I haven't stayed at the others, but I'm an All Star Music fan.
Movies attracts a lot of kids. Out of the 3 All Stars it has the most recognizable icons (Toy Story, etc), so parents and families flock to that one (although now ASMusic does have family suites). ASSports attracts more of the sports groups.
I have had some band/cheerleading groups at Music, but not as much.
This is all based on what I have heard/read since as I mentioned I have not been to the other 2.
The resorts are pretty much all the same. It comes down to which theme you like, but I think ASMusic seems to have less appeal to younger groups and I like that. I also think the guitar and piano shaped pools are very cool. :-D
i did get the chance to see pics of the rooms
and yes,,,IM being weird,,,lol
BUT Music seemed the best looking
with sports coming in close
I liked the look of the MUSIC rooms,,,but thought movies bathtrooms were cuter
however,,,the art in the foodcourt for MUSIC was kinda cheesey
BUT hey,,,its Disney,,,,
sports seemed kinda OK,,,but meh
i didnt like the border on the wallpaper at Music though
no flames PLEASE,,,,i realise this is a weird thing to say,,,,,,