??? All Star Movie - "Roach Hotel" ???


Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine just arrived back from Walt Disney World and shared with me what I thought to be a disturbing story.

On Monday June 29th, 2009, they returned to their room (located at the "All Star Movies" resort Dalmatians Building #2) at approximately 11PM. His wife noticed a roach on the night stand located between the beds. She has a terrible phobia of roaches. She called the front desk hysterically crying about the incident. The worker at the front desk offered to send "pest control" to the room. She told the worker that this was unacceptable and we needed change rooms. The worker said to give him some time and he would call us back in the room. When the worker called back he spoke to him this time, he said he was still searching for a room and once again offered to send pest control to the room. While he was on the phone with the CM, 2 more roaches appeared near the sink. Finally, after about an hour of calling back and forth a room was found for us in the "All-Star Sports" complex. This room was better. My co-worker felt this incident was handled terribly unprofessional.

IMHO I agree. I think the family should have been moved immediately. Offer pest control? Are you joking? One roach is one roach to many! They are a family with 2 young girls, all that time waiting for a room change when they could have been sleeping. If rooms were not available in a value resort they should have been bumped to Carribean Beach or POR. I just don't understand what the delay was. Move, Move, Move a customer who is not happy and has a real/valid "BUG" issue!

Does anyone have an email address that this family can send a complaint like this to?

I would appreciate it.:)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
You are correct, and I appreciate your way of explaning it to me.:) I understand and hear what you are telling me but, I guess the whole roach issue is overwhelming to me.
Like we have said it is Florida and bugs love our tropical climate. That being said I honestly can not remember ever seeing one in a room I was in at WDW and that is with at least 70 resort stays at nearly every resort on property. I would hardly call it a problem. One room with a bug in it out of over 22,000 is nothing short of a miracle.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Like we have said it is Florida and bugs love our tropical climate. That being said I honestly can not remember ever seeing one in a room I was in at WDW and that is with at least 70 resort stays at nearly every resort on property. I would hardly call it a problem. One room with a bug in it out of over 22,000 is nothing short of a miracle.

I agree....with my 20+ visits I have never, never, never seen a roach in my room. Another reason I think I was taken back.
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Well-Known Member
I agree....with my 20+ visits I have never, never, never seen a roach in my room. Another reason I think I was taken back.

You and your co-worker are overreactiong, and your "[w]e are just not use to that way of living" illustrates it. Three roaches got in the room. It happens even at the poshest of resorts. Your coworker called the front desk and gave the options. Your coworker can have had them send pest control while the CM looked for another room. I probably would have requested a room change too, but I certainly wouldn't have acted as if I were staying in a third-world country.
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Well-Known Member
Disney handled the situation perfectly.


Even the finest hotels have a bug get in. I worked 12 years at a high end resort in Palm Springs and it happens, deal with it.

These crybabies should go home, stay home, and cower in the corner (fetal position) with a can of Raid.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, Okay I see where this is going....

For a previous poster they waited in their room until 1am and they were moved then. No it was not in my post, forgive me.:veryconfu All I ask is not to judge. These folks had roaches in their room, period end of story! They should have been moved.

I just don't understand something. If any of you found roaches in your room, you would be okay with this? What if they get in your luggage now, your house is infested. Sorry, my kids aren't sleeping in a room after it's been sprayed. They are not sleeping in a room where I have seen roaches. I would expect to be moved, ask me to come to the lobby, make me comfortable. I am not asking you to jump thru hoops.

Call me crazy and I have a feeling alot of you will but if I see roaches in my room, I am NOT sleeping there!

I was not trying to place blame. It was advice on how to write the complaint letter.

Saying something like "we waited a really long time" will not have the same impact as "we waited 2 hours". Two hours does see a bit long to me. A bit long, but not out of the question.

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Well-Known Member
Disney handled the situation perfectly.


Even the finest hotels have a bug get in. I worked 12 years at a high end resort in Palm Springs and it happens, deal with it.

These crybabies should go home, stay home, and cower in the corner (fetal position) with a can of Raid.

Maybe you should go get a life! I hope you didn't speak to your guests in that tone. I can tell you right now my family would not have stayed in that room either. In fact we would have been down at the front desk at the first sign of a roach. We would be right there until we were moved.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disney handled the situation perfectly.


Even the finest hotels have a bug get in. I worked 12 years at a high end resort in Palm Springs and it happens, deal with it.

These crybabies should go home, stay home, and cower in the corner (fetal position) with a can of Raid.

I think your post is offensive, rude and uncalled for. Each and every person is entitled to their own opinion. These boards were always meant to be friendly, constructive not condescending and nasty.

I am in no way putting Disney down, just suprised. That is my opinion, I am entitled!

You should be ashamed!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was not trying to place blame. It was advice on how to write the complaint letter.

Saying something like "we waited a really long time" will not have the same impact as "we waited 2 hours". Two hours does see a bit long to me. A bit long, but not out of the question.


Thank you, I understand what you are trying to say, I appreciate that.
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Well-Known Member
I hate to be rude. :(
Let me make it up to all you Bug Phobes with a free tip:

Costco and Sam's Club sell cases of Bug Spray. It's much cheaper to buy these in bulk than making daily trips to they store for individual cans.

Bonus free tip:

When you spot a bug, try not to spastically spray randomly with arms and legs flying in all directions. This is not effective and causes a mess.
Instead, stop screaming and try to remain calm. Pests can sense fear.
Point the can directly at the offending bug. Push down the button while keeping the spray on target. This works much better.

You're welcome and Good Luck!!!! :wave:
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Okay, Okay I see where this is going....

For a previous poster they waited in their room until 1am and they were moved then. No it was not in my post, forgive me.:veryconfu All I ask is not to judge. These folks had roaches in their room, period end of story! They should have been moved.

I just don't understand something. If any of you found roaches in your room, you would be okay with this? What if they get in your luggage now, your house is infested. Sorry, my kids aren't sleeping in a room after it's been sprayed. They are not sleeping in a room where I have seen roaches. I would expect to be moved, ask me to come to the lobby, make me comfortable. I am not asking you to jump thru hoops.

Call me crazy and I have a feeling alot of you will but if I see roaches in my room, I am NOT sleeping there!

If I saw a roach in my room, I'd probably ask for another room, I'll grant you that.

But I think what people are trying to get across in this particular situation is that, from the sound of it, that late at night, that big a resort, that crowded a season, the CM in question did as much as he could, as fast as he could. Just like Master Yoda said.

FWIW, the biggest roach I ever saw was in one of the hallways in the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I wound up trapping it with a water glass and letting guest services know where it was on the downlow..
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Active Member
I think the cast member handled the situation in the correct manner. I really hope that Hopper did not hear that Disney would willing send pest control....:ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
FWIW, the biggest roach I ever saw was in one of the hallways in the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I wound up trapping it with a water glass and letting guest services know where it was on the downlow..

The biggest roach I ever saw was one in an airport in Spain when I was about 6. I promptly followed it round the airport before getting close enough to tread on it.

One man scared me too death by saying that because I had roach insides on my shoe eggs would grow and hatch more roachs! What a cruel man :lol:.
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Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine just arrived back from Walt Disney World and shared with me what I thought to be a disturbing story.

On Monday June 29th, 2009, they returned to their room (located at the "All Star Movies" resort Dalmatians Building #2) at approximately 11PM. His wife noticed a roach on the night stand located between the beds. She has a terrible phobia of roaches. She called the front desk hysterically crying about the incident. The worker at the front desk offered to send "pest control" to the room. She told the worker that this was unacceptable and we needed change rooms. The worker said to give him some time and he would call us back in the room. When the worker called back he spoke to him this time, he said he was still searching for a room and once again offered to send pest control to the room. While he was on the phone with the CM, 2 more roaches appeared near the sink. Finally, after about an hour of calling back and forth a room was found for us in the "All-Star Sports" complex. This room was better. My co-worker felt this incident was handled terribly unprofessional.

IMHO I agree. I think the family should have been moved immediately. Offer pest control? Are you joking? One roach is one roach to many! They are a family with 2 young girls, all that time waiting for a room change when they could have been sleeping. If rooms were not available in a value resort they should have been bumped to Carribean Beach or POR. I just don't understand what the delay was. Move, Move, Move a customer who is not happy and has a real/valid "BUG" issue!

Does anyone have an email address that this family can send a complaint like this to?

I would appreciate it.:)

I don't think much will be resolved to the families satisfaction in this case for several reasons, first of all it's best to speak with someone directly while they were still there, not e-mailing them after they got home. Not necessarily with the commotion that night but perhaps the next day, if they still felt that the situation wasn't handled properly.

Also, the situation was in fact handled properly. Offering pest control is absolutely an acceptable response when someone reports a bug in their room and finding a room to move a family to in high season with almost no rooms available takes some time.

Having a person with an extreme phobia to bugs is not the fault of the resort and these bugs are in fact everywhere, they are not an indication of a dirty room, they are an indication that you are in a warm, wet climate. They could be in your room, come out at night and you might not ever see them. Having a phobia to them must have been very upsetting but the CM did everything properly, was not in the least unprofessional and a room was found which is a miracle in itself during one the busiest weeks of the year.

The person with the phobia (or the whole family) could have waited in the lobby until a room was found if they were too scared to be in the room.

I think the issue is that someone had a phobia and was very scared. Disney did everything properly and can't be held responsible for an irrational fear.
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Well-Known Member
When I lived in Michigan, I think I would have been totally freaked to see one in the room. However, now that I live here, I don't get freaked at all. Not saying that I would personally kill it, but I won't scream like a little girl anymore. You could have the best pest control in the world and they can still get inside, it's hot and muggy. It is a bit un-nerving to see bugs in your room, but you also have to remember that you're in Florida and not up north.
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Well-Known Member
Roaches thrive in humid areas just like Florida which is why you find them all over the place, and some of them are huge. I as well would have wanted to change rooms, but at that time of night you should be more patient with them about changing rooms, as for being upgraded no need for that there are bugs everywhere.
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