Any new thunder mountain info?


We need time for things to happen.
I don't see how any of that is related to this refurb. For years now, the geysers have not worked, and they have been completely redone and in perfect shape. Is it unreasonable to ask the same for an effect that has been inexplicably absent for the past few years as well?

No one is belittling any of the great work that has been done. It's just disappointing that a seemingly simple, yet vital effect for the story line has been absent for a while.

I also don't understand how hoping an effect that was created in 1980 to be returned to working order 32 years later is being an "ultra-perfectionist." :shrug:


As someone esle pointed out -- Disney has set the bar so high that people around here that care about the "little things" tend to complain. However even though it seems negative, I think the majority of what is viewed as complaining is "hey - I expect this to be better" and as major fans of an amazing place like WDW we should be a little miffed when things don't meet our standards (or more importantly the standards we once expected). I don't find anything wrong with that at all.


Well-Known Member
Got it. I know about Pepper's Ghost, but was trying to engineer this other effect in my head, and was failing.

I work with front and rear projection, and scrims and screens of various densities and translucence in theater, so figuring out how you can have a scrim that's invisible enough to go undetected, while also letting it display a high-powered projected image....mind boggling. Probably very simple, and something that could EASILY be used for the falling rocks at BTMR.

As was stated, it's a simple updated use of the Pepper's Ghost effect. The Potter versions and the Tupac hologram were done by Musion Systems, a UK company that has done really neat things by using mylar scrims and newer projection techniques, as stated before, which allows a much sharper, clear image. ( if you want to see more) They're not cheap, though, and there are other companies doing the same tech. Could easily be adapted for the falling rocks, but I think a projection mapped loop would be just as effective in that small of a space for the short amount of time you get to see it, and require less equipment.


Beta Return
As was stated, it's a simple updated use of the Pepper's Ghost effect. The Potter versions and the Tupac hologram were done by Musion Systems, a UK company that has done really neat things by using mylar scrims and newer projection techniques, as stated before, which allows a much sharper, clear image. ( if you want to see more) They're not cheap, though, and there are other companies doing the same tech. Could easily be adapted for the falling rocks, but I think a projection mapped loop would be just as effective in that small of a space for the short amount of time you get to see it, and require less equipment.

Wow. That's some impressive stuff. I guess I wasn't grasping that it was still a Pepper's Ghost effect in that you were still looking at a reflection. I thought it was a direct projection onto a scrim.

Looks like it sets up pretty easy for trade shows or other quick 1-time uses.


Well-Known Member
Fixing broken effects (like AAs, geysers, floods or falling rocks) is called maintenance. Simple maintenance that should be done at the time they malfunction, not put off for years intil they decide to do a refurb. I can't praise them for doing something that should be done routinely.

Does the ride look good? Sure.
Is it worthy of praise and fawning? Nope.
It deserves a "Good job. It's about time."

But, hey...just my opinion.:shrug:

Do you know if the falling rocks broke or were turned off permanently? No one mentions that the effect seized to work the same week that Paris had the accident with their falling rock ...falling off.

Just seems like TDO just decided to shut it off, just in case.


Premium Member
Do you know if the falling rocks broke or were turned off permanently? No one mentions that the effect seized to work the same week that Paris had the accident with their falling rock ...falling off.

Just seems like TDO just decided to shut it off, just in case.

I think that was the shaking rocks.

Remember, there were the shaking rocks along the wall.. and the falling rocks in the nook at the top of the lift. I think people are crossing these in the discussion.


Well-Known Member
Fixing broken effects (like AAs, geysers, floods or falling rocks) is called maintenance. Simple maintenance that should be done at the time they malfunction, not put off for years intil they decide to do a refurb. I can't praise them for doing something that should be done routinely.

Bingo. That's the main problem with most of the attractions. WDI works with maintenance for the first year of operation. After that it's completely up to maintenance to keep things up.

Lee, where is that picture I sent you of E:E showing this? I can't find it. That was an honest to God real picture and wasn't photoshopped.


Well-Known Member
I have no memory of such a photo....:shrug:
Find it, sir. :D

Found it:



Well-Known Member
Fixing broken effects (like AAs, geysers, floods or falling rocks) is called maintenance. Simple maintenance that should be done at the time they malfunction, not put off for years until they decide to do a refurb. I can't praise them for doing something that should be done routinely.

Does the ride look good? Sure.
Is it worthy of praise and fawning? Nope.
It deserves a "Good job. It's about time."

But, hey...just my opinion.:shrug:

Exactly, while we are all happy something was fixed, the fact that maintenance has reached the point that someone just doing their job has become praise-worthy is not a good sign.

While a lot of the refurbs the last couple of years (Main St., IASW etc.) are certainly positive signs, the only sign that real changes have been made is when something like fixing a ride is no longer an event worthy of having its own thread.


Active Member
When it opens I think you will the queue to be quite...explosive. :animwink:

what was this explosive effect....has anyone seen it....i am just curious.... i know there was talk of fiber cable and other stuff installed for the ride but raven said the cue was to be EXPLOSIVE.... anything new


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any updates on if Tom Sawyers is doing the paintbrushes once again? Like I said I was told that it would resume after Thunder opened.


Well-Known Member
ANYONE know what this meant....i have heard nothing about anything explosive...its just a vague statement
Seconded, I'd like to know this as well. I hope it's not another intended element left partially finished but scrapped due to cuts in time or budget in the refurb (like Space Mountain and Spaceship Earth's descent). I had thought we'd be hearing something about it by now...


Active Member
Seconded, I'd like to know this as well. I hope it's not another intended element left partially finished but scrapped due to cuts in time or budget in the refurb (like Space Mountain and Spaceship Earth's descent). I had thought we'd be hearing something about it by now...
its hard to tell cause raven is very vague .....kinda like predicting the weather and i understand it is to protect the source but doesnt mean much and nothing is really explosive

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