Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
If the "fanboy anger" concerned them enough to have to leak out intentional disinformation, well, I'd think that anger would also concern them enough to rethink the FLE.

The FLE scares Uni or Potterheads?



Sometimes jt is funny... He didn't think about the backlash that would surley come Disney's and Stagg's way if they purposely leaked disinformation to calm down the fanboys... Because, if they are saying they are retinking the east part of the expansion to make something prusumably boy-centric, then go ahead and build Pixie Hollow, the fanboys won't be the only ones arriving in Glendale with torches and pitchforks...



Well-Known Member
About as much as Uni or the Potterheads scare WDW......

I would bet there is more concern/envy at Disney over Potterland than there ever will be in UNI for some M&G's at FL.

Like RSoxNo1 has pointed out many times, the merch sales that Potterland makes is getting under Disney's crawl. Plus, it has to suck when your competition is getting all the love for having the best ride in Florida.

And I still say HP will have an impact on taking Dsney days away from vacations to visit Potterland. I think all fo that would ahve them concerned.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I would bet there is more concern/envy at Disney over Potterland than there ever will be in UNI for some M&G's at FL.

Like RSoxNo1 has pointed out many times, the merch sales that Potterland makes is getting under Disney's crawl. Plus, it has to suck when your competition is getting all the love for having the best ride in Florida.

And I still say HP will have an impact on taking Dsney days away from vacations to visit Potterland. I think all fo that would ahve them concerned.

Getting under who's crawl?

Everyone seems to think that there's some great fear on the part of WDW towards WWoHP. Quite the opposite. Those coming in from out of town (I'll leave the locals out of the equation because they could skew in either direction) are still going to spend the majority of their time at the 4 WDW parks than the 2 offered by Universal. WDW also has more resorts and more dining options than Universal does. WDW will take people spending a day or two away from their parks and at Universal if it means they're going from a WDW resort to do so.....


Active Member
Sometimes jt is funny... He didn't think about the backlash that would surley come Disney's and Stagg's way if they purposely leaked disinformation to calm down the fanboys... Because, if they are saying they are retinking the east part of the expansion to make something prusumably boy-centric, then go ahead and build Pixie Hollow, the fanboys won't be the only ones arriving in Glendale with torches and pitchforks...


Hahaha, that should make 'em wake up!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I would bet there is more concern/envy at Disney over Potterland than there ever will be in UNI for some M&G's at FL.

Like RSoxNo1 has pointed out many times, the merch sales that Potterland makes is getting under Disney's crawl. Plus, it has to suck when your competition is getting all the love for having the best ride in Florida.

And I still say HP will have an impact on taking Dsney days away from vacations to visit Potterland. I think all fo that would ahve them concerned.

Well, to be fair, Universal has had the best ride (Spider-man) and number one themed restaurant (Mythos) for what, 10 years running?? And what has their attendance done?? Dip, dive, and sink... Disney always winds up Number 1 where it matters... Guests and the bottom line.. 2010 won't be any different, but I'm sure the numbers will be closer than in the past...

With that said, Disney can't rest on their laurels this time around... Trends do shift, and it is POSSIBLE, trends in Orlando may begin shifting...


Well-Known Member
Getting under who's crawl?

Everyone seems to think that there's some great fear on the part of WDW towards WWoHP. Quite the opposite. Those coming in from out of town (I'll leave the locals out of the equation because they could skew in either direction) are still going to spend the majority of their time at the 4 WDW parks than the 2 offered by Universal. WDW also has more resorts and more dining options than Universal does. WDW will take people spending a day or two away from their parks and at Universal if it means they're going from a WDW resort to do so.....

Uh, Disney's crawl. I pretty much respect the people who are saying that Disney is very envious of HP merch sales at UNI. I don't think they're lying...

See, that's not what I said at all. Disney isn't afraid of UNI taking the top vacation spot. Not at all. It wont happen. Ever. But people who have vacations at Disney are likely to spend a "Disney day" at Uni. I think that will have an effect because one of the Disney parks is going to be sacrificed for IOA. Disney will still be seeing 3 days of a 4 day vacation.

And just for the reasons you pointed out, Disney gets MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE guests staying at their resorts than UNI does, or ever will. Losing one day off those guests would have an impact. And, most likely, people taking vacations, and bare with me here because I know this might be a little far fetched... But those UNI vacationers would most likely be spending time at WDW anyway, so it really wouldn't hurt UNI at all. If anything, it might encourage people to give UNI's resorts a try over Disney on their WDW/UNI vacations.


Well-Known Member
Well, to be fair, Universal has had the best ride (Spider-man) and number one themed restaurant (Mythos) for what, 10 years running?? And what has their attendance done?? Dip, dive, and sink... Disney always winds up Number 1 where it matters... Guests and the bottom line.. 2010 won't be any different, but I'm sure the numbers will be closer than in the past...

With that said, Disney can't rest on their laurels this time around... Trends do shift, and it is POSSIBLE, trends in Orlando may begin shifting...

I don't think SM is comparable to Potterland, imo, though. Before this, comparing IOA to Disney was like comparing a candy bar to a candy bar factory. Now, its more like a really cool candy shop compared to a Candy factory.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Uh, Disney's crawl. I pretty much respect the people who are saying that Disney is very envious of HP merch sales at UNI. I don't think they're lying...

See, that's not what I said at all. Disney isn't afraid of UNI taking the top vacation spot. Not at all. It wont happen. Ever. But people who have vacations at Disney are likely to spend a "Disney day" at Uni. I think that will have an effect because one of the Disney parks is going to be sacrificed for IOA. Disney will still be seeing 3 days of a 4 day vacation.

And just for the reasons you pointed out, Disney gets MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE guests staying at their resorts than UNI does, or ever will. Losing one day off those guests would have an impact. And, most likely, people taking vacations, and bare with me here because I know this might be a little far fetched... But those UNI vacationers would most likely be spending time at WDW anyway, so it really wouldn't hurt UNI at all. If anything, it might encourage people to give UNI's resorts a try over Disney on their WDW/UNI vacations.

Well, let's see how the merchandise sales stack up at the end of this year, or when the FLE is fully up and running....

If people are staying at WDW and taking a day or two at Universal, the resort monies are still staying at WDW. The majority of the dining, ticket costs, souvenirs and other ancillary expenditures? Still at WDW. The flip side to how much Universal is taking away from Disney is how much they're still not getting in the end. That's why, potential merchandise sales and 8-hour lines aside, WDW is more than happy that WWoHP is in town.


Active Member
See, that's not what I said at all. Disney isn't afraid of UNI taking the top vacation spot. Not at all. It wont happen. Ever. But people who have vacations at Disney are likely to spend a "Disney day" at Uni. I think that will have an effect because one of the Disney parks is going to be sacrificed for IOA. Disney will still be seeing 3 days of a 4 day vacation.

And just for the reasons you pointed out, Disney gets MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE guests staying at their resorts than UNI does, or ever will. Losing one day off those guests would have an impact. And, most likely, people taking vacations, and bare with me here because I know this might be a little far fetched... But those UNI vacationers would most likely be spending time at WDW anyway, so it really wouldn't hurt UNI at all. If anything, it might encourage people to give UNI's resorts a try over Disney on their WDW/UNI vacations.

I agree that right now that is the only impact WWoHP could have on Disney's numbers, but I guess we will only discover how big the impact of one Disney day becoming one Universal day is once they release attendance numbers for 2010.


Well-Known Member
You all are having a great conversation and I'm tired so the only thing I will add concerning merchandise sales of potterverse making the mouse jealous, well remember every piece of marvel anything sold by Universal puts money in Disney's pocket. And seeing as Disney does not have to lift a finger it is essentially pure profit.

So Potter may outsell Marvel for now, but Universal is working for those sales. So it is not pure profit.


Well-Known Member
You all are having a great conversation and I'm tired so the only thing I will add concerning merchandise sales of potterverse making the mouse jealous, well remember every piece of marvel anything sold by Universal puts money in Disney's pocket. And seeing as Disney does not have to lift a finger it is essentially pure profit.

So Potter may outsell Marvel for now, but Universal is working for those sales. So it is not pure profit.

I believe you're overselling the popularity of Marvel characters. I could be wrong, but they appeal to a relatively small demographic, whereas Potter is universally appealing, to both adults and children, males and females.


Well-Known Member
I believe you're overselling the popularity of Marvel characters. I could be wrong, but they appeal to a relatively small demographic, whereas Potter is universally appealing, to both adults and children, males and females.

I'm pretty sure Marvel stuff has always moved pretty well at IoA. Especially Spidey merchandise. And I know I see more Marvel stuff around than potter stuff. Don't get me wrong, I hope IoA is successful as they hope. Disney needs the competition.


New Member
I believe you're overselling the popularity of Marvel characters. I could be wrong, but they appeal to a relatively small demographic, whereas Potter is universally appealing, to both adults and children, males and females.

Marvel appeals to more of a crowd than you seem to think. Considering that most of the Marvel themed rides at the park are teen and adult oriented, I'd say Marvel pleases that crowd, while the whole superhero genre will always appeal to young boys. I'm an 18 year old male and I know Marvel still appeals to me:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Is Disney worried about Universal overtaking them? No. Even Universal knows Disney will always be king. All they want is a bigger piece of the pie.

And this summer, they got it. They got a much bigger piece of the pie than I think anyone expected. And Disney is fuming about it.

Disney wants every day of your vacation. And they want every penny of your budget. Typically, people might take a day towards the end of their trip to visit Universal. Disney got first dibs to what was in your wallet. But this summer, Universal is getting first dibs with a lot of tourists. And after the $30 wands and mugs of butter beer, there's less left for Disney to grab.

The question in my mind is whether or not this will spur Disney into action. I've defended FLE until I was blue in the face. But while FLE will do some good things, it won't have much of an impact on the popularity of Potter.


Flight of the hippogriff is Thunder Mountain with an eagle head attached to the front car.
Nah. More like Barnstormer with a wicker Hippogriff train. Fun though.:D

One ride is a flight simulator and they age quick. I will discuss the castle tour in a minute.
No. There is no simulator.
The screen portion of Forbidden Journey is very minimal. Maybe 15% of the total ride. The rest is physical sets.
The "castle tour" is the ride queue. Now challenging Indy for the title of world's greatest queue.

Where are the breakthrough rides I thought were coming?
Forbidden Journey. Better than Spidey. Better than Indy. Better than Tower.
That hurts to say, because I have long been of the opinion that Indy was the best ride on the planet. FJ edges it out.

One quick service where there could be adorable table service concepts too. Universal doesn't seem to like table service much.
One word: Mythos :slurp:. Named best Theme Park Restaurant in the world for something like six years in a row. Disney can't touch it on this coast. Out west, Blue Bayou comes close. (33 doesn't count.) Uni also offers Lombard's, Finnegan's and Confisco Grille

Now I was wondering if anyone heard if there were plans eventually to add to WWOHP, whether it be food, stores, rides, etc. in the wake of the FLE.
Yes. If they could already start building, they would.
Sinbad's future isn't too bright. Same for the rest of Lost Continent.

Because for potter to have the most impact it really needs to expand and add much more stuff for younger guests.
Potter will expand. It's a matter of when not if.

Second, the Tom Skaggs rumor is still just that, a rumor.
No. It's fact. I heard it first hand from someone who was/is involved.

I also think the FLE scares the crap out of the potter fanatics for reasons I have already covered.
The only people scared of FLE are:
-MK ops, worrying about getting a halfway decent number of rugrats through those M&Gs every hour.
-Folks who want some of that FL money to go elsewhere, where it is more needed.


Well-Known Member
No. There is no simulator.
The screen portion of Forbidden Journey is very minimal. Maybe 15% of the total ride. The rest is physical sets.
The "castle tour" is the ride queue. Now challenging Indy for the title of world's greatest queue.
From everything I've seen (and will confirm at the end of the month), Forbidden Journey's queue is substantially better than Indy's. I hate the fact that so much of Indy's queue is wasted due to the Fastpass merge point being outside. It's really regrettable.

One word: Mythos :slurp:. Named best Theme Park Restaurant in the world for something like six years in a row. Disney can't touch it on this coast. Out west, Blue Bayou comes close. (33 doesn't count.) Uni also offers Lombard's, Finnegan's and Confisco Grille
It's been my experience that Mythos is only open for like 17 minutes a day. Seriously, when can you actually eat there? I was hoping to on my last 4 trips to Islands of Adventure and it was closed each time.


Well-Known Member
If people are staying at WDW and taking a day or two at Universal, the resort monies are still staying at WDW. The majority of the dining, ticket costs, souvenirs and other ancillary expenditures? Still at WDW. The flip side to how much Universal is taking away from Disney is how much they're still not getting in the end. That's why, potential merchandise sales and 8-hour lines aside, WDW is more than happy that WWoHP is in town.

I'd actually like to see if UNI's resort numbers go up, because that's what I'm hearing. All because of Potterland. Especially European tourists. This could be really interesting if more people start going on WDW vacations but stay at a UNI resort. That could be something Potterland gives to UNI outside merch sales that people aren't thinking about.

And no, I'm not saying UNI will ever take WDW's #1 spot. I know some people reading this just got their panties in a bunch.


From everything I've seen (and will confirm at the end of the month), Forbidden Journey's queue is substantially better than Indy's. I hate the fact that so much of Indy's queue is wasted due to the Fastpass merge point being outside. It's really regrettable.
Yeah, Fastpass kills the experience of Indy's queue.
I still give Indy the edge for best queue. It's just so extensive, and well themed, and so detailed. A truly great build up to the ride and a major part of the total experience.
FJ's queue is great, especially for Potter fans who finally get to inhabit some of the spaces they have only imagined before. But in the just doesn't transport me away the way Indy's queue does. But the ride....oh....the ride....:dazzle:

It's been my experience that Mythos is only open for like 17 minutes a day. Seriously, when can you actually eat there? I was hoping to on my last 4 trips to Islands of Adventure and it was closed each time.
They have expanded their hours. When we ate there a couple weeks ago, my reservations were for 5:30pm. Seems like they are open for lunch and dinner now.


Well-Known Member
Normally Mythos opens around 11am, and during the off-season closes around 3. During the busy times, it normally closes around 6. So there's a big enough window for you to get a dining experience in there if you plan around it. It's good. Been there a few years ago and I enjoyed it. Definitely one of the better restaurants at any theme park.

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