Any Updates on Test Track Redo?

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
Is it possible that they might enclose the outdoor portion? If they put a roof over it (making it a tunnel), they could add a new lighting package (similar to the tunnel in Space Mountain) to make the ride vehicles appear to be going a lot faster than they are.

That would take well more than 6 months to complete. That would take closer to 18 months. Although I like when it goes outside (especially @ night), your idea is pretty cool though. :)


Well-Known Member
That would take well more than 6 months to complete. That would take closer to 18 months. Although I like when it goes outside (especially @ night), your idea is pretty cool though. :)

WDWFREAK53 said:
Is it possible that they might enclose the outdoor portion? If they put a roof over it (making it a tunnel), they could add a new lighting package (similar to the tunnel in Space Mountain) to make the ride vehicles appear to be going a lot faster than they are.​
I agree... Really like that idea. But engineering that could be a logistical nightmare. Air flow constraints all bottled up inside a tunnel going that long. Also they would have to start the walls from the bottom of of the track because i dont think it would be possible to add extra weight or have a sturdy enough tunnel built onto the track.


Well-Known Member
I agree... Really like that idea. But engineering that could be a logistical nightmare. Air flow constraints all bottled up inside a tunnel going that long. Also they would have to start the walls from the bottom of of the track because i dont think it would be possible to add extra weight or have a sturdy enough tunnel built onto the track.

Just curious, but what makes you think the current structure couldn't support an enclosure? I'm not saying you're not right, it just seems like an odd assumption to make without being a structural engineer with a working knowledge of the existing structure.

I think enclosing it could be a neat idea, but I do love the outside portion at night time. Since they're not actually making that change, I guess I can be content with what is there.


Well-Known Member
Just curious, but what makes you think the current structure couldn't support an enclosure? I'm not saying you're not right, it just seems like an odd assumption to make without being a structural engineer with a working knowledge of the existing structure.

I think enclosing it could be a neat idea, but I do love the outside portion at night time. Since they're not actually making that change, I guess I can be content with what is there.

Im not an engineer but why would they make the track to support an enclosed structure? A little over kill if they didn't plan for it. Also the safety issue with it being enclosed! if they were to build it on the track and it could support it it would be built on the path that they would use for emergencies on a ride incident.. that's the only reason why i mentioned it. There are other reasons of course but for me that would be a main one. And thank you for being polite on how you phrased your responce unlike others. :)


Well-Known Member
Im not an engineer but why would they make the track to support an enclosed structure? A little over kill if they didn't plan for it. Also the safety issue with it being enclosed! if they were to build it on the track and it could support it it would be built on the path that they would use for emergencies on a ride incident.. that's the only reason why i mentioned it. There are other reasons of course but for me that would be a main one. And thank you for being polite on how you phrased your responce unlike others. :)

I was just thinking that the factors of safety involved in designing a structure for a ride like this could potentially allow for what could really be a relatively minimal added load relative to the forces involved with supporting the track and vehicles. They also could have built in the added robustness initially just to allow for the track to potentially be enclosed in the future. I was just curious if you had something in particular that made you think it couldn't be supported.

I was involved in an E-stop once, right as the vehicle reached top speed on the straightaway. Man those vehicles can stop way quicker than they accelerate. The wheels locked up and we laid down some rubber on the track. It was 100x more intense than the actual brake test in the ride. We ended up looping around the building at a slower than walking speed, and man is that bank uncomfortable at such a low speed.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking that the factors of safety involved in designing a structure for a ride like this could potentially allow for what could really be a relatively minimal added load relative to the forces involved with supporting the track and vehicles. They also could have built in the added robustness initially just to allow for the track to potentially be enclosed in the future. I was just curious if you had something in particular that made you think it couldn't be supported.

I was involved in an E-stop once, right as the vehicle reached top speed on the straightaway. Man those vehicles can stop way quicker than they accelerate. The wheels locked up and we laid down some rubber on the track. It was 100x more intense than the actual brake test in the ride. We ended up looping around the building at a slower than walking speed, and man is that bank uncomfortable at such a low speed.

Yes it could possibly hold it but knowing that its Disney all electrical wires and lights they would put in would make it much heavier. Like i said im no engineer but for them to install a whole tunnel fixture and have it withstand storms and hurricanes they would have to enforce walls and all that stuff. But hey maybe im completely wrong.


Park History nut
Premium Member
A part enclosed exterior loop would indeed be nice, but I doubt a lightweight cover could be strong enough to survive storm/hurricane winds and yet not be too heavy for the elevated structure. Add to that air circulation and extraction and the like, safety concerns etc. I'd think it'd sadly be a no no, especially given the scope of this work.

Edit: beaten to it by a second!


Well-Known Member
A part enclosed exterior loop would indeed be nice, but I doubt a lightweight cover could be strong enough to survive storm/hurricane winds and yet not be too heavy for the elevated structure. Add to that air circulation and extraction and the like, safety concerns etc. I'd think it'd sadly be a no no, especially given the scope of this work.

Edit: beaten to it by a second!



Well-Known Member
A part enclosed exterior loop would indeed be nice, but I doubt a lightweight cover could be strong enough to survive storm/hurricane winds and yet not be too heavy for the elevated structure. Add to that air circulation and extraction and the like, safety concerns etc. I'd think it'd sadly be a no no, especially given the scope of this work.

Edit: beaten to it by a second!

But im glad we had the exact same comment. Makes me know that i wasn't the only one thinking of it.


Well-Known Member
A part enclosed exterior loop would indeed be nice, but I doubt a lightweight cover could be strong enough to survive storm/hurricane winds and yet not be too heavy for the elevated structure. Add to that air circulation and extraction and the like, safety concerns etc. I'd think it'd sadly be a no no, especially given the scope of this work.

Yeah I just looked at some images of the exterior track and the supports look significantly more lightweight than I remembered. I'd say it's safe to say an exterior enclosure would be a big undertaking.


Well-Known Member
A part enclosed exterior loop would indeed be nice, but I doubt a lightweight cover could be strong enough to survive storm/hurricane winds and yet not be too heavy for the elevated structure. Add to that air circulation and extraction and the like, safety concerns etc. I'd think it'd sadly be a no no, especially given the scope of this work.

Edit: beaten to it by a second!

That would be so cool. As you approach the tunnel section, the track could twist violently simulating an earthquake, falling rocks could be projected on the tunnel and, and...nevermind. ;)


Beta Return
well, as a structural engineer, everyone here is right! i doubt an enclosed structure could be supported, but at the same time, it is a lot more common than many people think to over-desing something for future purposes in mind. And its interesting when people mentioned the airflow. Aside from the ventilation issues, theres a whole fluid dynamic in a tight space that would be the size of the track. For other nerds out there, when on jungle cruise you can see it in effect in the water, durring the more narrow passages, the water actively flows past the boat, at the same speed as the boat but backwards, so the surface friction on the sides of the boat is as if the boat is traveling twice as fast. Check it out next time. the same thing would happen to the cars, which would not be pretty at 65 mph...

Good post.

I wouldn't have pegged them for over-designing the outdoor portion originally, unless perhaps they thought they might need to enclose it for weather reasons if rain closed the ride too often. There IS that slim chance.

But in addition to the fluid dynamics and ventilation (for climate control), they would need a pressure relief system, due to the quickly displaced air from the movement of the car. Similar to the vents in the top of elevator shafts, which keep the doors from blowing out.

But the time frame for this refurb is not conducive to such an addition. They would have started this work already.


Well-Known Member
Believe me, what y'alls are saying is awesome and it would be cool to have the outdoor loop on Track closed in (especially now with it being a 'computer program', I'm interested to see how you go from a computer program to the real world)...

I remember that a friend in Ops there asked this before to folks in Maintenance just for kicks and the answer was absolutely not possible; not in a million years. WAY too many variables and things to have happen if that were the case, just as many of you have been pointing out; plus, the exterior track with the visual of the cars and the noise are basically a way to attract people to the building when you think about it.


Well-Known Member
That's the one thing I cant get confirmation on. Not even from a friend who's seen the new ride model.

I hope so too.

In my opinion how they handle the exterior of the new Test Track will be a direct indicator of the long range plans for Future World. Cosidering the amazing exterior of M:S, it is important that Test Track not be dated and cheap thus ruining the areas aesthetics.

And with the new futuristic interior, the exterior needs to similarly compelling if FW is to have a future in the future.

Of course to really do this right that silly Car Wash needs to find its way to DHS, DTD or even a local outlet mall.


Well-Known Member
Believe me, what y'alls are saying is awesome and it would be cool to have the outdoor loop on Track closed in (especially now with it being a 'computer program', I'm interested to see how you go from a computer program to the real world)...

I remember that a friend in Ops there asked this before to folks in Maintenance just for kicks and the answer was absolutely not possible; not in a million years. WAY too many variables and things to have happen if that were the case, just as many of you have been pointing out; plus, the exterior track with the visual of the cars and the noise are basically a way to attract people to the building when you think about it.

Completely agree! I think the vibe of the entire area would be diminished if you couldn't seen the cars speeding around. Maybe if they could make it a tunnel with two way mirrors so the people outside could still see the cars, but those on the ride would still be able to have a dark tunnel with some lights along the way?

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