News Another Fight at Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
So what did the physical confrontation solve? People are banned and have to leave. Everyone's vacation is ruined. Anyone in the area has to explain to their kids why people are so violent and stupid. We seem to be more and more susceptible to go the low road. You know, lower on the brainstem and perverting to ancient tribal survivalist tactics when this all seems to have been about a view for fireworks? Perspective people. "Disney Beyond Thunderdome-the Battle for Fireworks". THIS is why Disney has security checks. Just imagine if hidden weapons had been brought in. Lately I am rarely surprised and frequently disappointed. Of course this is an interesting phenomenon when you consider Disney keeps raising prices to keep the "Riff-raff" out and incidents are on the rise. Hmmmmm...........................
You can't spell Families without lies.
So you think these people took two steps back to consider the consequences of their actions?
No matter how much you want to live in a '50's world it ain't happening. People do not evaluate the best outcome, they react with their basic programming/training and that is a product of their environment so you need to go back to the socialization which occurs in home and schooling/training settings.
Nope, just animal instincts kicking in without human reasoning influencing what will be the outcome of their actions.
People react in unpredictable ways when they feel they are justified in their actions.


Well-Known Member
People shouldn't care about this at all though. One person adds absolutely NOTHING to your wait time. If people only knew the actual logistics behind the queue lines...
I don't care. There is absolutely no reason that cutting in line should be allowed to happen. I don't care that it's Disney they need to start cracking down not only on line cutters but those who take their phone out on attractions. Start kicking them out of the parks like every other park does.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I don't care. There is absolutely no reason that cutting in line should be allowed to happen. I don't care that it's Disney they need to start cracking down not only on line cutters but those who take their phone out on attractions. Start kicking them out of the parks like every other park does.

If the person is just meeting up with their family that is already in line, that is not line jumping. Being militant about this is not only a bad look for the park and bad guest service but completely pointless. Again, one person does not affect your wait time. 10 people don't affect your wait time. Even an entire ride vehicle of people only adds a minute or two to your wait time.


Premium Member
If the person is just meeting up with their family that is already in line, that is not line jumping. Being militant about this is not only a bad look for the park and bad guest service but completely pointless. Again, one person does not affect your wait time. 10 people don't affect your wait time. Even an entire ride vehicle of people only adds a minute or two to your wait time.
Or we could let them wait behind the people who were already in line. Wouldn’t hurt them at all. They would just have to wait in line - the way we all learned in Kindergarten.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Correction - if they are REJOINING their party after leaving the line... otherwise.. it's not cool.

Argh I'm so mad that the party in front of me is now 5 people instead of 4 because one of them had to use the restroom. This will have drastic effects on my vacation.

(this mentality shows a distain for other guests, a complete lack of understanding of how little it matters, and leads to fights like the one in question)


Premium Member
Argh I'm so mad that the party in front of me is now 5 people instead of 4 because one of them had to use the restroom. This will have drastic effects on my vacation.

It's not the wait - it's the lack of courtesy. The old 'you go ahead while I wait out here...' or 'while we go and...' whatever scheme is just a way people try to avoid waiting in line like everyone else. Everyone else around you is dealing with the same struggles. Just wait for that other person.. instead of putting yourselves above everyone else.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
That would never happen. The party in front of you was 5 people, then one left to use the bathroom, then came back to make it 5 people. Same number.

The situation in the OP fight is that the party queued up without one member for reasons and then that member later joined them. I get that it's not the most courteous thing but it isn't all that common and the people doing it are not intending to be malicious. Ultimately it doesn't have any effect on the wait time, the only slight inconvenience is having to move out of the way for them.

It's not the wait - it's the lack of courtesy. The old 'you go ahead while I wait out here...' or 'while we go and...' whatever scheme is just a way people try to avoid waiting in line like everyone else. Everyone else around you is dealing with the same struggles. Just wait for that other person.. instead of putting yourselves above everyone else.

I mean yes if they push their way through the entire queue, that's bad. But if you're like 10 feet into the hour long line... who cares? The parks don't, and that's why cast members don't police this.


Premium Member
I mean yes if they push their way through the entire queue, that's bad. But if you're like 10 feet into the hour long line... who cares? The parks don't, and that's why cast members don't police this.
The people in line care because it’s against the rules and shows an utter lack of respect for the people standing in line. Are you suggesting that rules don’t mean anything unless there’s a CM policing us every step of the way?


Well-Known Member
So what did the physical confrontation solve? People are banned and have to leave. Everyone's vacation is ruined. Anyone in the area has to explain to their kids why people are so violent and stupid. We seem to be more and more susceptible to go the low road. You know, lower on the brainstem and perverting to ancient tribal survivalist tactics when this all seems to have been about a view for fireworks? Perspective people. "Disney Beyond Thunderdome-the Battle for Fireworks". THIS is why Disney has security checks. Just imagine if hidden weapons had been brought in. Lately I am rarely surprised and frequently disappointed. Of course this is an interesting phenomenon when you consider Disney keeps raising prices to keep the "Riff-raff" out and incidents are on the rise. Hmmmmm...........................
You can't spell Families without lies.
Riff raff comes in all shapes and sizes. Could live in a mansion or in a shack. Could make 5 grand a year or half a mil. Ive seen people with money become complete idiots after a few drinks. If you dont have it in you to just be a good person and care about people aroubd you this is going to happen. Disney can start charging 500 bucks a ticket and you will still see these types of videos.


Well-Known Member
Riff raff comes in all shapes and sizes. Could live in a mansion or in a shack. Could make 5 grand a year or half a mil. Ive seen people with money become complete idiots after a few drinks. If you dont have it in you to just be a good person and care about people aroubd you this is going to happen. Disney can start charging 500 bucks a ticket and you will still see these types of videos.
I've noticed some family and friends act up during vacation but generally are better well behaved and cordial at home. It may be that mentally " what happens in Vegas , stays in Vegas ". Feel free to substitute Vegas for another location.


Well-Known Member
On a semi related note. Apparently a fight between two groups happened at universal Orlando last night in the parking structure. A subsequent threat of an active shooter happened during the shenanigans. There where no shots fired and no gun found. This world is so stupid.
At times when I have been at Universal Orlando some of the crowds have been more aggressive. Nearby UO , is the not so safes areas such as Pine Hills ( aka Crime Hills ) , Raleigh St and Dover Shores areas, not someplace one wants to be wandering around lost in. I would not be shocked if those in those areas frequent Citywalk.


Well-Known Member
Just for fun, let's say you had a group of 4 people and one went to the restroom and the others got in line. Now let's say that that one person didn't realize they needed to go to the restroom until they got in line. So if they wait and leave and then come back there is still 4 people in the line whether they waited or not. Than if three of four people enter the line and one has gone to the restroom than joins the group after there is still what would have been the original 4. It changes nothing, The reason to get upset is if there is a group of more than 4 and only one person gets in line and holds places for the rest then although a fine distinction, that is line cutting in a large form. Leaving and coming back changes nothing. The problem is how do they identify the person as a legitimate non-cutter from real cutters.

The rules should be in the case that most queue's are switch back, instead of trying to push through the line they just wait at the end of a switch back to rejoin wouldn't that help the situation? There are times when the need to leave a line is essential unless everyone behind them doesn't mind stepping over a puddle. Really, the intelligence of people is declining to the point that I am starting to believe the we have this whole evolution theory backwards and instead of humans evolving it is the other way around. Ape's are the evolved ones. We are the bottom of the chain and we over time evolve back into one celled animals. Probably plankton.


Well-Known Member
Unfortuntely, this is becoming more common. My husband had a man get into his face while we were waiting in line at It's a Small World. The guy was angry because he dropped his phone in the water. I have no idea why he targeted us. My husband told him to step off and walked away.

Off Topic: I have been teaching summer school for the last month and there has been about 7 fights. All recorded and put on social media. One student told me she went to a restaurant and a fight broke out there. It's becoming more and more commonplace in our society.

It's just sad that people feel the need to record and glamorize it all.


Well-Known Member
Unfortuntely, this is becoming more common. My husband had a man get into his face while we were waiting in line at It's a Small World. The guy was angry because he dropped his phone in the water. I have no idea why he targeted us. My husband told him to step off and walked away.

Off Topic: I have been teaching summer school for the last month and there has been about 7 fights. All recorded and put on social media. One student told me she went to a restaurant and a fight broke out there. It's becoming more and more commonplace in our society.

It's just sad that people feel the need to record and glamorize it all.
Social media will be the downfall of civilization

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