An Invasion


Active Member
:) DDP 20 Minutes huh. Depends on your direction from downtown FW. If it's West then you're "close". :D

I lived there years ago. The land of pick-up trucks and gun racks.:lol:

Have a nice week.:) I counting the days until Dec. 29th.:D :sohappy:


First off, Grumpyone...there is no need for violence at all. I mean, theres nothing wrong with a small push here or there if someone is in your way and being really rude, but punching or anything like that is unacceptable!
No offense, but I'm surprised your a Disney person. Most of us aren't like that.
And Becky, Keller is North of Ft. Worth, so I guess im farther from MW than I thought. You have a nice week as well! :D


Well-Known Member
Re: Learn from the pain!

Originally posted by GrumpyOne
Okay...the next time any guest encounters rude guests (Brazilian or not) they should grab the nearest large blunt object and start bashing skulls! :hammer:

I hate those f***ing Brazilian tour groups and won't stand for it. I've had more than a few altercations with them while at WDW and will continue to do so. If they don't understand "No!", then maybe they'll understand "Ouch, I think that guy just broke my nose!" (how do you say that in Portuguese anyways?)

If they don't understand English then we'll just have to speak to them in a language they do understand...VIOLENCE!

I know this may upset a lot of people but I don't care. I won't let a bunch of uncivilized, third-world, hooligans think they own the place. I also know a lot of people probably feel this way and are just ashamed to admit it. Thank god I have no tact! :drevil:

Trust me, if everyone were to adopt this "beat them senseless when they get out of line" policy then there wouldn't be any further problems. I promise.

The end DOES justify the means!

Please direct all hate mail to :fork:

How will violence increase their awarness of common sense? You are very rude, and for that being your first post, you're not putting on a very good first impression.

If you have a problem with these groups, as they are complained about a lot, contact Guest them to get best results...MightyDuck has a story to tell if I can remember!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
I understand that this is a big trip for them, but that does not condone their behavior. I recently went to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, and I can tell you that our chaperones and tour manager would not have taken ANY of the behavior I have seen from some of the Brazilian groups. They don't seem to realize that when you go abroad, you need to respect the customs in the new nation while you are there. I don't remember our customs including cutting in lines, clapping and singing during the intro of Fantasmic, and acting like you know no English when someone tells you to be quiet...but, if it brings in money, who am I to complain. I will admit that I spent much more than I should in Europe...but hey...proud to contribute to the Euro and the British Pound:)

You went to England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland? I just went to all those in June!


Account Suspended
Please hear me out...

I'm rude?!?

Let me give you a tip.

Might means right.

Why is America the greatest country in the world? Some may say it's because of our democracy and our freedom. I believe the real reason is because we have the most powerful military in the world. We don't use it often because the fact is, we don't need to. No country would be fool enough to take us on. Do you think for an instant that America would be as great as it is if we rolled over every time someone threatened us? I don't think so.

See, if people know they are going to get their a** kicked, then they won't even bother. Our democracy was built on violence (Revolutionary War) and anyone who believes differently should go live in China where they tell you what to believe.

In the end, the only thing uncivilized people (aka most Brazilians) respect is violence. Just ask any cop.

I don't create the truth. It exists on its own.

P.S. I don't go around beating people up. I refrain from violence whenever possible. The problem is, sometimes violence is the only course of action. When people refuse to act in a civilized manner, the only recourse you have is violence. Now, if WDW management doesn't have the verve to confront unruly guests, (and trust me, they don't) that leaves the rest of us to either bend over and take it like a mouse or stand up and be a man. I don't need to ask which group you fall into. Now that was rude!


RunDisney Addict
My Father is a cop.....Violence is always a last resort.'s beyond the'll be banned by morning. Thanks for playing. :)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Re: Learn from the pain!

Originally posted by GrumpyOne
Okay...the next time any guest encounters rude guests (Brazilian or not) they should grab the nearest large blunt object and start bashing skulls! :hammer:

I hate those f***ing Brazilian tour groups and won't stand for it. I've had more than a few altercations with them while at WDW and will continue to do so. If they don't understand "No!", then maybe they'll understand "Ouch, I think that guy just broke my nose!" (how do you say that in Portuguese anyways?)

If they don't understand English then we'll just have to speak to them in a language they do understand...VIOLENCE!

I know this may upset a lot of people but I don't care. I won't let a bunch of uncivilized, third-world, hooligans think they own the place. I also know a lot of people probably feel this way and are just ashamed to admit it. Thank god I have no tact! :drevil:

Trust me, if everyone were to adopt this "beat them senseless when they get out of line" policy then there wouldn't be any further problems. I promise.

The end DOES justify the means!

Please direct all hate mail to :fork:



Account Suspended
Please don't hate me.

Why does everyone abhor violence? The reality is, violence is the only thing that keeps your family safe at night. Without violence, we wouldn't have any of the freedoms we enjoy. The fact of the matter is, violence is a necessary evil. Just ask President Bush. He would tell you everything I just said, just in a more PC format. And I'm sure your father feels the same. He carries a gun for a reason, doesn't he?

And if I'm banned for expressing my opinions, well then, so be it. If we can't have an open and frank discussion on how to deal with these hooligans, then I don't necessarily want to be involved. See, that's how a democracy operates. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion no matter how offensive it is to others. of the times I confronted a Brazilian at WDW was when one of them knocked my 8yo daughter to the ground while running through the MK and then laughed about with his friends. Another time was when one of them cut in front of me in line and when I politely asked them to move to the rear, he spit on me. There were no punches thrown but there was some pushing and shoving. I think most people in those situations would react the same way. And I did complain to Guest Services both times and nothing was done. Their reply was, "I'm sorry that happened to you. There's nothing we can do about it."

Also, I'm not trying to make enemies or upset anyone. This is just how I feel. I'm more than eager to hear other people's thoughts on the matter and how they would (or have) dealt with this situation.


Account Suspended
One more thing and then I'll refrain from posting to this thread any further (whether I'm banned or not).

This is from an email that circulated the internet in the weeks and months after 9/11. I think it illustrates my point better than I have. It is meant to be presented in a humorous yet thought provoking manner.


1) Approach ignorant moron talking about "peace" and saying that there should be "no retaliation".

2) Engage in brief conversation; ask if military force is appropriate.

3) When he says "No," ask, "Why not?"

4) Wait until he says something to the effect of, "Because this would just cause a vicious circle of more innocent deaths, which would be awful and we should not cause more violence."

5) When he's in mid sentence, punch him in the face as hard as you can.

6) When he is about to punch you back, point out that it would be a serious mistake and contrary to his values to strike you, because that would "be awful and he should not cause more violence."

7) Wait until he agrees that he has pledged not to commit additional violence.

8) Punch him in the face again, harder this time. Repeat steps 5 through 8 until he understands that sometimes it is necessary to punch back.


New Member
Originally posted by GrumpyOne
One more thing and then I'll refrain from posting to this thread any further (whether I'm banned or not).



...I had a response to you about all this but it occurs to me that you're just another one that's beginning to aggravate the living out of me...

Put this guy in the Forum "Hall of A-holes" with the rest of the know-it-alls .... sheesh...where do these lamebrains come from?


Listen Grumps...
We don't want to hear it. This is a Disney message board. We talk about happy things. All you want to do is talk about beating people up.
Your best bet at this point is to just stop talking now, before you get banned, if you haven't already.


Account Suspended

I would like to thank Brazil for the Samba, Joao Gilberto and Antonio Carlos Jobim. Violence is not the answer. Corcovado.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Tramp



...I had a response to you about all this but it occurs to me that you're just another one that's beginning to aggravate the living out of me...

Put this guy in the Forum "Hall of A-holes" with the rest of the know-it-alls .... sheesh...where do these lamebrains come from?

You mean Crapcot?:lol:


Well-Known Member
This is slightly off topic, but:

Now, I have nothing against tour groups, but I was recently at IOA and they had HORDES of these middle schools clogging lines ALL DAY. Going it alone, I saw no reason to stand in line when I could be filling single seats. They need more single riders lines, only slightly hidden so not too many people clog them

Is there anyway to reveal days (like on websites) when these huge school trips are plan, so people who don't want to go can plan around them?

Im not talking about singular tour groups, but when a bunch of local schools plan the same day, there should be something noted on a website somewhere that this is happening.

(NOte: The above has NOTHING to do with Brazil.)

Anyway, as for the Brazil issue, yes I've come across my share, but its only the singing and screaming that I've encountered. I don't tend to judge since I end up doing immature things myself when its fun (nothing like cutting lines though). That would make me a hypocrite.

One time in the HM, the ride stopped (technical difficulties.). I looked over and saw some people in the doom buggy next to me. I yelled "BOO!" and they freaked! Just harmless stuff.

Now that I think about it, it could have been an old person who could have gotten a heart attack. That would have been bad..:eek:


Premium Member
Re: Learn from the pain!

Originally posted by GrumpyOne
Okay...the next time any guest encounters rude guests (Brazilian or not) they should grab the nearest large blunt object and start bashing skulls! :hammer:

Grumpyone, your comments are unacceptable here and your account is removed.


New Member
Do these people not read the forum rules. Like you said DDPGambit, this is a Disney board. And Disney means happy, not bashing Brazilian's in the head.

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