News Another Fight at Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Acting foolish on social media can identify you and at times your employer can fire you because of the non work related foolish behavior. And how many thousands or more views will the world see one’s behavior on You Tube?
Acting like a fools can be profitable. More people than ever have a platform that can reach billions of people. There are vloggers that their sole "job" is to walk around WDW.. there are some that have no idea what they're talking about, speed false information and are treated like celebrities in the parks. Social media is a weird thing..


Well-Known Member
Acting foolish on social media can identify you and at times your employer can fire you because of the non work related foolish behavior. And how many thousands or more views will the world see one’s behavior on You Tube?
People don’t realize, that once you hit send, it ain’t coming back…my wife, daughters and friends know the kind of fool I can be…there’s no need to post it too…lol


Well-Known Member
Acting like a fools can be profitable. More people than ever have a platform that can reach billions of people. There are vloggers that their sole "job" is to walk around WDW.. there are some that have no idea what they're talking about, speed false information and are treated like celebrities in the parks. Social media is a weird thing..
Who would ever think the more clicks you have on your you tube videos and subscribers can be a money making venture? Mark Weins travels the world and runs a food blog. He has 8M subscribers and earns more than $1M per year .
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Well-Known Member
The people in line care because it’s against the rules and shows an utter lack of respect for the people standing in line. Are you suggesting that rules don’t mean anything unless there’s a CM policing us every step of the way?
SOME people in line care…apparently. I certainly don’t. I suspect the people that genuinely care are in the vast minority. Now, if it’s one person standing in line for an hour only for ten people to then push their way through to catch up to the single line holder - that’s rude and annoying, but even then…it’s going to have minimal to no effect on the wait. And it’s pretty rare. It’s more often than not one, maybe two, people catching up with the family. Most people have enough chill and empathy to not let that ruin their vacation. Vacations are hard timing everyone’s bladders, snack breaks, nap times, etc. Or, ahem, someone realizes they forgot their phone, and who wants to risk it being stolen? I don’t know about you, but I’d hate to make my whole family wait for me if they’re all ready to enter a line and suddenly nature calls and I have to go number 2. Waste of time. Because for the most part, everyone’s bodies are on totally different schedules making vacationing - particularly at a place like Disney which requires SO much scheduling - very difficult and inefficient.
And no, CMs don’t care. They gladly let you catch up with your family if you ask if you can. I say that as a former CM, and one that was such a stickler for enforcing the rules, I drove my managers crazy. And yet, even I had no issue with people catching up with their families. There’s far too much else to be ed off at and to get annoyed at while at Disney than a mom and her 4 year old who had a bathroom emergency pardon themselves through the line to catch up with dad and brother which had exactly 0 effect on your wait time.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
So you think these people took two steps back to consider the consequences of their actions?
No matter how much you want to live in a '50's world it ain't happening. People do not evaluate the best outcome, they react with their basic programming/training and that is a product of their environment so you need to go back to the socialization which occurs in home and schooling/training settings.
Nope, just animal instincts kicking in without human reasoning influencing what will be the outcome of their actions.
People react in unpredictable ways when they feel they are justified in their actions.
Not to get all sociological here, but maybe pulling certain subjects out of school curriculum was a bad idea after all.

That ol' slippery slope that gets such a bad rap sure seems to fit in education, doesn't it?


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Argh I'm so mad that the party in front of me is now 5 people instead of 4 because one of them had to use the restroom. This will have drastic effects on my vacation.

(this mentality shows a distain for other guests, a complete lack of understanding of how little it matters, and leads to fights like the one in question)
I think we've had this discussion before, so I'll just sum up: line jumpers show disdain and a lack of respect for the people they pass, the rules of polite society, and the principles this country was founded upon.

Line jumpers should be banned, arrested, deported and stripped of their American citizenship.

And I'm only partially joking.


Well-Known Member
Acting like a fools can be profitable. More people than ever have a platform that can reach billions of people. There are vloggers that their sole "job" is to walk around WDW.. there are some that have no idea what they're talking about, speed false information and are treated like celebrities in the parks. Social media is a weird thing..
Just imagine how much money Katiebug could have made if she did a blog of her trips…


Well-Known Member
Some of the distinctions being drawn here seem overzealous to me. Let’s say a parent needs to take their child to the toilet (for a reasonably extended trip) just before their group is about to enter a queue. Is it so wrong for the rest of the group to start queuing in the meantime and for the remaining parent and child to join them ten or so minutes later? The alternatives would be for the parent and toilet-needing child to briefly join the queue for appearance’s sake before leaving almost immediately (which seems unnecessarily pedantic to me) or for the whole group to wait around for the toilet visit to end (which seems pointless).


Well-Known Member
Some of the distinctions being drawn here seem overzealous to me. Let’s say a parent needs to take their child to the toilet (for a reasonably extended trip) just before their group is about to enter a queue. Is it so wrong for the rest of the group to start queuing in the meantime and for the remaining parent and child to join them ten or so minutes later? The alternatives would be for the parent and toilet-needing child to briefly join the queue for appearance’s sake before leaving almost immediately (which seems unnecessarily pedantic to me) or for the whole group to wait around for the toilet visit to end (which seems pointless).
While I wouldn't do it (we'd all wait together) I don't have an issue with others doing it. Not even close to caring. Just like I don't care if someone forgot something and ran back. I mean we all know items can walk away. Would I be the one to to do it? Likely no, but I seriously don't get bent out of shape about it. I did moreso when a group of nearly 20 had some cut us off and then demand they all go through ahead of us while some weren't even close to tapping in. But they were rude and almost 20 in the DAS line felt weird to me.

It's never that important to me. But we are far more laid back than many travelers. Last time I got upset was when I was separated from my family and couldn't find my kid... no one was answering their phones.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
But it's never just "one person"...

It literally was one person in the fight situation in the OP
I think we've had this discussion before, so I'll just sum up: line jumpers show disdain and a lack of respect for the people they pass, the rules of polite society, and the principles this country was founded upon.

Line jumpers should be banned, arrested, deported and stripped of their American citizenship.

And I'm only partially joking.

But there is a very big difference between actual malicious line jumping and catching up to your group for whatever reason. If one person stops at a drinking fountain in line and the line moves, are they also not "allowed" to catch back up to their party?


Well-Known Member
Some of the distinctions being drawn here seem overzealous to me. Let’s say a parent needs to take their child to the toilet (for a reasonably extended trip) just before their group is about to enter a queue. Is it so wrong for the rest of the group to start queuing in the meantime and for the remaining parent and child to join them ten or so minutes later? The alternatives would be for the parent and toilet-needing child to briefly join the queue for appearance’s sake before leaving almost immediately (which seems unnecessarily pedantic to me) or for the whole group to wait around for the toilet visit to end (which seems pointless).

If a small child (or anyone really) all of sudden has to go to the washroom right away while in line, I wouldn't care if they left the line and came back.

But what you are describing? Nope. If you aren't already in the line then you should go to the bathroom while everyone else waits for you and then join the line together.

Why would you think it's fine for the rest of the party to join the line and some others come along later? And why would you join a line knowing you had to go to the washroom?
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I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
It literally was one person in the fight situation in the OP
As has been stated, nobody's complaining about the one or two that enter the line with their party, leave for a biological necessity, and then re-join seeking to get back up with their party.
But there is a very big difference between actual malicious line jumping and catching up to your group for whatever reason.
It all depends on if the person seeking passage actually entered the line prior.

What sane and reasonable people everywhere decry and detest are those who deign to shop, dine, drink or ablut while others in their party enter the line, and then who show up X minutes later expecting to be able to bypass everyone between the end of the line and their party. That's place-holding, and is prohibited by the policies posted by Disney on their own official website.

And God have mercy on their souls if they were riding another ride instead of standing in line with the rest of their group.
If one person stops at a drinking fountain in line and the line moves, are they also not "allowed" to catch back up to their party?
If they're in line, and stop to drink at a fountain IN THE QUEUE, no reasonable person would begrudge them the opportunity to catch up to their group.


Well-Known Member
If a small child (or anyone really) all of sudden has to go to the washroom right away while in line, I wouldn't care if they left the line and came back.

But what you are describing? Nope. If you aren't already in the line then you should go to the bathroom while everyone else waits for you and then join the line together.

Why would you think it's fine for the rest of the party to join the line and some others come along later? And why would you join a line knowing you had to go to the washroom?
And I was behind a family that did this, mom said to kids and hubby "you guys go on to the bathroom, I'll get in line ". WTH!!


Well-Known Member
Why would you think it's fine for the rest of the party to join the line and some others come along later? And why would you join a line knowing you had to go to the washroom?
The “rest of the party” in my scenario is literally a child in need of the toilet and their parent. I’m not suggesting that it’s OK for multiple stragglers to casually saunter into the queue just because. (And to clarify, I’m not someone who joins the queue late.)


Well-Known Member
The “rest of the party” in my scenario is literally a child in need of the toilet and their parent. I’m not suggesting that it’s OK for multiple stragglers to casually saunter into the queue just because. (And to clarify, I’m not someone who joins the queue late.)

If the entire party wasn't already in line, then the entire party waits while the child goes to the washroom. Then the entire party joins the line.

If only part of a party gets in line, others (not part of your party) get in line after, then the rest of your party tries to catch up to the original party already waiting in line, that is called cutting the line.
You never were in the line to begin with, yet you are cutting in front of a bunch of people to join other people you know already in line.


Well-Known Member
As has been stated, nobody's complaining about the one or two that enter the line with their party, leave for a biological necessity, and then re-join seeking to get back up with their party.

It all depends on if the person seeking passage actually entered the line prior.
But does it really depend on that? If you leave the line to go to the bathroom, there will be people who join the line while you’re gone. When you return, there will be dozens of people who didn’t see you leave and now are gonna accuse you of “cutting.” Well, assuming they think like you. Do you really want them refusing to let you pass simply because they weren’t there to see you leave? That’s why Disney doesn’t really enforce any of this. You can’t stop people from going to the bathroom, because it’s a biological need. If they kicked everyone out who did this, they’d have no customers left. And probably a large number of lawsuits on their hands.
When someone excuses themselves to squeak by me in line, I have no idea if they left the line before I entered or if they’re just entering for the first time to catch up with their family…who knows how far ahead. All I know is if i suddenly have to use the restroom, I hope people let me meet up with my family when I hop in line. The least I can do is extend the same courtesy to anyone else excusing themselves past me. Just not dozens of people at once. And in my hundreds of visits to Disney (I’m local), I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group that large push past me. It’s so incredibly rare for it to be more than 1-3 people (usually Parent and kids, or sometimes dad bringing back snacks for the family) in my experience.
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Premium Member
Does Disney have an official policy regarding people who need to leave the line and would like to re-enter to rejoin their party? Seems like if there was a sanctioned (and communicated) method to handle legit issues, there'd be less issues.

For me, when I get two, three, four instances of people 'catching up to their party" while standing in line, it starts to get to me. It would be great to know that they're all legit somehow.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't bother me when people are catching up to their party. Even if it adds a couple minutes to my wait, I'm not letting that get me agitated when Im there to have fun. I don't visit more than once a year so I want to enjoy my time.

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