??? All Star Movie - "Roach Hotel" ???


Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine just arrived back from Walt Disney World and shared with me what I thought to be a disturbing story.

On Monday June 29th, 2009, they returned to their room (located at the "All Star Movies" resort Dalmatians Building #2) at approximately 11PM. His wife noticed a roach on the night stand located between the beds. She has a terrible phobia of roaches. She called the front desk hysterically crying about the incident. The worker at the front desk offered to send "pest control" to the room. She told the worker that this was unacceptable and we needed change rooms. The worker said to give him some time and he would call us back in the room. When the worker called back he spoke to him this time, he said he was still searching for a room and once again offered to send pest control to the room. While he was on the phone with the CM, 2 more roaches appeared near the sink. Finally, after about an hour of calling back and forth a room was found for us in the "All-Star Sports" complex. This room was better. My co-worker felt this incident was handled terribly unprofessional.

IMHO I agree. I think the family should have been moved immediately. Offer pest control? Are you joking? One roach is one roach to many! They are a family with 2 young girls, all that time waiting for a room change when they could have been sleeping. If rooms were not available in a value resort they should have been bumped to Carribean Beach or POR. I just don't understand what the delay was. Move, Move, Move a customer who is not happy and has a real/valid "BUG" issue!

Does anyone have an email address that this family can send a complaint like this to?

I would appreciate it.:)


New Member
The Unhappiest Blog in the World

It seems like someone was trying to help a co-worker get some information with this post. It's difficult for me to understand why so many responded negatively. Is it really necessary to pick the post apart because it didn't contain enough specifics? We get it! There are bugs in Florida. I would expect people with a common love of all things Disney to be nicer to each other. Geesh :veryconfu
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Well-Known Member
It seems like someone was trying to help a co-worker get some information with this post. It's difficult for me to understand why so many responded negatively. Is it really necessary to pick the post apart because it didn't contain enough specifics? We get it! There are bugs in Florida. I would expect people with a common love of all things Disney to be nicer to each other. Geesh :veryconfu

Welcome to the boards, congratulations on your first post and it's nice that you are supporting the OP, however I don't believe you tell an entire story on a forum if you just want a little piece of information.

If she wanted to reach WDW Guest services she could have googled "walt disney world customer service" I tried it....you get the phone number and e-mail address.

If you tell the whole story on a forum and say how horrible the situation was you want other people to say, "Oh my gosh you are SOOOO right, it's horrible and your friend should complain and they were treated terribly and I agree with everything you said"

Well, no help there, most people didn't agree and that's the way things go sometimes on a forum. Next time if she doesn't want an opinion use google, not wdwmagic.

It's not a matter of being nice or not nice...it's a discussion forum and we were just discussing it. That's what the forums are for.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It seems like someone was trying to help a co-worker get some information with this post. It's difficult for me to understand why so many responded negatively. Is it really necessary to pick the post apart because it didn't contain enough specifics? We get it! There are bugs in Florida. I would expect people with a common love of all things Disney to be nicer to each other. Geesh :veryconfu

Very Profound for your first post!

I want to thank you for what you said because that was all I was trying to do, help a co-worker.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Welcome to the boards, congratulations on your first post and it's nice that you are supporting the OP, however I don't believe you tell an entire story on a forum if you just want a little piece of information.

If she wanted to reach WDW Guest services she could have googled "walt disney world customer service" I tried it....you get the phone number and e-mail address.

If you tell the whole story on a forum and say how horrible the situation was you want other people to say, "Oh my gosh you are SOOOO right, it's horrible and your friend should complain and they were treated terribly and I agree with everything you said"

Well, no help there, most people didn't agree and that's the way things go sometimes on a forum. Next time if she doesn't want an opinion use google, not wdwmagic.

It's not a matter of being nice or not nice...it's a discussion forum and we were just discussing it. That's what the forums are for.

I appreciate your advice, I did use google. I just thought someone may have had a tid bit of information that maybe I missed, or was just not searchable. Thats what it's all about right sharing information, discussion.

And, as for your comment on discussion, there are some folks on this board discussing this toptic that are rude and out right nasty. So please lets not talk "just" discussion.

As as for the OH MY GOSH comment, sorry, all I wanted was maybe another option in which they might be able to communicate.
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New Member
Welcome to the boards, congratulations on your first post and it's nice that you are supporting the OP, however I don't believe you tell an entire story on a forum if you just want a little piece of information.

If she wanted to reach WDW Guest services she could have googled "walt disney world customer service" I tried it....you get the phone number and e-mail address.

If you tell the whole story on a forum and say how horrible the situation was you want other people to say, "Oh my gosh you are SOOOO right, it's horrible and your friend should complain and they were treated terribly and I agree with everything you said"

Well, no help there, most people didn't agree and that's the way things go sometimes on a forum. Next time if she doesn't want an opinion use google, not wdwmagic.

It's not a matter of being nice or not nice...it's a discussion forum and we were just discussing it. That's what the forums are for.

Although this was my first post, I have been reading the boards for quite some time and belong to other forums. I understand that discussions can get heated especially when people are passionate about a topic. However, I do expect people to be respectful in their posts. I do not believe that is unreasonable.
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Well-Known Member
I think if we all knew while traveling or eating out what might lurk in the rooms or kitchens ... surfice it to say a lot of us would probably be uncomfortable. I'm thinking of different expose television reports on resturants in large cities with rats running all over at night - this would include places like NYC, DC, etc (the south is not alone in pest problems). However, I don't think that someone seeing 3 roaches in a room in a tropical climate would consititute calling the place a "roach motel" as noted in the post title.

Yes, at 11 pm to wait two hours for another room would seem to be a very long wait but given the hour, time of year, and large number of guests on property; I am sure that the CM was making arrangements as fast as they could. In fact, I believe, you said they called to say they were working on it. However, making a complaint to a supervisor or manager of the resort would be most effective if done at the time or the next day. I'm not trying to say they shouldn't voice their opinion in writing to WDW, but I don't believe at this point they are going to get any more "satisfaction" that what they have already received, which is exactly what they asked for, a new room.
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Well-Known Member
This sounds like a negative judgment...is that the way you intended it?

I noticed that comment as well but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully they are just uneducated regarding the frequency and variety of insects found in Florida and didn't mean to insinuate that they are among a higher class than those of us who have actually seen a cockroach or have had one in our house.

Some people equate insects with uncleanliness which is just ignorance, they don't realize that in warm and damp climates, like Florida, that any house or hotel no matter how clean or how many stars it has, can become a getaway for cockroaches.

However I understand that at the Value resorts the cockroaches are shuttled in while guests are preoccupied with "Wishes" just to scare people at night. The Moderate resorts only permit cockraoches during low season so the CM's can play "Room Switch Bingo" and at the Deluxe resorts the cockroaches are dressed in pastel button ups with tiny capri pants and berets and check KTTW cards to prevent pool hopping.

One more reason why I prefer the Poly over Pop.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
Well, here is a little perspective from someone who spends over 200 nights a year on the road, sleeping in hotels.

You are going to find insects in hotels (and for the most part, its because they have traveled in with the person staying there, not because the hotel is infested.) Heck, you are going to find insects everywhere. For those "not used to that way of living", whatever you do, dont look at your bedsheets with a magnifying glass or inside your own walls at home. You will definitely not like what you see.

Very rare have I found a bug in a room I have stayed in. If I did, I just step on it and down the toilet it goes. I have grown up on the gulf coast, so those things dont bother me. If I remember to, I tell the front desk when I check out. I dont ever recall seeing a pest at a Disney hotel (well, the insect variety anyway).
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Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine just arrived back from Walt Disney World and shared with me what I thought to be a disturbing story.

On Monday June 29th, 2009, they returned to their room (located at the "All Star Movies" resort Dalmatians Building #2) at approximately 11PM. His wife noticed a roach on the night stand located between the beds. She has a terrible phobia of roaches. She called the front desk hysterically crying about the incident. The worker at the front desk offered to send "pest control" to the room. She told the worker that this was unacceptable and we needed change rooms. The worker said to give him some time and he would call us back in the room. When the worker called back he spoke to him this time, he said he was still searching for a room and once again offered to send pest control to the room. While he was on the phone with the CM, 2 more roaches appeared near the sink. Finally, after about an hour of calling back and forth a room was found for us in the "All-Star Sports" complex. This room was better. My co-worker felt this incident was handled terribly unprofessional.

IMHO I agree. I think the family should have been moved immediately. Offer pest control? Are you joking? One roach is one roach to many! They are a family with 2 young girls, all that time waiting for a room change when they could have been sleeping. If rooms were not available in a value resort they should have been bumped to Carribean Beach or POR. I just don't understand what the delay was. Move, Move, Move a customer who is not happy and has a real/valid "BUG" issue!

Does anyone have an email address that this family can send a complaint like this to?

I would appreciate it.:)

Okay, Yankee.....:lol:.....We southerners have a problem this time of year called wood cockroaches. These roaches are large and live in forested/wooded areas (area surrounding Disney resorts.) While I understand being not so happy with their presence, there is nothing we southerners can do to completely eliminate them. We see them all the time. I agree, this is an over reaction; however, I give your friend a break for being a Yankee and not being accustomed to these "other" southern inhabitants....lol......:lol:
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When I lived in Michigan, I think I would have been totally freaked to see one in the room. However, now that I live here, I don't get freaked at all. Not saying that I would personally kill it, but I won't scream like a little girl anymore. You could have the best pest control in the world and they can still get inside, it's hot and muggy. It is a bit un-nerving to see bugs in your room, but you also have to remember that you're in Florida and not up north.
In the UK we never see roaches (before the replies come in ...I personally have never seen one!), and when I first saw one in Florida I was horrified as I equated it to a dirty environment, after a while I realised that it is a natural thing in Florida and although I haven't had one in a hotel room I would not be horrified any more (but I still wouldn't like it and would certainly report it), I don't really see what more the resort CMs could do to help.
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Mr Toad

Well-Known Member
Heh, we get to stay at AS Movies 7/13-17 (then we go to POR 7/17-19). So will be on the lookout for the roaches. The roaches don't phase me (they are the state animal of Hawaii (my hometown) after all :lol:). My wife on the other hand would have had an issue. As long as pest control was sent, she'd probably be ok. If it were a reptile...different story.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Heh, we get to stay at AS Movies 7/13-17 (then we go to POR 7/17-19). So will be on the lookout for the roaches. The roaches don't phase me (they are the state animal of Hawaii (my hometown) after all :lol:). My wife on the other hand would have had an issue. As long as pest control was sent, she'd probably be ok. If it were a reptile...different story.
How is she with anole lizzards?

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