Almost complete DL pirate ride through


Well-Known Member
During the bombardment scene I definitely remember hearing music. It wasn't loud but it was playing. I noticed it was music from the movie. But I was so busy looking around trying to find the "new stuff" I could possibly be wrong.


New Member
yes... new music plays in the bombardment scene, the projection of Davy Jones (the music from the organ he plays in POTC 2), and in the initial "skeleton scene"....


New Member
I sorta enjoyed the video. I love the new effects, and I'm so sick of the blah blah "A lot of the original is gone from it" So what? You didn't make the original ride, all you did was ride it. A lot of people have already complained when they heard it was happening, people complained WHILE it was happening, and people will complain WHILE it happens. No matter what, nowadays, all we hear are people complaining that Disney World and Disneyland are changing. No matter what happens, whatever thye add or change, some person out there has some kind of problem with it. If the makers of the ride didn't want this to happen, we would have heard much about it, and it wouldn't have happened, but it did, it has, and... *shrug* Oh well, I guess you'll be one of the unhappy ones.

I didn't like how the video was statically cutting in and out when going from scene to scene. He definetely should have asked for the front if he could have, but I loved the Jones effect. So far, my favorite music from the movie is Davy Jones's Theme and The Kraken, and He's A Pirate is in the ride, as well as Jack Sparrow's theme.


Well-Known Member
That video is kind of crummy unfortunately, and not just because the camera wasn't in the front row and wasn't getting good screen shots. It's been edited down to 5:30 minutes from a 15:00 minute long ride. There's almost 10 minutes of the ride missing on that video.

But from someone who rode Pirates today, let me just say that the ride is AMAZING. Hopefully a better video, with all 15 minutes of the ride length, will be posted online soon.


New Member
Original Poster
IcicleM said:
I sorta enjoyed the video. I love the new effects, and I'm so sick of the blah blah "A lot of the original is gone from it" So what? You didn't make the original ride, all you did was ride it. A lot of people have already complained when they heard it was happening, people complained WHILE it was happening, and people will complain WHILE it happens. No matter what, nowadays, all we hear are people complaining that Disney World and Disneyland are changing. No matter what happens, whatever thye add or change, some person out there has some kind of problem with it. If the makers of the ride didn't want this to happen, we would have heard much about it, and it wouldn't have happened, but it did, it has, and... *shrug* Oh well, I guess you'll be one of the unhappy ones.

I didn't like how the video was statically cutting in and out when going from scene to scene. He definetely should have asked for the front if he could have, but I loved the Jones effect. So far, my favorite music from the movie is Davy Jones's Theme and The Kraken, and He's A Pirate is in the ride, as well as Jack Sparrow's theme.

I find it really funny and pathetic that you complain about the "complaints" that people have about it all of the time, but yet you yourself are complaining about a group's opinion?? Then on top of that you say peple complain about things all of the time but you go and complain about a video that no one had to make, and "You did not make it" as you said, so instead of complainging about the video why don't you just enjoy it? Oh well*shrugs and sighs* I guess you will just be one of the unhappy/hypocrites ones in life.


Well-Known Member
T-1MILLION said:
I find it really funny and pathetic that you complain about the "complaints" that people have about it all of the time, but yet you yourself are complaining about a group's opinion?? Then on top of that you say peple complain about things all of the time but you go and complain about a video that no one had to make, and "You did not make it" as you said, so instead of complainging about the video why don't you just enjoy it? Oh well*shrugs and sighs* I guess you will just be one of the unhappy/hypocrites ones in life.

Well said.:wave:

I really dont mind the changes, but I just have to wait really until I can see it face to face before I can comment on it.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
T-1MILLION said:
I find it really funny and pathetic that you complain about the "complaints" that people have about it all of the time, but yet you yourself are complaining about a group's opinion?? Then on top of that you say peple complain about things all of the time but you go and complain about a video that no one had to make, and "You did not make it" as you said, so instead of complainging about the video why don't you just enjoy it? Oh well*shrugs and sighs* I guess you will just be one of the unhappy/hypocrites ones in life.

yes.. yes... interesting, you know... I actually find most of your posts pathetic, also I believe Icicle said that he sorta enjoyed the video, which you obviously overlooked.. The only part he complained about was the quick jumps to the next scenes, which i also didn't enjoy. I would have much rather had the full video. Otherwise the video was pretty good.

You also totally misinterpreted his talking about the "You didn't make it" speech. He wasn't talking about the video at all, he was talking about the ride, and from what I am getting out of that speech is-

You didn't make pirates back in 1967, nor can you make any decisions regarding the changing of the ride now. That is unless you get a job at WDI and start working your way up the ladder until you are President of creative. Until then, your opinion doesn't really play into the equation, nor does mine, or much of anyone (except the chosen few :D ) on this forum.


Well-Known Member
I definitely heard movie music playing through the whole attraction, but they were working on the audio all last week. There was just some random stuff being played through all the ride at times, so I'm not sure what's in and what's not. They should have everything complete today and maybe we'll get to ride through with the Imagineers. :)


Well-Known Member
A little reality check here. The ride spawned the movie. Does anyone regret that the movie was made; doubtful. However, had it not been made, the ride would have maintained its originality. I would never trade for that scenario. The ride has now evolved, again I might add; anyone remember the political correctness modification (that was lame). Anyway, with the new movie(s), evolutions to the ride just seem inherent to the whole Pirates attraction/phenomenon. I haven't seen the new ride yet, but I will review and compare in my mine, and probably do a little armchair quaterbacking on how the changes were handled, but I'm sure I'll probably be pleased. :)

p.s. No matter what you think of anyone's opinions, doesn't this board have a rule about personal attacks. Debate if you will, keep the slanderous opinions to yourself. :(


New Member
Original Poster
warlord said:
yes.. yes... interesting, you know... I actually find most of your posts pathetic, also I believe Icicle said that he sorta enjoyed the video, which you obviously overlooked.. The only part he complained about was the quick jumps to the next scenes, which i also didn't enjoy. I would have much rather had the full video. Otherwise the video was pretty good.

You also totally misinterpreted his talking about the "You didn't make it" speech. He wasn't talking about the video at all, he was talking about the ride, and from what I am getting out of that speech is-

You didn't make pirates back in 1967, nor can you make any decisions regarding the changing of the ride now. That is unless you get a job at WDI and start working your way up the ladder until you are President of creative. Until then, your opinion doesn't really play into the equation, nor does mine, or much of anyone (except the chosen few :D ) on this forum.

I never said that his posts were pathetic, I never said that he was pathetic. I never overlooked anything. You saying my posts are pathetic is fine with me. I just found it to be funny that someone would say that complainging about a theme park attraction changes was getting old and and such. People are intitled to their opinions either way. It is not right to say that you are tired of someone's opinion now is it? Also, Imagineering actually does not have much say on the project as you think. Managment gives them what they want and the budget and imagineering makes the best of it. Imagineering does not always choose what stays and what goes. That is management.

Another point that was mentioned was that "people just ride it" Well yes but memories are with that and Mr toad was an incedent where people were upset over, I would never think that this would be the same situation but it is change, just not as drastic. I know he was not talking about the video when he said "you did not make it" But I do not think it is very nice to say that they are tired of "blah blah blah" because frankly Jerry bruckheimer did not design the ride either but now his characters are imortalized in it. Imgineers just made the best of what they could with their skills to incorporate it. Another thing that was brought up was that if the people who made the original ride were to be against it then it would not go up. this is actually not true at all. Pretty much all of them are retired and none were ever a part of Disney management and what the head board says, is what goes. I apologize if you took it the wrong way, I really do. I do not think anyone here is pathetic I just thought it was a pathetic and hypocritical thing to say that it was getting old of complaining about petty things and then go on about all these cons the first known video of the ride has. No offense to anyone but that hit me in the face as hypocritical. No biggie we all are, IciclM's two different statements. just happened to be in the same post.:wave:
the new AA's look incredible, but now it seems that they drastically stand out from the rest of the original AAs! maybe it just seems that way because they are new. also i think i would have liked it better if jack was a little less coherent while singing... but dont get me wrong, it looks great! cant wait to ride it in wdw in december!


Well-Known Member
T-1MILLION said:
I think I am going to be the only one on here who is against or not fond of rather these changes. They took out some great lines and changed famous scenes for some of the new ones. The whole part with Davey Jones has taken out the "no fear over evil curses says you, properly warned ye be says I" "Perhabs ye knows too much" and at WDW supposedly the Jolly roger will be gone all together for the Davey jones effect.:(

I'm not too thrilled about them changing it either. We went down for our honeymoon in 03 and again in 04, so it will be sad to see the ride changed. But on the other hand, I am not against adding to or improving the parks or the rides, so I guess it's not the end of the world. I mean, if they never made any changes, there wouldn't be cool rides like mission space and expedition everest.

And I thought home video cameras were not allowed on those rides anyway. How did that lady manage to pull that off?:veryconfu


New Member
Yeah, T, you definetely come over as condensending, but I don't think you're pathetic, nor your posts are. In fact, pathetic is probably the worst choice of wording in the situation. Yes, I know that people were upset about the loss of Mr. Toad and even maybe Roger Rabbit. I was lucky enough to ride both of them, but like Warlord correctly interpreted (from my post, thanks by the way), we have no decision in the creation of new ride, the ridding of an old one, or one that doesn't work anymore, or only appeals to a certain type of crowd. Because we don't make those decisions, what we can do is just observe, and understand that it's out of our control, and complaining over and over about the same thing won't do us any good. What I'm doing right now, this isn't complaining, this is pointing out the obvious. People make assumptions about a ride when it's changed, and then that's all we hear about. What I'm saying is "Let it go" and instead of saying poor things about the ride, and slash it down as if the ride has been completely ruined, let's make constructive criticism about the changes, and create our own ideas about what they can do in the future. Sorry if my statements or posts come off as "pathetic" in some ways, to you, but I didn't point you out directly in my first post. I have gone to other message boards, and have read it on here many times, people complaining about the changes to this ride, and when I saw your post, it just brought the thought back, to openly DISCUSS. Not complain about, just to point it out.


sbkline said:
I'm not too thrilled about them changing it either. We went down for our honeymoon in 03 and again in 04, so it will be sad to see the ride changed. But on the other hand, I am not against adding to or improving the parks or the rides, so I guess it's not the end of the world. I mean, if they never made any changes, there wouldn't be cool rides like mission space and expedition everest.

And I thought home video cameras were not allowed on those rides anyway. How did that lady manage to pull that off?:veryconfu

I feel the same way, as for the Video cameras....didnt they get rid of the warning about them before certain rides a while ago. The older rides I thought they stopped saying it. I could be wrong. But since it is new I dont know why they would let them on either.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
CommandoDisney said:
the new AA's look incredible, but now it seems that they drastically stand out from the rest of the original AAs!

True. I was kinda hoping that during the rehab, they would redsign some of the costumes on some of the pirates because some of them are really cheesy compared to the gritty and realistic costumes in the movies.


Well-Known Member
bassman said:
can i just say
those AA's look awesome.
the only thing i found was a bit weird was hearing jack sing "yo ho a pirate life for me" properly,with all the words.i thought it would be cool if he sang what he sang at the very end of the first film.
y know "da dada da dada da dada da.........(looks at compass) and really bad eggs.............drink up me harties yo ho(closes compass,and the screen rolls on to the credits)", that bit.
i love that bit i just thought it would be cool if he did it in the ride too.
all in all i am soooooooo excited about these enhansements.

"and really bad eggs"


New Member
I got some cool info about the story line from playing the cell phone game, which I thought was pretty cool, and relates to the original ride. Do you remember how, in the first movie, Jack told the otherp irates that the dog wouldn't be tricked with the bone? Funny thing, haha. In the second movie, when we learn about Jack's past, it turns out that when he was in jail, he taunted the dog with the bone, and it worked, and he escaped. When he set sail with the Wicked Wench, and it sunk, and Jack was drowning, he called for Davy Jones to save him. Davy answered his call, and gave him back his ship, with it's black sails to remind Jack of its curse. He could keep the ship after 13 years, and Jack then owed Davy his life. Jack then promptly renamed the ship "The Black Pearl" and sailed off for a crew. Pretty awesome stuff right there.

Also, I can't wait to take a trip to Disneyland, because I would LOOOOVE to see The Aztec Chest from the movie, and I believe Davy Jones's Heart Chest has been added to both rides as well.


Well-Known Member
IcicleM said:
I got some cool info about the story line from playing the cell phone game, which I thought was pretty cool, and relates to the original ride. Do you remember how, in the first movie, Jack told the otherp irates that the dog wouldn't be tricked with the bone? Funny thing, haha. In the second movie, when we learn about Jack's past, it turns out that when he was in jail, he taunted the dog with the bone, and it worked, and he escaped. When he set sail with the Wicked Wench, and it sunk, and Jack was drowning, he called for Davy Jones to save him. Davy answered his call, and gave him back his ship, with it's black sails to remind Jack of its curse. He could keep the ship after 13 years, and Jack then owed Davy his life. Jack then promptly renamed the ship "The Black Pearl" and sailed off for a crew. Pretty awesome stuff right there.

Also, I can't wait to take a trip to Disneyland, because I would LOOOOVE to see The Aztec Chest from the movie, and I believe Davy Jones's Heart Chest has been added to both rides as well.

Wow! Thanks for the info!:sohappy:

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