??? All Star Movie - "Roach Hotel" ???


Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine just arrived back from Walt Disney World and shared with me what I thought to be a disturbing story.

On Monday June 29th, 2009, they returned to their room (located at the "All Star Movies" resort Dalmatians Building #2) at approximately 11PM. His wife noticed a roach on the night stand located between the beds. She has a terrible phobia of roaches. She called the front desk hysterically crying about the incident. The worker at the front desk offered to send "pest control" to the room. She told the worker that this was unacceptable and we needed change rooms. The worker said to give him some time and he would call us back in the room. When the worker called back he spoke to him this time, he said he was still searching for a room and once again offered to send pest control to the room. While he was on the phone with the CM, 2 more roaches appeared near the sink. Finally, after about an hour of calling back and forth a room was found for us in the "All-Star Sports" complex. This room was better. My co-worker felt this incident was handled terribly unprofessional.

IMHO I agree. I think the family should have been moved immediately. Offer pest control? Are you joking? One roach is one roach to many! They are a family with 2 young girls, all that time waiting for a room change when they could have been sleeping. If rooms were not available in a value resort they should have been bumped to Carribean Beach or POR. I just don't understand what the delay was. Move, Move, Move a customer who is not happy and has a real/valid "BUG" issue!

Does anyone have an email address that this family can send a complaint like this to?

I would appreciate it.:)


New Member
I had roach problems while staying in a cheap'er' hotel on I-Drive.. It's not fun waking up at 2am with a roach running up your arm. And I'm sorry, I've been in FL long enough to 'get used' to those bugs, but anyone that can fully except a foul disease laden pest running around on them in their sleep... well... I just don't see it happening..

BUT... Unfortunately.. There's really no way you can prove that a roach didn't get into your bags while at the airport, whether in the cargo area or heading to baggage claim.. It happens, and it's frighteningly common.
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New Member
As long as the roach was one of the American ones (palmetto bug) it is no big deal. They do not live indoors or want to. They like to live under mulch and other landscaping, but if you see one inside, it usually just strayed there. The only time I see one is after some heavy rain that usually drives them in from the outside.

Now the tiny little german ones... see ya later, I'm checking out. I will even leave a family or friends house if I see a german one too. :lol:
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New Member
I'm in the "it was handled properly" camp. While I would not be happy about finding a roach in my room, I wouldn't turn down pest control twice, only to later complain about how long it took them to find me a new room. Chances are, if there is a roach in one room, they're likely to turn up in another room as well. If the CM had been rude on the phone or something, that's one thing. But I wouldn't expect to be upgraded to a more expensive room just because they couldn't find me one immediately, and I claimed to see a bug that I wouldn't let pest control look for.
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Well-Known Member
With just 1 in what appeared to be a clean room I would have just smashed the thing and gone back to sleep. I would have stopped by the front desk in the morning and asked the room to be sprayed or to be switched. I have lived in Florida nearly all my life and I understand that no matter how clean you keep things or how much you spray those little buggers just seem to slip in once and a while.

As bad as I hate bugs of any kind I have to agree with MasterYoda and others. If you are in the South Palmetto bugs are going to get in once and awhile no matter how clean you are. It still isn't pleasant I know, but one stray one somewhere would not freak me out too bad.
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Well-Known Member
I absolutely hate roaches. I used to live in FL and they just grossed me out. My cat used to bring them in. You could put a saddle on those puppies and ride them around. Anyway, we have never seen a roach when we have stayed at a resort and I have actually checked. I just asked my husband what we would do, and he said he would kill them but still call the front desk. It's only because I wouldn't be able to sleep. And we would have accepted the pest control. It's the same with spiders. Here in AR we have lots of spiders. And some are really big, I now just get a shoe and kill them unless they are really big then I call my hubby.

That being said, I don't think 2 hrs is a long time to wait. It just felt long because of the phobia thing and the time of night.
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New Member
I hate roaches! especially if one runs by u in the middle of the night. Gross.
But knowing my husband and I we would just call the CM tell them and would have waited til the next day to switch rooms. Now if the room was infested like 3 or more I would be packing and sitting in the lobby. while I can understand somewhat the irrational fear of them they are not life threatening. It is not like she walked into a cobra in her hotel room it is just a "roach". I also agree that if she called hysterical it could have cause the CM to pause while trying to figure out what to do. I am not sure what else your friends wanted done it sounds to me that they are looking for free stuff. It is just a roach and they did move them in a timely manner. It does take some time to find another room. Everything cannot be done in a snap of a finger. She should be writing a thank u letter to Disney and the staff for moving her. :shrug:

Tell her life is to short to sweat the small stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Stayed at ASMu last summer and among MANY problems there was a roach found in the suite. They came and sprayed and assured us the spray was "greeen" because I was pregnant. The room smelled so badly so they finally did move us. (we ended up having 4 rooms that 9 day trip) I blame the resort for the MANY problems we encountered there. The staff was great and really did try to accommodate us. Needless to say we will be back at the mods or higher next summer. Yes, all hotels are suseptible to roaches but the other problems were not cool.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
Stayed at ASMu last summer and among MANY problems there was a roach found in the suite. They came and sprayed and assured us the spray was "greeen" because I was pregnant. The room smelled so badly so they finally did move us. (we ended up having 4 rooms that 9 day trip) I blame the resort for the MANY problems we encountered there. The staff was great and really did try to accommodate us. Needless to say we will be back at the mods or higher next summer. Yes, all hotels are suseptible to roaches but the other problems were not cool.

Four rooms in nine nights? What else was wrong....
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New Member
Okay, Okay I see where this is going....

For a previous poster they waited in their room until 1am and they were moved then. No it was not in my post, forgive me.:veryconfu All I ask is not to judge. These folks had roaches in their room, period end of story! They should have been moved.

I just don't understand something. If any of you found roaches in your room, you would be okay with this? What if they get in your luggage now, your house is infested. Sorry, my kids aren't sleeping in a room after it's been sprayed. They are not sleeping in a room where I have seen roaches. I would expect to be moved, ask me to come to the lobby, make me comfortable. I am not asking you to jump thru hoops.

Call me crazy and I have a feeling alot of you will but if I see roaches in my room, I am NOT sleeping there!

Amen buddy!!!!!!!!!! You and me both! That's disgusting and I don't care where you are. I would be ticked too. I have been in several hotels all over and never had to deal with roaches, and that includes Florida. If I spent all that money to go there and then found roaches at 11 I wouldn't be very happy or polite either after 2 hrs.:mad:
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