any of you disney lovers have this problem?


New Member
Original Poster
hey guys! I LOVE anything and everything disney and I love visiting the parks.. my friends and family think its so wierd that I have a slight disney obsession and give me a hard time over it haha:ROFLOL:any body else have this problem?


New Member
^^Agreed, Disney is amazing, and very OCD-worthy!! ;)
And you can't go to WDW and not instantly fall in love with everything there!!


My family tells us all the time "You know there's other places other then Disney World". or my favorite "You're going to Disney World again" :fork:

They also tell my kids behind my back "Wouldnt you want to somplace new and see new things " And my smart alec daughter tells them:rolleyes: "where else can I go and see 11 countries, get on rides, go to waterparks, see animals and see Mickey Mouse, all in one vacation at on price...I think I'll have more fun in Disney World."...:cool::sohappy:

You gotta love her:lookaroun...:lol: shes been brain washed well:lookaroun:drevil:...:p


New Member
My family tells us all the time "You know there's other places other then Disney World". or my favorite "You're going to Disney World again" :fork:

They also tell my kids behind my back "Wouldnt you want to somplace new and see new things " And my smart alec daughter tells them:rolleyes: "where else can I go and see 11 countries, get on rides, go to waterparks, see animals and see Mickey Mouse, all in one vacation at on price...I think I'll have more fun in Disney World."...:cool::sohappy:

You gotta love her:lookaroun...:lol: shes been brain washed well:lookaroun:drevil:...:p

My family says your going there again to me every year, then they say why don't you try some where different. To that I day when DCA is done being refurbished I will go to DL!


I'm not too obsessed with Disney, but I do talk about it a lot. I think its fine to be obsessed over Disney. There is so many fun things to do there. Who could not be obsessed?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Some of my friends make fun of me, but they dont go ANYWHERE. I think they are just jealous I go away every year while they sit here all year around.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
:wave::wave: Mouse-washed for almost 30 years and PROUD of it :wave::wave:

I've been to Disney more times than I can count, I worked for Disney for a year, I'm at a point in my career where I can travel to The World 2-3x a year.

Love it love it love it!!!


Well-Known Member
I get poked fun at more times then I care to admit. But, when someone I know is going to Disney who do they call? :D

It's not such a silly fascination after all, is it!:cool:


Active Member
Welcome to the club.

I get teased everyday from the students I teach to the teachers I teach with.

We were having a heated discussion the other day in the faculty room and when I voiced my opinion:hammer: I was dismissed as having no right to be heard because "the only reality he has is Disney World":brick: Let's just say that the "Irish" in me took over that day and I wasn't very WDW-like in my response to being dismissed.

PS: All the teasing doesn't stop them from coming to me when the need advice for their trip to WDW.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Haha this is interesting to contemplate when you think you are normally involved with Disney, then think a little harder and realize you would be perfectly content sitting in a padded room listening to it's a small world over and over...

I acquired my Disney obsession from my mother and now I've turned my boyfriend from your average Disney "liker" to a Disney LOVER, like myself.
I only get teased by friends who are obviously jealous of all the fun we are having...hehe! :ROFLOL:


New Member
Original Poster
Haha this is interesting to contemplate when you think you are normally involved with Disney, then think a little harder and realize you would be perfectly content sitting in a padded room listening to it's a small world over and over...

hahaha :ROFLOL:i agree!
..i not totally disney obsessed.:lookaroun

o.k maybe just a little lol:D


New Member
Yeah, haha. They're like what's the point of going on the same rides and watching the same shows over and over again?

And I'm just..How can you NOT go on it over and over again?
I have a pretty good story to tell about this topic! My whole life since i was little I usto go to wdw with my family all the time. At the age of five my parents got divorced and that was the end of my wdw trips! It was hard for my mom to take us 3 kids to wdw on her salary..After I graduated high school me and my girlfriend(now my wife)went to wdw..WOW..did it feel good! I was like a little kid in a candy store. It felt so good to be around the magic after all those years! Ever since then I go about 6-10 times a year. My wife loves it as well..My family and friends always tell me your such a disney dork. But guess what I dont mind being one..And ever since I've found this site I've been hooked!!:kiss: It feels good to know about all the parks and resorts all the time. Ever since my family and friends love taking me on trips,Im like their personal tour guide!!!:sohappy:


New Member
my dad and i are "disney dorks" (lol i like that, it has a ring too it), n idk if id call it teasing, but lets just say my opinion doesnt count when my moms side of the family (mom step dad, 2 step bros sis n i) are asked to vote on the vacation spot, they've even stopped asking b/c my 2 step bros will get my back n my mom n sis are so tired of going 2 disney they REFUSE to go.

I think its b/c we used go go like 2/3/4x (a year) as a fam, until my mom n sis gave up n my dad n i would wake up at 6am (i would wake up eairler b/c i was so excited but he refused to leave any eairler), bolt out the door at 6:05, jet down the turnpike (stopping at a rest stop for coffee) listening to talk radio, 2 1/2 hours later we're checking into All Star S/M/M, n that means on the bus and at the gates right as the parks open!

.....i miss those weekend getaway's :(

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