ANTI Pet Peeve


New Member
I thought of one more thing....maybe it isn't about WDW but if I wasn't going there, I wouldn't have come across this board and let me tell yall...I have laughed out loud so many times, just honestly cracked up at quite a few comments here and there. Laughing does a body good and I need it at the end of the day. My favorite smiley :lookaroun, used at the right time, and I'm laughing til my back hurts :lol:


Active Member
The smell of the Poly lobby that tells us "we're home"..

Stepping through the left tunnel and getting knocked over by the whiff of popcorn as you walk past that very first MK popcorn cart..

Hearing "Aloha, and welcome aboard" as the monorail doors close at the Poly station..

Seeing my 17 year old son with the same look on his face that he had when he was 6 and visited the world for the first time..

Meeting new people in line, at the resort, while shopping etc..

Being the first person on property (whoever is sitting in the front seat of the car gets their first)..


Oh yes, and all the rules we have on vacation.

1. You're not on vacation until you see a palm tree.
2. We don't mention the "H" word (unless we're talking about the Poly).
3. The last day of the trip is never mentioned.
There are more rules but I can't think of any right now.


New Member
Originally posted by GoofyFan1
I like the bill-boards on the highway coming in from the airport.

Oh, yeah!!!!! These bill-boards make me soooooo happy too!!!:sohappy: I will ask my aunt to videotape them so that I can watch the video over and over again when I miss Orlando... Oh, how I wish I were there right now...:( How I miss the MK... My aunt is going next week. She will bring me lots of stuff, but you know, I would exchange all this stuff for a plane ticket to Orlando.


Beta Return
Original Poster
Originally posted by Nansafan
Oh yes, and all the rules we have on vacation.

1. You're not on vacation until you see a palm tree.
2. We don't mention the "H" word (unless we're talking about the Poly).
3. The last day of the trip is never mentioned.
There are more rules but I can't think of any right now.

Ok, I may just be spacing it, but what is the "H" word? :confused:


New Member
Park Smells

Originally posted by stich rocks
i love onvce u get on disney property u can start acting like a kid again and no one will look at u funny

i love the smell of the parks.. i wish they would bottle it and sell it as an air fresherner

You can get the smell of oranges and pretend it is the part of the Horizons ride....

Or get a bottle of "Tea Rose" put out by Perfumer's Workshop, Ltd. and remember the smell of the old Journey to Imagination ride.



New Member
What I like.......Anti Pet Peeves

Originally posted by Nansafan
That's exactly it. We don't mention home or the fact that we have to leave WDW and go home.

That is what I like the most about living more last days of vacation with all of us standing at the train station at MK crying our eyes out not wanting to go home.

Heard as you exit the Monorail: "Please watch your headnstep." What exactly is a headnstep?

I once heard a CM say on the trams from Ticket and Transportation "Lower your head and watch your step. If you can't lower your head and watch your step, lower your voice and watch your language."


I like the fact that nobody is a stranger at Disney World. It doesn't make any difference whether you're from Connecticut, California, New Zealand, China or anywhere else in the world. When you're at Disney, you're all friendly and can sit down next to or strike up conversations with total strangers while you're waiting in line for a ride and nobody thinks you're weird.

Not to mention, in the year that I've been here, I think I've met more people from my home area than I actually did living there the first 39 years of my life. :lol:


New Member
Just as I stated on the other "Happy Time" thread..................

Turning the corner on main street and seeing the Castle.
Sometimes it takes my breath away.

Tinkerbell's flight from the top of the castle at the begining of the fireworks. "I really DO think it's her, honey!!"

My favorite song ever, "When You Wish Upon a Star" playing during "Wishes". I can almost imagine Walt sitting on the grass by the water around the castle, with a gleam in his eye, singing right along with me.

The first sounds of Epcot music when you exit the buses.

Mickey waving good-bye at the end of the day. I can barely leave him.

Sitting on the balcony of the Contemporary as the sun comes up. Oh, the promise and excitement of a new day at The World.

Sitting in the front seat of "Rockin' Rollercoaster" as Steven Tyler counts down..............5,4,3,2>>>>>>>>>>>

And #1 for me........Singing "We'll Go On" together with my son as he sits in my lap and we're watching the end of "Illuminations". I get goosebumpy and a lump in my throat leading to tears everytime. "With the stillness of the night, there comes a time to understand..........."
That's it! I can't take anymore!!! I'm leaving now. Uncle Walt, I'll meet you and Mickey in front of the castle at 9:00a.m.!


New Member
Re: What I like.......Anti Pet Peeves

Originally posted by Pixmel
That is what I like the most about living more last days of vacation with all of us standing at the train station at MK crying our eyes out not wanting to go home.

That's one of the reasons why I want to move up there! The fact that it will take lots of time untill I go back there makes me feel really depressed every time I leave Orlando...


New Member
No matter how many momentary distractions/problems you experience at Disneyworld, there abseloutly nothing that can compare with the overall wonderful atmosphere. Period.


Well-Known Member
I love the fact that....

I am so far away from home/work

My mobile phone won't work in the USA!

I eat what I like and hang the fat content

I can see fireworks every night

but most all I'M IN DISNEYWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bigfatdonna

Sitting in the front seat of "Rockin' Rollercoaster" as Steven Tyler counts down..............5,4,3,2>>>>>>>>>>>

And #1 for me........Singing "We'll Go On" together with my son as he sits in my lap and we're watching the end of "Illuminations". I get goosebumpy and a lump in my throat leading to tears everytime. "With the stillness of the night, there comes a time to understand..........."
That's it! I can't take anymore!!! I'm leaving now. Uncle Walt, I'll meet you and Mickey in front of the castle at 9:00a.m.!

Steven Tyler yyyyyuuuummmmmm. Oops forgot I was still at work.

Anyway, I thought I was the only goofball who got teary-eyed at WDW. Glad to know I'm not alone.:sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
Steven Tyler yyyyyuuuummmmmm.

Not to go off topic, but yyyyyuuuummmmmm to Steven Tyler:veryconfu . Have you ever looked closely at this guy? I could use another word that starts with "Y" - YIKES. Not to say he isn't talented, but come on.



New Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
Anyway, I thought I was the only goofball who got teary-eyed at WDW. Glad to know I'm not alone.:sohappy:

No, you are not! As I mentioned before somewhere, I cry like a child during parades and fireworks...:eek: I cry when i have to go home, too...


New Member
Yes, Gucci65, I must admit.............I too find Steven Tyler incredibly sexy!!! Although, I just recently realized that this came about around the same time that Rockin' Rollercoaster opened! Does this mean if they had opened "Tiny Tim's Tulip-Tip-Toein' Rollercoaster" that everytime I saw a picture of Tiny Tim that I'd have to go take a cold shower?? Who knows. Since, I've admitted to this attraction to other women, I am so very surprised when I'm often met with a resounding "ME TOO!!"
I did read in an interview done with Jennifer Aniston that she and hubby Brad Pitt have an understanding. If she ever gets the chance to meet and "spend some time" with Steven Tyler she has Brad's blessings. Of course it's a little joke between them but apparently she thinks he's the sexiest guy alive.:dazzle: :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bigfatdonna
Yes, Gucci65, I must admit.............I too find Steven Tyler incredibly sexy!!! Although, I just recently realized that this came about around the same time that Rockin' Rollercoaster opened! Does this mean if they had opened "Tiny Tim's Tulip-Tip-Toein' Rollercoaster" that everytime I saw a picture of Tiny Tim that I'd have to go take a cold shower?? Who knows. Since, I've admitted to this attraction to other women, I am so very surprised when I'm often met with a resounding "ME TOO!!"
I did read in an interview done with Jennifer Aniston that she and hubby Brad Pitt have an understanding. If she ever gets the chance to meet and "spend some time" with Steven Tyler she has Brad's blessings. Of course it's a little joke between them but apparently she thinks he's the sexiest guy alive.:dazzle: :slurp:

DONNA: Amen Sister!!! I have been into Aerosmith since the late 70's. And it's not restricted to age. I recently took my 12yr old to her 4th or 5th Aerosmith concert and she made the comment that for an old man Steven was hot (I had to laugh since he is old enough to be her grandfather) My kid has taste!!!!

JSBJLAMES: Yes, I have seen him up close twice (2 meet & greets). He is one of my ideas of sexy!!!!! Give me a man in tight leather pants, long hair, member of a rock band and forget about it!!!!!

Similar to being on Main Street USA, I also tear up when I see a drop dead sexy man in a pair of nice fitting pants.:slurp: :slurp:

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