous and un-classy people, and justgofin' are one of them. If this wasn't a Family friendly board this message would be even more "colorful."

justgofin', get a life, Get off the board...INCLUDING ALL your other WDW forum NAMES and get help.


Originally posted by SG4779
"DARN! Why can`t I find a woman like you? LOL! I hate wrestling! All I want is compromise on both sides."
Quoted by: dar-something-or-other

1st, let me just say that in the statement below YOU can fill in the blanks...

Obviously Dar has a problem...he or she or whoever the h-e-(double hockey sticks) this (fill in the blank) is.........hates their life, so Dar feels the Obligation to talk trash (acting like a 2 year old), about this thread which in my opinion is really not a Disney topic.

On this Personal Note, Pam is a good friend of mine on this board as so are many others of Dar, if you feel the Obligation to cause (fill in the blank) with anyone here then you obviously want to cause (fill in the blank) with me...

I dislike molecular insignificant outrageous and un-classy people, and are one of them. If this wasn't a Family friendly board this message would be even more "colorful."

Dar, get a life, Get off the board...INCLUDING ALL your other WDW forum NAMES and get help.

Are you talking about Darrel??? He was complimenting Pam! PixieDust and Justgoofin are the problems, not Darrel. :eek:


Well-Known Member
mickeymoose, hate to hear you're having some trouble...i've been having relationship troubles (mainly not being able to get a guy that i actually want) for the past 5 years. some have gotten me down worse than others, but i keep on truckin'. most of the times it's ME expressing my interest in the guys, which i hate, but i figure if i wait around for the guy to say anything, most likely nothing will be said, so i'm forced to get the guts to say something. most recently, the 20th to be exact, i expressed my interest in a guy that i've known for years and have found attractive for years, but have seen in a somewhat different light since about summer. he was shocked, and said he didn't really know what to say, so i asked him if he agreed with my feelings, disagreed with them, or was just too shocked to know and he says 'i don't really know. i don't think so.' immediately after, i felt really stupid for saying anything, but figured that it was something i had to do. we still seem to be friends, so my telling him hasn't seemed to affect much, which is good. i still like him. but you know what? we're both young..i'm a senior, he's a junior, both in HS. so maybe neither of us is ready for something serious. but to be honest, i'm tired of worrying with guys and relationships and all that...i have 2 months to be with my friends before we graduate, so that's what i'm gonna do. i'm not even going to attempt to hook up with a guy for a good, long time....course, i'll be heading to college this fall with a whole new group of guys, so Lord only knows what'll happen with that! point is, just try not to worry about it...what's really helped me is focusing on me. i focus on making myself happy and doing what i want to do and my goals in life. others may disagree, but i believe that YOU are the only person that can make YOU happy! make yourself the strongest, most confident, and overall best person you can be before trying to find Mrs. Right. i won't lie, it'll still be tough, but at the same time, it'll make things easier to bear. hope that helps! good luck!

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