Any new animals for the Animal Kingdom?


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I have recently purchased an annual pass, and although I have lived in Orlando for 7 years, I have only been to Animal Kingdom twice before today.

It was nice to see the baby elephant on the Safari ride, but does anyone else think that if the ride moved a little slower (allowing more time to view the animals), and the whole "poaching" subplot was removed, the safari would be a better ride. The bad part about the ride is that you are zoomed past some of the animals, and this is the only place in the park to see the major animals like the elephants, giraffes, lions...

Also, this was my first visit to Asia. I did not ride Kali River Rapids (I once worked on a ride like this at Cedar Point) as I did not feel like getting soaked. I thought the bird show was nice, but all of the tricks I have seen at other zoos. The jungle trek was nice, although the first cast member (at the Komodo Dragon) was a little blunt, as the lizard was not moving around, and she stated in a rude manner "I am sure the tigers are doing the same thing."

Anyway, I thought that DAK missed the boat with Asia, as there are so many animals throughout Asia that can not be seen at every single zoo in the country, like the tigers can. Pandas would be nice, which are rare in American Zoos, and although they would not fit the Indian theme of DAK's Asia, neither do the Komodo Dragons (from Indonesia). Also, Orangutans, which could be as popular as Gorillas, and they are fun to watch, along with all of the various Indonesian breeds of primates.

Now, that being said, the reason I don't typically visit DAK is that there is simply not alot to do...and I even take a lot of time looking at the animals (of which they seem to be a bit heavy on various breeds of duck). I am so looking forward to Everest opening, but that is two years away. I would think that if DAK were to add a few more animals trails similar to the jungle trek, that could add an hour or more to a guest's stay. Also, something like that would be cheap, at least compared to Everest.

I apoligize if this has been discussed to death, but I am new around here.



New Member
but does anyone else think that if the ride moved a little slower (allowing more time to view the animals), and the whole "poaching" subplot was removed, the safari would be a better ride.

I think the safari is great the way it is, being Disney it has to have a theme. If the ride went slower it would make the ride slightly better, but then the lines would be much longer.

Pandas would be nice, which are rare in American Zoos, and although they would not fit the Indian theme of DAK's Asia, neither do the Komodo Dragons (from Indonesia).

Unfortunately, Pandas are not easy to get. The National Zoo is I believe the only American zoo with them. This is because the Chinese Government restricts who can have them. The two at the National Zoo are only on loan from the Chinese Government.


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The San Diego zoo has some Pandas, and the Toledo Zoo had some a number of years ago.

My point is simply, even though DAK is "nahtazu" it is really "nahtatraditionalthemepark" either.

Many big Disney fans complain when the parks add off-the-shelf rides such as Primeveil Whirl, but what about off-the-shelf animals, such as the vast array of ducks.


New Member
Isn't Disney on good terms with the Chinese goverment?

AK definitely needs more animal exhibits. When was the last new one added?


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Disney may be on better terms with China than our government.

I think the last animal exhibit to open was the Maharaja Jungle Trek, and that was a few years back.

I have heard the same rumors that everyone else has heard about Australia being in the pipeline, and that would provide for some great animal exhibits, but I am sure with Everest under constrution, Australia is not going to happen soon.


Well I guess it just depends on where you're from then...
We spent almost half of our first trip to WDW at AK. We're from
northern Canada (i.e. we don't live anywhere near a zoo) and had never seen 95% of those animals before.


Well-Known Member
I'm really hoping for some animal exhibits with EE...maybe around the attraction...or maybe even as part of the attraction....the Conservation Station area would be a great place for a new continent...honestly though I'm hoping for South America...with a jungle cruise with REAL animals...

Anyone know when the next continent/land will be built at AK?


Well-Known Member
I am glad I am not the only person who dislikes the poaching overtones. The part I have a problem with is not the anti-poaching per se, it is the killing of Big Red. A couple of years ago I took a young nephew to DAK and onto the safari ride (which I think is great) and once Big Red got killed the rest of the day was completely ruined for Zac, he did not want to see any more animals because poachers might kill them too. Zac is 5 1/2 years old and I don't consider it my place to teach him about the "real world" yet so I would prefer that Disney at least keep their preaching non-lethal. Off topic, they also did some damage to the enjoyment of the rapids by making it an anti logging preach-a-thon.


Originally posted by gsimpson
I am glad I am not the only person who dislikes the poaching overtones. The part I have a problem with is not the anti-poaching per se, it is the killing of Big Red. A couple of years ago I took a young nephew to DAK and onto the safari ride (which I think is great) and once Big Red got killed the rest of the day was completely ruined for Zac, he did not want to see any more animals because poachers might kill them too. Zac is 5 1/2 years old and I don't consider it my place to teach him about the "real world" yet so I would prefer that Disney at least keep their preaching non-lethal. Off topic, they also did some damage to the enjoyment of the rapids by making it an anti logging preach-a-thon.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Big Red doesn't die. In the end, the main park ranger says the Big Red survived and is okay.


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That is correct, Big Red does survive. Now, funny story, while I was in line, the video was playing about poaching, and a small girl (about 5ish) behind saw the dead elephants in the video and started crying.

I agree with DAK's msg about poaching,( it is a problem, it is bad, make a difference.) I think that the video could be done without the images. Kids really don't need to see dead animals, they can learn about that when they get older.


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tiggerific418 said:
Today was clearly your day to dig up two year old
2 years ago interesting stuff was discussed by nice people

now, boring stuff is discussed by idiots


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
speck76 said:
2 years ago interesting stuff was discussed by nice people

now, boring stuff is discussed by idiots

lmao... and that is the quote of the year! :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy:

So true... but so sad.... but... so funny cause its so true. :lol: :lookaroun


Not old, just vintage.
sillyspook13 said:
We recently got a new porcuipine on Discovery Island!:wave:
Well there you go. AK has gotten a new critter. Albeit a porcupine ( I didnt even know there were porcupines on Discovery Island) so it probably isn't that much of a headline news story.

How did AK get the critter? Was it the product of two existing porcupines or did they bring it in from somewhere else?

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