That's awesome! I think that makes kids feel a little extra special sometimes too. I'm sure your son thouroughly enjoyed it!
Most, not all, but the majority of times that we have been to Morton's, Shula's, or similar for dinner the server is usually extra cute with my kid. We had one once that "recommended" a drink for him to pair with his food.. he got a kick out of it. At Disney Trader Sam's is definitely lacking in the service department in general so nothing special there, but he loved his drink w/ an umbrella so much that it doesn't matter. Our server at the GV Lounge was AMAZING!! (Maybe bc we were his only table lol), but he was completely doting on kiddo.. called him "Mr. [first name]" the entire time, and generally came across very sincere in his interactions with my son. IMO that helps them behave even better..don't know if that makes sense.. but I feel like I notice him sitting a little straighter, paying more attention to the napkin on his lap, and just speaking a little more propper, face beaming with a "I'm a big boy" look.
Kids can enjoy adult like settings, they don't always need crayons and paper to entertain them at a dinner table...sometimes they just want to talk with their parents. There may come a time when he may not enjoy dinner out with me, I hope that never happens, but who knows what the teenage years will bring.. I'm going to eat it up while I can.