Poseidon Quest
Well-Known Member
Is it? I've mostly heard/read bad things about the Mario Kart ride.
It looks awful to me for what it's supposed to be, but I haven't experienced it personally.
I've witnessed the opposite, but I suppose we'll see when it opens for a majority English speaking audience. I haven't seen it being praised as exceptional, but I've seen a lot of positive feedback regardless. At the very least, it seems interesting and is trying to do something new.
I find this is kind of the issue with Universal. In parts they rival Disney in terms of theming and immersion, in others they fall back on mostly un-themed roller coasters or generic hotels. This means that they never seem to be quite a Disney-level theme park nor a top-level thrill park. The 'persona' they have created for the resort is also still that of a scrappy upstart compared to Disney's more polished and focussed presentation of wishes, dreams, and magic, however saccharine that sometimes gets.
My honest impression is that Disney's biggest vulnerability is its own lowering of standards. The new generic hotels like Riviera and just parking show hardware in the middle of the park as with Harmonious really threatens to undercut the notion they are the gold standard for theme parks and resorts.
I wouldn't call any of the coasters unthemed, though Rock-It is certainly close. Rock-It is a disaster in its own regard though. I think it's a mistake to compare the coasters of Universal to Disney though. They're shooting for an audience that Disney will not currently cater to, while also still offering so many heavily themed experiences. The coasters were always meant to fit into the skylines of the parks and they do that considerably well.