We need time for things to happen.
I don't see how any of that is related to this refurb. For years now, the geysers have not worked, and they have been completely redone and in perfect shape. Is it unreasonable to ask the same for an effect that has been inexplicably absent for the past few years as well?
No one is belittling any of the great work that has been done. It's just disappointing that a seemingly simple, yet vital effect for the story line has been absent for a while.
I also don't understand how hoping an effect that was created in 1980 to be returned to working order 32 years later is being an "ultra-perfectionist." :shrug:
As someone esle pointed out -- Disney has set the bar so high that people around here that care about the "little things" tend to complain. However even though it seems negative, I think the majority of what is viewed as complaining is "hey - I expect this to be better" and as major fans of an amazing place like WDW we should be a little miffed when things don't meet our standards (or more importantly the standards we once expected). I don't find anything wrong with that at all.