Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down


Premium Member
Hi Christina,

Sorry to hear about your experiences at the AKL. Given the extensive training CMs get, I'm surprised at the response you got from the staff. They're usually very good at handling these kinds of situations. I'm sure they're trained to know the emotional and financial investment the guests are making in their vacations.

Thanks very much for the detail in your post, too.


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New Member
As much as I agree with tigsmom I saw it put best in a guide book "Complaining to Disney is like yelling at a brick" I've sent letters to them about stuff and Its been like 2 years and I am YET to hear back! Sorry u were soooo upset thru your trip... Better luck next time huh?
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CoraJack
Deleted due to hateful people. Adios.


Aside from one unsympathetic responding post, I didn't see any hate.

I thought the original post was well written.

You need to expect all kinds of responses when you post a topic on a public message board.

Sadly, it makes me now question how things REALLY went down at the AKL......

:brick: :veryconfu :rolleyes: :lookaroun
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Re: Re: Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

Originally posted by BRER STITCH

Aside from one unsympathetic responding post, I didn't see any hate.

I thought the original post was well written.

You need to expect all kinds of responses when you post a topic on a public message board.

Sadly, it makes me now question how things REALLY went down at the AKL......

:brick: :veryconfu :rolleyes: :lookaroun

Yea Brer, I was thinking the same thing. Not only was the orriginal post deleted, she wiped all of them, with little quotes on each one..."Deleted to preserve my feelings", "Deleted. Sorry I thought I could look for some support here"

I'm really confused what she expected all of us to say? :confused: We all gave here symapthy, gave advice on how to contact Disney to report her issues. Tried to give insite. The only thing I can think of is that we didn't all agree with her 100% with her assesment that AKL is the worst place in the wolrd, and we actually still like the place even though she had a bad time.

I guess it's all or nothing for some people.

Oh who here is still gonna go back to AKL? :wave:
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New Member
Our opinions?

I guess our opinions are considered "hateful" while the original post is considered "just sharing my opinion".

I for one took time and effort to try to be sensitive to the original poster as well as hopefully offering some constructive criticism as to why readers may perceive it differently than intended, but I guess it came across as "hateful" to the original poster.

It was not my intention, nor do I think it was the intention of any of the other posters here (outside of Iluvepcot) to be "hateful".

Unfortunately, what started out as a post intending to help others thinking of staying at AKL turned out to be one damaging the credibility of the original poster (at least for me). I used to feel sympathy for the experience she had but perhaps now I am wondering if it was as bad as she said. :veryconfu

Just my $0.02.

Now, on to happier threads... :wave:
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New Member
Re: Re: Re: Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

Originally posted by AkiraRaptor
Yea Brer, I was thinking the same thing. Not only was the orriginal post deleted, she wiped all of them, with little quotes on each one..."Deleted to preserve my feelings", "Deleted. Sorry I thought I could look for some support here"

I'm really confused what she expected all of us to say? :confused: We all gave here symapthy, gave advice on how to contact Disney to report her issues. Tried to give insite. The only thing I can think of is that we didn't all agree with her 100% with her assesment that AKL is the worst place in the wolrd, and we actually still like the place even though she had a bad time.

I totally agree with you Akiraraptor! :wave:
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New Member
Re: Re: Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

Originally posted by BRER STITCH

it makes me now question how things REALLY went down at the AKL......

I always question myself how the other side of the coin is... having worked as Guest Relations Mgr. in a hotel myself, I assure you, there is always a reason things happen, and as Travis perfectly said, it is a matter of "perception".
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Oh well.....what can you do?:(

CJ--your dream vacation went from bad to worse. We are all sorry about that. Your perceptions about what we all wrote here, again,were inaccurate, but your perception was that we were attacking you. Again, sorry.

Hopefully, the more distance you have from the event will ease your own strong emotions. I also hope you will have taken some people's advice and contacted WDW about your horrible experience to prevent this from happening to someone else.

Thanks to all of you WDWMagic folks out there who have made coming to this website fun, informative and challenging to my own opinions about WDW,:D
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As someone who will be staying at the AKL later this month, I am happy that there were those willing to express positive opinions of AKL, while still being understanding of the original poster's experience.

Reading the positive comments helped calm me down. After the 1st post I was asking myself, " What have I gotten my self into?"
The subsequent posts helped to reassure me that, like all Disney Rsorts, AKL is wonderful. We are all aware that bad things can and do happen.

Peace and Love.....:animwink:
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New Member
Have a GREAT time!

Originally posted by bandman
As someone who will be staying at the AKL later this month, I am happy that there were those willing to express positive opinions of AKL, while still being understanding of the original poster's experience.

If you want more info to get you excited for your trip, check out the WL vs. AKL thread in this forum... it's got great details and will get you sooo excited for your trip!

Have a fabulous time!!!

2 months and 11 days for us!!!
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Well-Known Member
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Deleting posts didn't really help me get through this thread except for where some people quoted corajack, but I didn't see anything--save for iluvepcot's asanine statement--that would have enraged her.

Sympathy and understanding seems to have abounded here and she was given good advice as to what she can do now.

If she didn't like our responses to her opinion/experience, I guess that AKL had no chance of satisfying her either.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by SpongeScott
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Deleting posts didn't really help me get through this thread except for where some people quoted corajack, but I didn't see anything--save for iluvepcot's asanine statement--that would have enraged her.

Sympathy and understanding seems to have abounded here and she was given good advice as to what she can do now.

If she didn't like our responses to her opinion/experience, I guess that AKL had no chance of satisfying her either.

I think were all getting that fealing now, at least I am. It was almost like a rant/blowing off her fustrations with the issues she had.

And while sad it happened, and she got more than enough sympathy and advice to do over it, no one would rant along with her.

Maybe that was the point of it all? :confused: I don't know. I just know that until I get screwed by AKL, I'm gonna keep on loving it. I will listen to others, and avoid things that may cause issues based upon this learned information. But I'm not gonna stop going to AKL because one person had a problem.

Heck, if I did that, I wouldn't be able to stay at ANY Disney resort. I've read at least one bad thing about all of them. Disney CMs are people too, just like us with jobs to do. This kind of thing happens at Disney or a 5 Star Hotel in NY. It's life.
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Active Member

Rarely am I speechless (ask just about anybody!)

But for the life of me - I can't think of anything to say about Corajack's behaviour. Okay - I just did...

I must agree that if she had that same attitude at Disney - they could have said / done anything that she disagreed with and she would have felt attacked.

Deleted to preserve her feelings? She's one fragile person, IMO.

Rick :confused: :confused:
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New Member
CoraJack says she goes to WDW twice a year, and I think this dates back many years. I guess another way to look at it is eventually you're bound to have a bad experience, no matter how great a place is. That doesn't help at the time - especially at a deluxe resort that she probably sacrificed long and hard to save for.

In a prior thread I saw that she asked opinions of AKL; some people loved it, others warned of the distance from everywhere other than AK. Others warned of the pool vs. Poly's; others said you can see animals often (but not literally all the time). So she took a risk - and perhaps felt unsure before she left. That will color a person's perception already. Add a negative experience with the room and it's hard to overcome that perception. I had a similar experience in Hawaii and learned that if I have an uncertain expectation of something expensive, I might be better off changing my plans rather than risking disappointment.

I hope CoraJack doesn't stop posting in other threads - she is obviously a Disney veteran and can certainly add a great deal of knowledge and insight.
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New Member
Totally agree...

Originally posted by AkiraRaptor
I think were all getting that fealing now, at least I am. It was almost like a rant/blowing off her fustrations with the issues she had.

And while sad it happened, and she got more than enough sympathy and advice to do over it, no one would rant along with her.

Maybe that was the point of it all? :confused: I don't know.

ITA. If it were just a rant, which is fine, then we'd take it as such and not try to offer advice. But she seemed to say that anyone staying at AKL would have the same experience, which is what bugged me.

If you see any of her other posts though, it seems that she often has customer service related issues so I'm starting to think that perhaps it isn't *always* the "other person's fault." But that's just my take on things... I could very well be wrong.

Anyway, glad to see that I wasn't the only one seeing that she wasn't being attacked in the responses...

Here's to WDW! :sohappy:
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Re: Totally agree...

Originally posted by WendyOkada
If you see any of her other posts though, it seems that she often has customer service related issues so I'm starting to think that perhaps it isn't *always* the "other person's fault." But that's just my take on things... I could very well be wrong.

She was also very uneasy about doing AKL over Poly. Poly was her first choice and favorite, but her sone wanted to do the African thing. She states several times in different threads that she felt she wasn't going to like AKL and wished they just did Poly.

To me, you get out of life what you put into it. I'm gung-ho Disney, and I wont let little things bother me. Sure I've had issues in the past with Contemp or things that tweeked me like rude guests, or not getting my way 100%. But I never let it ruin my vacation.

I let it pass, and continue to have fun. What's the point. The alternitive is to have a horriable vacation, and maybe ruin it for everyone around me.

I'm at Disney to have fun. And I know if I'm ticked off, I'd better change my attitude or it will just make it worse. I'd just jump on a Jungle Cruise, and have a laugh! :sohappy:
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My last post on this(well...maybe).

I just have one question. If CoraJack didn't like what was being written, why didn't she delete the entire thread? As the OP, you have that option. Instead she leaves harsh comments meant to insult those of us who have been very supportive of her(and may I say still are). I tried again and again to be very sensitive to her and all I got was "Chill Out" and "Get a grip".

While i totally agree with www, i also feel that we need to treat everyone in these forums with respect and from CJ, I got none. Zero. Her abusive language also was uncalled for when everyone,except for one , was supportive.

Oh well, like I said before, I enjoy the WDWers here like Akira and Maria who have made me feel welcome.
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Cousins. there is a slight difference. She went in 87 for her high school grad with her parents and I went in 2000. i flew my parents out(they had never been) and met them at WDW. I was working in So. Florida for a few months at the time.
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New Member
Here's to a great vacation!

Originally posted by AkiraRaptor
To me, you get out of life what you put into it. I'm gung-ho Disney, and I wont let little things bother me. Sure I've had issues in the past with Contemp or things that tweaked me like rude guests, or not getting my way 100%. But I never let it ruin my vacation.

I let it pass, and continue to have fun. What's the point. The alternitive is to have a horriable vacation, and maybe ruin it for everyone around me.

I'm at Disney to have fun. And I know if I'm ticked off, I'd better change my attitude or it will just make it worse. I'd just jump on a Jungle Cruise, and have a laugh! :sohappy:

EXACTLY! No one can make you have a bad vacation but yourself. There are many times things didn't "go our way" or didn't turn out as planned, but you just have to laugh about it and get over it and enjoy the good things. Life is too short (especially vacations!!) to dwell on the bad parts.

Carpe diem!
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