We've witnessed time after time parents forcing their kids to go on rides. Sometimes the kids come out smiling, sometimes not. I know that my 2 kids are as different as night and day when it comes to thrill rides, and we pretty much did what we thought they could handle. I do have one funny story about my mother though.
When my daughter was about 7, she was the apple of my mother's eye, and she knew it. We had gone to the MK and she convinced my mother to go on BTMR with her, telling her that it was not that fast, not scary, etc, and my mom, who is the queen of the chickens when it comes to anything remotely related to a coaster, agreed to go with her. So my husband and I stayed with our young son at the exit while my mom and DD headed for the ride. When they came off the ride, there was Mom with her hair literally standing up on end, slightly windblown, and her glasses all eskew, skipping with my daughter while muttering to us something to the effect of "never again!!!" I still chuckle when I think about it.