Anna and Elsa Moving to Fairy Tale Hall

Arty Cordova

Well-Known Member
Yes, PLEASE, *this* needs answered. What are the FP+ waits like? I'm taking 4 girls, ages 4-8 in September, and can guarantee we will be trying FP+, to keep the pressure off the RD dash. As we will be doing MK on 3 separate days, 1 full day, 2 different half-days, it'd be nice to know how to plan our touring around the A&E MG (provided we even get the FP+). The drama of it all...

If you are staying on property, you shouldn't have any issues with getting the FP. Just plan accordingly for your 60 days. From everything I have heard, the FP line is very short. I wouldn't expect more then a 20 minute wait.


Well-Known Member
It was already standby only at our 60 day mark. Luckily we were going back 4 days into the trip and were able to get a fastpass for that day.


Active Member
It was already standby only at our 60 day mark. Luckily we were going back 4 days into the trip and were able to get a fastpass for that day.

We will be at MK on our 5th day, and, while I'm hoping to get FP+ for day 2 (our first MK day), I guess I better plan on using that last day for the M&G. Thanks for the scoop!


Well-Known Member
Just like in 2000, when Disney did the EXACT same thing with Emperor's New Groove, a movie that despite being dumped mid-December with little marketing, actually increased it's box office week over week, defying expectations. Imagine what could have happened if they actually promoted it instead of 102 Dalmatians, a movie nobody wanted to see?
Funny you mention that because I remember when 102 Dalmatians was in theaters, they had a special double feature preview promotion with Emperor's New Groove before ENG came out officially.


Active Member
Funny you mention that because I remember when 102 Dalmatians was in theaters, they had a special double feature preview promotion with Emperor's New Groove before ENG came out officially.

And not to get too sidetracked onto release history (look, all I said was that Tiana worked better as a character than a cash-in attraction, since it let Disneyland find a use to play up New Orleans Square!):
But '00 Disney originally thought ENG would be a disaster: Like Meet the Robinsons--and Frozen, ftm--it'd been black-marked by the boardroom as a "troubled" project of patched-together abandoned storylines, was being rushed out in a wildly different style from the established formula, and Disney didn't know how it would go down with audiences.
That's probably why they gave it an "advance screening", as all studios do with audience-unsure movies that haven't been well promoted and are hoping for word-of-mouth to save at least opening weekend. Back in 2000--two years before Treasure Planet taught them different, and made it the official week for school-vacation family films--Christmas week was the official week for BURYING movies studios wanted buried in shallow graves without attention. (Every critic was on vacation that week, you see.)

A rather different strategy than Disney hysterically trying to convince us that the patched-together ex-"Snow Queen" was "The greatest, most spectacular movie since Lion King AND Tangled, no, really, honest, believe us!!!"
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Well-Known Member
I still can't help but feel this is another temporary solution.

Eventually they need to consider more enhanced m&g's to keep the people happy. I'd like to suggest 'homes' for Aurora and SW as part of the FLE. Just a thought.


Oh, and maybe a PH for Tink and associates.


Well-Known Member
Eventually they need to consider more enhanced m&g's to keep the people happy. I'd like to suggest 'homes' for Aurora and SW as part of the FLE. Just a thought.


Oh, and maybe a PH for Tink and associates.
That was all planned and scrapped, the only thing that I find temporary is the way they set up anna and elsa's schedule :/ but I feel the princess don't need houses to meet at, especially if it meas more attractions take the fall.


Well-Known Member
Yeah agree, I think it depends on whether or not they move ahead on the new princess pavilion between Mexico and Norway, but whether thats been dropped all together or just on hold not sure. Last I read on here it was def on hold. Or maybe if something is done at the Studios with Frozen instead but dont see anything like that happening for awhile.
This would totally be out of place in the WS but would TOTALLY fix the problem of not enough things for girls in Epcot.


I kid. I kid.


Well-Known Member
A rather different strategy than Disney hysterically trying to convince us that the patched-together ex-"Snow Queen" was "The greatest, most spectacular movie since Lion King AND Tangled, no, really, honest, believe us!!!"

And yet that strategy worked. EXCEEDINGLY well. Over a billion dollars in theaters alone, two academy awards, and enormous amounts of critical and audience acclaim.


Active Member
And yet that strategy worked. EXCEEDINGLY well. Over a billion dollars in theaters alone, two academy awards, and enormous amounts of critical and audience acclaim.

Yeah, and that was just the song--Imagine how much the REST of the movie would have gotten, if they noticed it! :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and that was just the song--Imagine how much the REST of the movie would have gotten, if they noticed it! :p

No. It's not just the one song, though that's a very noticeable focal point. I've seen a ton of fan art for all the characters. I've seen fan fiction centered on the Anna/ Hans relationship. People have statted the characters in the film up for use in pen & paper roleplaying games. The fact is that this film resonates strongly with people, at least right now. Whether it will continue to do so remains to be seen. But, when a big hit hones in on people during formative years in their lives, that usually becomes ingrained strongly in pop culture. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Beauty & the Beast, Harry Potter, etc.

True, there are big commercial hits that are quickly forgotten (Independence Day, looking at you), but I don't think Frozen is going to be like that.


Active Member
True, there are big commercial hits that are quickly forgotten (Independence Day, looking at you), but I don't think Frozen is going to be like that.

No, it's going to have long-term cultural staying power at the parks, just like Avatar land, American Idol, and the Mad T Party. :)

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