Another Recent Returnee, With Controversial Opinions


New Member
Actually, they don't call as much attention to Jack as you may think. Only 3 pirates do that (Barbossa, the well captain and the "pooped" pirate).
He's either referred to or appears in four of the eight scenes (Disney World's version). I'd say that's a pretty high percentage - 50 if my math isn't off. Forgive me, I prefer the original scripts.

JDR said:
Why should the attraction NEED to conform itself to a currently popular movie? You mean, like Voyage of the Little Mermaid? Finding Nemo the Musical or the ride? Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor? Stitch's Great Escape? Festival of the Lion King? Not to mention the Great Movie Ride...
Only one of these you mentioned has any relevance to my point - Stitch's Great Escape. I'll give you one more on this, though - Under New Management. In those two cases, they took existing attractions and reworked them using popular characters. The others were original concepts.I would say they did a great injustice to the Tiki Room by doing it, though I would conversely argue they vastly improved Alien Encounter by turning it into Stitch's Great Escape.
JDR said:
Look, I'm usually all for improvements to attractions No offense, but it doesn't sound that way.
I gave specific reasons why I didn't like these so-called improvements. Others, such as Stitch (as mentioned above), I welcome. As I also mentioned, if it involving changing the story or scenario, then I'm probably not going to be a big fan of it.
JDR said:
The original story was really less of a story and more of a general scenario. If it wasn't much of a storyline to begin with, then how could the story be compromised by adding a specific story?
Seriously, I explained this already. Am I crazy in thinking you're arguing just for the sake of arguing? Okay, you take a general story/scenario and add a specific new thing to it, which ultimately alters the end of the story. Is this not compromising the original idea? Have you not changed it?
JDR said:
It's like the bride scene at Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. Until I read these boards, I wasn't even AWARE that Haunted Mansion had a Bride storyline.
Exactly my point. She's been there all along, but it's pretty much left up to your imagination what happened and how she got there. Now, Disneyland's "enhancements" show pictures of her with her husbands, and as you pass the men's heads disappear. Also, she is now a video projection that wields an axe instead of a candle, saying stuff like, "I do...I DID!" They're telling you why she's there, and to me it ruins the fun of imagining what might have happened.
To show you again I do like many of their improvements, Disneyland's HM has made it so Madame Leota's crystal ball now floats around the room. This is an amazing effect, and since it doesn't change the story (or lack thereof), it's the kind of improvement I'd love to see more of.
JDR said:
...if that's why they did it, they were bowing down to a fad...a fad that may fade in the next ten years. Like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? (Although I still loved that one!)
Huh? I haven't a clue how this relates.

I don't think I'll ever come to accept the new version, just as I never embraced the PC version. I'll still ride it, of course, but my deepest hope is that it will someday go back to the original form, and that if they added scenes they would just be audio animatronic improvements like the dueling pirates at Disneyland Paris. Imagination is a wonderful thing...if we're allowed to use it.
Sorry for holding this thread hostage for so long. I'll try to refrain from responding to future attacks.
edit: "Attacks" was the wrong word to use. "Disagreements" would be more appropirate.


Well-Known Member
Warning: Thread Drift.

Ironically, that is where I got that K'nex Roller Coaster... :cool: :lookaroun

Oh I have that kit! I got it from Christmas years and years ago. I remember it didn't work correctly as the instructions stated, so I had to go in and modify it myself. Took me 3 days, but I finished it. Then I had nowhere to put it so I had to disassemble it.

</thread drift>


New Member
Original Poster
He had a great time, but so many of his comments are negative. And they're written in a way that almost seems as if WDW went out of its way to disappoint him.

I don't know how many times I have to defend the good time that I had. This insistence that I had a bad time just seems like childish retorts for those who have no arguments about the points that I made.

If you'd read the second post I made (it's on the first page) of this 9 page long thread, I mentioned that I chose to discuss those aspects of my Disney trip that seem conversation-worthy. If I had offered only my warm creamy fuzzy good time moments, I would have had about 6 people writing "Yummy! Me too!" and that would be the end of it.

I have been a member of this fan site for three years because I am a fan too, if I can't talk about the things that I find disappointing or in need of improvement here, then where shall I go to discuss this? Not that many people care all that much about Disney on most internet discussion boards.

I am sick too of people telling me that because I found something in need of improvement, that, rather than discussing it, I should just go to Universal Studios and never show my face in WDW again. BS!

I started this thread to have a conversation, it seems I have found myself childish p***ing contest.


Well-Known Member
Make a point.

Say what you gotta say...

Move on.

People do not know how to read forums or message boards. Don't feel the need to defend anything... unless you want to. It's not something to get all worked up over.


This is a Disney fan site and it appears that your critique has brought out the Disney is perfect crowd.

I guess you have to love everything at WDW and dare not criticize anything less you be labeled a Universal lover :shrug:

I don't think that's fair. I don't think even the most devoted fan on this site would say Disney is perfect. Just not as bad as the original poster suggested.


I don't know how many times I have to defend the good time that I had. This insistence that I had a bad time just seems like childish retorts for those who have no arguments about the points that I made.

What were you honestly expecting (on this site ) based on the comments you made?


My family and I just returned from a 9 day trip to WDW.

It took 9 days to waken up & realise you didn't like it? Surely you would know in a day or 2 at the most?

Our first trip there, i just knew it was a magical place, and still do 10yrs on..

If you don't being somewhere, move out:wave:


New Member
Original Poster
What were you honestly expecting (on this site ) based on the comments you made?[/QUOTE]

I expected people to disagree and/or agree with me and tell me why. I expected a conversation.

Instead, my points are summed up (by many, not all) as "He's a hater. Don't pay him any mind because nothing he says is valid becuase he had a lousy vacation and he's just bitter. He needs a hug."


New Member
Original Poster
It took 9 days to waken up & realise you didn't like it? Surely you would know in a day or 2 at the most?

Our first trip there, i just knew it was a magical place, and still do 10yrs on..

If you don't being somewhere, move out:wave:

Did you read anything I said beyond the first sentence? How about what I wrote about five posts up?

I give up.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I just knew this thread would turn nasty!

Good thing I stayed out of it for the most part. I didn't read the entire thread...just because I've got better things to do than to read people starting an online mob by bashing a person for telling us how he felt about his trip to WDW.

Though, I do agree with some of you, to a degree. He mainly complained and nitpicked about every single other thing about the parks/rides/attractions. Though, most of the rides that he did like, DOES have the updated technology that he was complained that was lacking in the parks.

I just find it a bit ironic where people will belittle others for not being "Disney" or "family friendly," but the majority of the people that uses this line/excuse are normally the ones that bullies and degrade others when they don't agree or if you call them on their BS. JIMHO.


Premium Member
I don't hate WDW. I love it. After seeing this stuff for 43 years, I just wish it were better. If Walt wanted to cater to everyone's sense of nostalgia, then there wouldn't be any animatronics in the first place. WDW would be filled with Ferris Wheels and merry-go-rounds.

I can understand your points, but the truth is WDW is a huge place and they can't just keep every single attraction cutting edge. If they did they'd need a lot more money, and rides would be down for rehabs constantly.

I think they do a good job of keeping things updated. I go very often (a few times a year) and EVERY time I go down there's something new to experience. On my next trip I'll have a new POTC to experience, a completely redone Living Seas, the Finding Nemo show at AK to watch, Monster's Inc Laugh Floor, etc. All of that within a year!

I feel that Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom are all in pretty awesome shape right now. Animal Kingdom could use some more, but they are constantly adding to it and just opened Everest last year. It's wonderful for such a young park.

My concern lies with MGM Studios. It's borderline embarrassing. You've got 2 absolutely incredible attractions side by side (TOT/RNR) and then the rest of the park is blah. It's not even a pretty park. Just a lot of pavement and boring buildings. I think Lights, Motors, Action is a flop and the money they used on that should have been spent making a new dark ride. I'm glad they are adding Toy Story Mania, but there needs to be about 5 more similar additions. :shrug:

Oh and I want to add that "Honey I Shrunk the...." whatever attractions have GOT to go. They are so lame for this day and age. :lol: I don't see why it would be so hard to update a 3D movie.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I expected people to disagree and/or agree with me and tell me why. I expected a conversation.

Instead, my points are summed up (by many, not all) as "He's a hater. Don't pay him any mind because nothing he says is valid becuase he had a lousy vacation and he's just bitter. He needs a hug."

Take it as a lesson...not just about this forum, but discussion boards in general. It's a lot easier and quicker to dismiss someone you disagree with than actually engage them. Most people can't be bothered with real discussion.


Premium Member
Take it as a lesson...not just about this forum, but discussion boards in general. It's a lot easier and quicker to dismiss someone you disagree with than actually engage them. Most people can't be bothered with real discussion.


Just ignore the ones who aren't reading what you're saying. I think a lot of people will skim 1-2 sentences and then make some childish comment about them without actually understanding the topic at hand.


Active Member
My concern lies with MGM Studios. It's borderline embarrassing. You've got 2 absolutely incredible attractions side by side (TOT/RNR) and then the rest of the park is blah. It's not even a pretty park. Just a lot of pavement and boring buildings. I think Lights, Motors, Action is a flop and the money they used on that should have been spent making a new dark ride. I'm glad they are adding Toy Story Mania, but there needs to be about 5 more similar additions. :shrug:

Hear Hear!


New Member
What were you honestly expecting (on this site ) based on the comments you made?

I expected people to disagree and/or agree with me and tell me why. I expected a conversation.

Instead, my points are summed up (by many, not all) as "He's a hater. Don't pay him any mind because nothing he says is valid becuase he had a lousy vacation and he's just bitter. He needs a hug."[/QUOTE]

I'm going to apologize for jumping all over you in my first post. I took your comments about attractions I consider classics personally, and it seemed you only liked the fast stuff. You're right about the technology, though, and I believe you're right about Walt, a degree. While I don't think he would have outright gutted anything that's still popular or considered a classic, he would have been constantly plussing it. And I'm all for that, when it doesn't change the original intent of the attraction.
After reading your other posts, I've realized my assumptions were a bit hasty, and for that again, I apologize.


Premium Member
I am sick too of people telling me that because I found something in need of improvement, that, rather than discussing it, I should just go to Universal Studios and never show my face in WDW again. BS!

Oh by the way...:lol:

I think you'd LOVE Islands of Adventure. It's a really neato park with cool technology and superior thrill rides. It's like a whole park of Tower of Terrors and Rock N Rollercoasters with very impressive theming. It lacks the nostalgic value of Disney, and isn't family friendly unless you have a family of thrill seekers, but it's a blast!

Universal Studios has some great cutting edge rides too.

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