Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down


Meega, nala kwishta!
Re: Here's to a great vacation!

Originally posted by WendyOkada
Carpe diem!

Words to live by, and deffinatly while your at WDW with 60 min wait lines, 90+ temp, and a sunburn! You'll go nuts if you stress about everything! :hammer: :lol:
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Well-Known Member
As it was stated earlier "perception". We all have pre-conceived notions of how our vacation should be, i know do. But when it doesn't occur like planned, that's when you have to brush it off and roll along. On every vacation for the past ten years, i have had some sort of bad experience. Did it ruin my whole trip? No, i wouldn't let it. Does it stop me from taking anymore trips? No.

I can sympathize with anyone who felt let down by how their trip turn out. But, on a side note, you are what you make your vacation.
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New Member
Originally posted by jordanyosh

While i totally agree with www, i also feel that we need to treat everyone in these forums with respect and from CJ, I got none. Zero. Her abusive language also was uncalled for when everyone,except for one , was supportive.

Since her posts were deleted before I got to read them all, I didn't realize CoraJack had been abusive in her responses to your comments (and maybe others). No question she misinterpreted and/or overreacted (except for the repsonse by one person regarding crying).

Just trying to see her point of view, but clearly respect for all on these boards comes first.
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New Member
I didn't even notice she deleted them.

Cora.....I hope you don't stop posting. I see you needed to vent. I would've too. I really think everyone was being sympathetic to your experience. They just wanted others to realize that normally AKL isn't like that and didn't want others to be afraid of their reservations.

I have had a couple bad experiences myself, but all in all....I highly recommend all of the WDW Resorts.

Please Cora.....keep in mind a bad experience we just chalk up to a lesson learned. Be sure though to contact guest relations and let them know.

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Well-Known Member
I find CoraJack's deletions so sad.
We tried to help, but seemed to have made things worse; maybe a bad Disney vacation isn't her only problem.
PLEASE talk this out with someone you trust.
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Well-Known Member
Just curious about something that CoraJack had put in her original post. She had mentioned that the "upgrade" room had a king bed, but there were three in their party. Would the computer that the resorts utilize have caught this and flagged it to the CM? I mean, three people for a king bed? Or does the computer not flag this type of discrepency?

I ask because I am just curious about the software that Disney uses. If it doesn't catch this type of info, maybe they should change it to help CM's not make mistakes.
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Well-Known Member
True, but she didn't say anything about bunk beds. Still, it makes me wonder if the resort software has features that will flag the CM on a mismatch of number of guests to beds.

Not that I'm going to lose any sleep over it.
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Well-Known Member
it doesn't flag. But they would have had to change the cat. of room on the system, and if the cm knew the cat then they should have known what was in the room. Disney's system is still dos based and over 20 years old.
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Well-Known Member
For real? I know from the few peeks I've gotten over the counter, it looked like a mouse driven GUI and I thought I saw some Windows icons. Is it just an older version of Windows?
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Well-Known Member
dos based. It was originally a ibm program and over the years disney has changed it a lot. And later brought the program outright from ibm. We have windows 95 or 98 depends on what computer LOL. Now disney dining program is windows based.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TravisM
dos based. It was originally a ibm program and over the years disney has changed it a lot. And later brought the program outright from ibm. We have windows 95 or 98 depends on what computer LOL. Now disney dining program is windows based.

Ah Nice and Vintage

Nothing wrong with that :lol:
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Wckd Queen

New Member
Now I dont feel so bad...Disney still uses DOS just like my miserable little company does! :lol:

Im sorry that CJ had such a bad experience, and Im sorry that she couldnt find whatever it was she was looking for here. It is unfortunate that she felt the need to delete her original post. Its a shame that she went away angry :(

I think we all have had some sort of bad experience on vacation. It has happened to me in Canada, at the Jersey Shore, in Amish country, and yes, even at Disney.

Maybe something positive that we can all take away from this thread is the importance of research. Know what your needs are and where you can get those needs filled before you make your reservations. On one of our trips, we actually took a morning and had breakfast at the Grand Floridian (we drove) and then set out to 'check out' the other hotels that we were interested in staying at on future trips, just to see if they offered us what we wanted with regard to location, restaurants, transportation etc. We also have used guidebooks extensively, as well as the experiences of friends and family.

And a message board like WDWMagic is a VERY valuable tool to use before planning a trip! Thanx everyone for sharing the knowledge :)
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Active Member
Couldn't a majority of the OP's issues with AKL have been avoided by simply researching the AKL? Before I stayed there, I knew everything there was to possibly know about it. No surprises.
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The Mom

Premium Member
I think the problem with any resort is that the experience will vary from person to person, or even from one stay to another.

AKL remains one, if not on the top of the list, of my favorites, but had my most recent stay been my first, it might also have been my last!

I've stayed at most of the resorts. Some stays have been truely magical, others just so-so, and this happens at the same resort on different trips. None have been absolutely terrible, just not as wonderful as expected based on past experience or reputation. However, other aspects of the trip have usually made up for less than perfect accomodations. Sometimes, what one person considers a problem (too far away from the parks) another considers a plus. (you can really get away from it all) My favorites also vary based on what I plan to do on a trip, and who is staying with me.

I've learned that you can't always get the "best" room with the best view, the best PS with the best table, or the perfect day at the parks...great weather, no waits, everything open, and fireworks every night! (both in and out of the park, if you know what I mean ;) )
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