Magenta Panther
Well-Known Member
There were other books in the Mary Poppins series...Travers would not allow another one to be a movie while she was alive.
The new movie was based on the sum/stories of the other sequel books and wrapped in a new setting that was in the "future". Honestly, they couldn't have made this when it was being called for, due to Travers.
If you watch this movie and don't get a nostalgic 1960s movie vibe, I have pity on your stone heart. Its just so innocent and carefree...
Actually, initially, Travers was all for a sequel after the success of the first film. When Walt died and the sequel didn't happen, she soured on the whole thing and started talking to lawyers. Because that lady was a piece of work.
I have suffered through attempted continuations of Star Wars and The Wizard of Oz, so nope nope nope, I'm not sitting through an inferior sequel of Poppins, thank you very much, especially one featuring the Walt-Disney-slanderer Meryl Streep. Casting her was like a slap in the face to Uncle Walt. YMMV.
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