Anyone still playing this game or the newer games?
I am reviving this thread in the hopes that someone is still into Nintendo's Animal Crossing and is collecting the Amiibo cards that were just released September 25, 2015. I almost have half of series 1 complete and I have few extras to trade. I also have some of the original cards left that are duplicates that I am willing to trade for the new cards too.
I also have traded in the past with others on this board for the
Disney Collector Packs mini figures. I am looking to complete series 15 &16 and will be evaluating what I need and updating my post soon (hopefully this weekend).
If you would like to trade please PM me. Thank you!
Here is what I have to trade:
Amiibo Series 1:
016 Lyle (Special Card) (Will only trade for a special card that I need)
020 Curt
026 Renee
027 Lopez
033 Bill
037 Kabuki
041 Quillson
059 Nate (x2)
065 Midge
066 Gruff
071 Yuka
083 Annalisa
085 Pancetti
Original Cards for e-Reader to trade (I may have more than one of these that are listed below so if interested in multiples I can check):
K.K. Faire M02
Nibbles 048
Shine Sprite D01
DJ K.K. M03
Pinky 047
Dora 058
Animal Crossing E-Reader Card Instruction Booklets
What I need from Amiibo Series 1:
004 Sable (Special Card)
006 Resetti (Special Card)
007 Joan (Special Card)
009 Digby (Special Card)
011 Harriet (Special Card)
012 Redd (Special Card)
013 Saharah (Special Card)
017 Lottie (Special Card)
018 Bob
019 Fauna
021 Portia
022 Leonardo
023 Cheri
024 Kyle
025 Al
029 Rasher
030 Tiffany
031 Sheldon
032 Bluebear
035 Deli
036 Alli
038 Patty
039 Jitters
042 Marcie
044 Shari
046 Winnie
049 Bonbon
050 Punchy
051 Opal
052 Poppy
054 Deena
056 Bangle
057 Phil
058 Monique
062 T-Bone
064 Pudge
068 Clyde
072 Lionel
074 Cobb
076 Jeremiah
077 Cherry
078 Roscoe
079 Truffles
080 Eugene
086 Chief
088 Clay
090 Axel
091 Muffy
092 Henry
094 Cyrano
096 Cole
097 Willow
098 Roald
099 Molly