Any new thunder mountain info?


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, where Harry is up on the little balcony talking? I missed some of the queue because I was concentrating on not becoming violently ill on the impending ride.

A scrim would make more sense. Whatever it is, it looks good and if Disney is going to attempt video effects, they need to use this technology.

Yes, when Harry, Ron and Hermione are talking to you, as well as Dumbledore.


Beta Return
Yes, when Harry, Ron and Hermione are talking to you, as well as Dumbledore.

As far as I know, you made up all those words, but ok :lol: I'm not a Potter-phile. My wife read and saw them all - I know his name is Harry Potter, and that's it.

But yes, that's the scene I'm talking about. It looks really good. I can't figure out how they use a scrim and projection and still end up with an opaque character, blocking everything "behind" them.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, you made up all those words, but ok :lol: I'm not a Potter-phile. My wife read and saw them all - I know his name is Harry Potter, and that's it.

But yes, that's the scene I'm talking about. It looks really good. I can't figure out how they use a scrim and projection and still end up with an opaque character, blocking everything "behind" them.

Yup. The Disaster one is impressive, but I find the Potter one to be more so since we're moving around them and they never really look fake. They call it "musion" btw. Would love to see it used more.


Premium Member
So it's literally a projection on an angled piece of glass? I'm sure it's a bit more detailed, since projections don't appear that vivid on plain glass, but it's VERY impressive.

It's a sheet of mylar film instead of glass. The images look so vivid by using very high contrast. Notice the background of these things is always much darker than the video image. That contrast and the very bright projection is what leads to the image looking so good.

It looks better than reflected light peppers ghost (like the HM) because you can use a much brighter image (the video) instead of trying to reflect light off the subject without illuminating the background of the subject.

HM is done by reflecting light twice.. once off the subject.. once off the glass. This effect is done by a much brighter source, reflected only once.


Well-Known Member
so I came into this conversation late. Can someone catch me up. The refurb of this ride did not return the rocks falling to their former working status?


Beta Return
It's a sheet of mylar film instead of glass. The images look so vivid by using very high contrast. Notice the background of these things is always much darker than the video image. That contrast and the very bright projection is what leads to the image looking so good.

It looks better than reflected light peppers ghost (like the HM) because you can use a much brighter image (the video) instead of trying to reflect light off the subject without illuminating the background of the subject.

HM is done by reflecting light twice.. once off the subject.. once off the glass. This effect is done by a much brighter source, reflected only once.

Got it. I know about Pepper's Ghost, but was trying to engineer this other effect in my head, and was failing.

I work with front and rear projection, and scrims and screens of various densities and translucence in theater, so figuring out how you can have a scrim that's invisible enough to go undetected, while also letting it display a high-powered projected image....mind boggling. Probably very simple, and something that could EASILY be used for the falling rocks at BTMR.


Well-Known Member
The didn't fix one thing that has been removed at multiple parks for safety reasons. They improved many other things which some people give them NO CREDIT for because they are EXTREMELY BIASED and are trying to PUSH AGENDAS. Yes, I think those things should be capitalized here.

Other articles about the refurb from unbiased sources make sure to actually praise them for what they fixed and improved. They're also more realistic about things. Not everything is going to be fixed or changed in a single refurb. I don't know, I'm not at that point where I'm in a state of self-hatred spiral as a fan that I can't recognize good things when they happen.

It was turned off in one park because of the neglect that park is infamous for. There was no reason to turn it off in WDW save for cheapness and/or laziness.

And the rest looks like a nice refresh. Something Disney has always done. I'm not going to go gaga for a normal refurbishment.

Now, something like the Haunted Mansion got a few years ago. THAT'S something to get excited about.


Premium Member
It was turned off in one park because of the neglect that park is infamous for. There was no reason to turn it off in WDW save for cheapness and/or laziness.

Great theory, except what about DL's version. How do you blame wdw cheapness for that version of the ride?


Well-Known Member
This forum is nothing but endless whining about what needs a refurb and what audio-animatronics need to be fixed. Seriously. And yet, when they get a good refurb and fix those AAs, certain hypocritical people again give them NO CREDIT.

I've seen a ton of whining about the Country Bear Jamboree needing a refurb. You know what the most memorable thing I read about in that announcement thread was? Someone complaining about the Carousel of Progress not getting a refurb. I also remember people complaining about the audio-animatronics on Splash Mountain being broken, but when they're all operating again what is the reaction? NOTHING.

Some of you people just admit you hate WDW and start an anti-fansite. Fans may not like everything and can criticize, but they at leat give credit when its deserved and don't act like ultra-perfectionists that can never be pleased even when they get what they want.

I agree with you to a point. The problem is, Disney set an expectation level and attention to detail level in the early days that now even they are unable to achieve. They set the bar that made people want to come back again and again. The complaining you see here is a result of Disney not achieving their own bar. What you are basically saying in your post is that we should all settle. I am afraid that would mean we should all accept Universal levels of attention to detail or perhaps even Six Flags.


This forum is nothing but endless whining about what needs a refurb and what audio-animatronics need to be fixed. Seriously. And yet, when they get a good refurb and fix those AAs, certain hypocritical people again give them NO CREDIT.

I've seen a ton of whining about the Country Bear Jamboree needing a refurb. You know what the most memorable thing I read about in that announcement thread was? Someone complaining about the Carousel of Progress not getting a refurb. I also remember people complaining about the audio-animatronics on Splash Mountain being broken, but when they're all operating again what is the reaction? NOTHING.

Some of you people just admit you hate WDW and start an anti-fansite. Fans may not like everything and can criticize, but they at leat give credit when its deserved and don't act like ultra-perfectionists that can never be pleased even when they get what they want.

I don't see how any of that is related to this refurb. For years now, the geysers have not worked, and they have been completely redone and in perfect shape. Is it unreasonable to ask the same for an effect that has been inexplicably absent for the past few years as well?

No one is belittling any of the great work that has been done. It's just disappointing that a seemingly simple, yet vital effect for the story line has been absent for a while.

I also don't understand how hoping an effect that was created in 1980 to be returned to working order 32 years later is being an "ultra-perfectionist." :shrug:

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
The missing falling rock scene is not trivial. It adds some sense of story and mystery. And it turns what would be a boring hill lift elsewhere into a show scene (the WED designers were so clever!)

A coaster should not have a long intermezzo midway, where nothing happens. It breaks the excitement, the flow of the thrill. By turning it into a collapsing mineshaft, the lift is turned into an exciting scene, made part of the story and thrill.


Well-Known Member
This forum is nothing but endless whining about what needs a refurb and what audio-animatronics need to be fixed. Seriously. And yet, when they get a good refurb and fix those AAs, certain hypocritical people again give them NO CREDIT.

I've seen a ton of whining about the Country Bear Jamboree needing a refurb. You know what the most memorable thing I read about in that announcement thread was? Someone complaining about the Carousel of Progress not getting a refurb. I also remember people complaining about the audio-animatronics on Splash Mountain being broken, but when they're all operating again what is the reaction? NOTHING.

Some of you people just admit you hate WDW and start an anti-fansite. Fans may not like everything and can criticize, but they at leat give credit when its deserved and don't act like ultra-perfectionists that can never be pleased even when they get what they want.

If you don't like the board, you're welcome to leave.:wave:


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that fans should praise the good things and the positive steps. Ever hear of the Boy that Cried Wolf? Or the term "haters?" If it's nothing but NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE non-stop no matter what is improved, you're going to be written off and ignored. At that point, trying to post "criticism" is absolutely meaningless.
Point taken. I guess what I am saying is that in praising the good things that they do do, some probably feel like they are settling for mediocrity. That would be lowering expectations which is probably taboo for anyone who understands and follows the high standard levels of Walt Disney himself!


Fixing broken effects (like AAs, geysers, floods or falling rocks) is called maintenance. Simple maintenance that should be done at the time they malfunction, not put off for years until they decide to do a refurb. I can't praise them for doing something that should be done routinely.

Does the ride look good? Sure.
Is it worthy of praise and fawning? Nope.
It deserves a "Good job. It's about time."

But, hey...just my opinion.:shrug:

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
I also remember people complaining about the audio-animatronics on Splash Mountain being broken, but when they're all operating again what is the reaction? NOTHING.

Why should there be a reaction? They're SUPPOSED to work. We shouldn't be excited because the absolute minimums are being met, yet that's how bad things have gotten. You want us to congratulate TDO because things aren't broke.

Maybe when I go home this evening I'll make a big deal out of the fact that my kids made their beds and picked up after themselves too.

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