ANTI Pet Peeve


Beta Return
Original Poster
Originally posted by JBSLJames
I like the fact that, even though we are still over 6 months from our trip, that my kids discuss Disney on a daily basis.

I also love that PKI is now open and we can hit the park on a weekly basis. wOOt!!!

JBSL, I'm going to have to ask you to, you know, refrain from mentioning any park other than Disney's in this thread.

Yeah, PKI is decent for an amusement/thrill park, but there's no reason to deface this thread with the mention of it.

*I'm kidding, of course.......well, kind of :animwink:


I like the corn dogs on the Boardwalk.

I like the sound of my kids screaming as we go down splash mountain.

I like watching the fireworks from Epcot as I stroll over to the ESPN Club.

And I especially love counting down the days till our next WDW trip...down to 60 days!!!

Jungle Skipper

New Member
I love walking down Main street USA showing my family the little things like the names on the windows...telling stories about my days on Main Street.

I love wandering through Adventureland and smelling the roasted Almonds! mmm....

I love gorging myself at O'hanas! :lol:

I love watching the fireworks with my extended family.

I just flat out love WDW.

Jungle Josh

MCO Dreamin

I love the food, smells, music, friendly people, overall beauty and atmosphere of the area, but most of all I love the options. I do not like going on vacation and having to travel large distances to do something , then travel again and again, by the end of youre vacation you need another vacation!. At WDW everything you would want to do is right there and you don't have to even drive.
You have your'e pick of several great resorts to stay at and can do whatever you want that day and night at leisure, in fact I hardly check my watch and never take the cell phone unless we are split into two groups. So go to the parks or swim, golf, shop, dine, check out other resorts, see a movie, dance, see a show, and be able to come back from vacation refreshed.


New Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
I like the fact that, even though we are still over 6 months from our trip, that my kids discuss Disney on a daily basis.

I also love that PKI is now open and we can hit the park on a weekly basis. wOOt!!!

Just curious :veryconfu..what is PKI? I've racked my brain and it's driving me crazy. Wait, is it Kings Island...I see you are in Cincy, I went to KI last year with my best friend..but that doesn't make sense, isn't Kings Island open year round? Sorry I'm a dunce!


New Member
Originally posted by Lilmama21
Just curious :veryconfu..what is PKI? I've racked my brain and it's driving me crazy. Wait, is it Kings Island...I see you are in Cincy, I went to KI last year with my best friend..but that doesn't make sense, isn't Kings Island open year round? Sorry I'm a dunce!

You may want to edit that before Edward see's it :animwink:

I will PM you on your question.

Back to the anti pet peeve - I like how my kids smile whenever we watch the vacation planning dvd.

I like Minnie Mouse

I like the way the line runs up the back of her stocking. . .:lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by edwardtc

As for me, as soon as we turn off of 192 onto World Drive - I get the chills and happy feeling!

Also, Disney Air-Conditioning has a distinct smell (I know what it comes from but I won't go into the technical details here). I wish they'd bottle it up!!! I actually smell it occasionally in buildings in Indy that have the same type of system - and it makes me WANT TO BE THERE!!! :sohappy:

Magic happens!!! I totally agree with you!!!:lol: The smell of disney Air-conditioning gives me the same happy chills as seeing the road signs in I-4!!! I even videotaped while the car was going to WDW so that I can watch when I miss it!!!:lol: And yeah, there are some huge modern american-type stores here that have the same smell, and I go there just because of it! My husband says it's a mixture of good air conditioner, new carpet and good american cleaning products...:lol: (he says this in a sarcastic way, as he can't understand how I like the USA so much and keep asking him to move up there with me)

I love the vanilla smell from the MK ice cream shop, the castle turning blue and pink at night, spaceship earth at night and the monorail voice "please stand clear..."

Kisses from Brazil!:kiss:

PS: Sorry for my posts in the other thread, I really come here to make friends, not to argue. I just got sad to see my country being ridicularized once more...:( Well, friends again?:)


Well-Known Member
I like being in the "Disney Zone". The state of mind that whenever you think if Disney it reminds you of the joy and happiness that you have experienced over the years as a result of you visit(s) to Disney World.

I like the smell of the monorail (I know, call me sick) but it just has a distinct smell something like band-aids that you never smell anywhere else other than on the monorails.

I like the fact that you can buy a huge turkey leg and knaw on it while walking around the park without anyone thinking it is gross or distgusting that you are 1. eating with your hands and 2. eating like a barbarian!

I like showing others the fun experiences that can be had in Disney, especially when they went commando (not commando like without underwear) and rushed to do everything and said the it was just "OK"

I like going to Epcot and getting my photos done in Innoventions as a special souvenier to take home (especially since I control the camera and I am never in any pictures!)

I like seeing the "Partners" statue and being reminded of the place where I propsed to my wife, dedicating myself to her eternally

I like seeing the joy on little (and big) kid's faces as they walk through the tunnel under the train station seeing Cinderella's castle and realizing that this place is truely special

I like thinking that one day I will have children of my own and be able to bring them to this place of pure fantasy and imagination where they can hob-nob with Mickey himself.

That's all I have for now...If I think of anymore, I'll put them down


New Member
I love leaving reality behind.

I love seeing Mickey Mouse.

I love seeing Cinderella's Castle.

I love the feeling I get at being at WDW.

I love forgetting about my problems...leaving them at the entrance.

I just love it all...



Well-Known Member
The light in my childs eye when I check her out of school and head for the airport!!

The claim that comes over me after I've entered Magic Kingdom turnstiles and walk past the stroller rental and boom there I am on Main Street.

I'm usually the adult jumping up and down with the absolute joy of being in WDW (sorry to those of you who hate that -:lol: ).


New Member
Originally posted by Since1976
I love the feeling of anticipation I get when I see those red and purple directional signs.

Yeah, I really love those signs...

Here are some more:

I love to hear the introduction to Spectromagic by Giminy Cricket (first day at WDW always!!!:D ) and have that "I am really here" sensation;

I love Splash Mountain;

I love Donald Duck (and also the fact that he has HIS own attraction now and that I am going to see it in December:sohappy: )

I love knowing that I am going to take my daughter to WDW for the first time, one more dream come true!:)


New Member
Originally posted by Gucci65

I'm usually the adult jumping up and down with the absolute joy of being in WDW (sorry to those of you who hate that -:lol: ).

I am like that too!!!:lol: I start jumping up and down in the car when I see the red and purple signs. And after I pass the train station, I just run across town square and stop at the beginning of Main Street just staring at the castle, jumping up and down: "Oh, I am here! I am here!" Well, I have this "I am here" feeling all day long at the Magic Kingdom. And oh, I cry during parades and fireworks.:eek: And yeah, at home, watching vacation planning videos, too.:lol: I am sure I am going to cry a lot when I see my daughter's little eyes glow when she sees the castle for the first time.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneytati
I love Donald Duck (and also the fact that he has HIS own attraction now and that I am going to see it in December:sohappy: )

I love knowing that I am going to take my daughter to WDW for the first time, one more dream come true!:)

Amen to Donald Duck's attraction :D

And I really hope your first trip with your adorable little baby girl is filled with magic...Disney magic that is :D


New Member
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
Amen to Donald Duck's attraction :D

And I really hope your first trip with your adorable little baby girl is filled with magic...Disney magic that is :D

Thanks!:) I just can't wait to see her reaction! I have been teaching her to like Donald Duck too!!!:lol: I bought her a rubber Donald Duck, and keep showing him to her, telling her that he is her friend... I think she already likes him, as when we went to a shopping mall two weeks ago (when the avatar picture was taken) we passed by a TV showing Donald cartoons and she started clapping her hands and smiling at him!!!:sohappy:


Beta Return
Original Poster
Originally posted by disneytati
PS: Sorry for my posts in the other thread, I really come here to make friends, not to argue. I just got sad to see my country being ridicularized once more...:( Well, friends again?:)

Well, I know I don't hold grudges :sohapy: I'm just a butthead when provoked :D

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