Buy where you want to stay can be good advice, it can be poor advice. It is often, wrongly, spoken as gospel on forums.
The real issue is studio and to some extent 2 bedroom availibility. Studio non availibility is going to get worse as the price increases that is all people can afford. Thus if you always want a studio, particularly mid September to early January it may be decent advice.
If however you are buying for 1 beds, particularly if you don’t travel mid September to early January (albeit Xmas week is fine as it’s higher points and less busy for DVC and in reality there’s mostly good 1 bed choice even in this whole period), then you can stop anywhere and even most views at 7 months. 1 bed availibility is a different kettle of fish at 7 months to studio availibility. I bought SSR ( which I like and have no issue staying there, AKL is the one I won’t stay at again due to lack of walking and running routes outside, SSR will actually be a preferred resort for me post refurb) and it was absolutely the correct choice. I stay in all resorts, no issues. I saved a ton over buying, say, Copper Creek direct.
I note Luvthegoof above says the same and they also stay in 1 beds. For ‘sleeping around’ and having ultimate flexibility you are much better buying twice the points at SSR and going for 1 beds, if you can live with the extra dues.