Well-Known Member
What thread did he post in??? I'd like to contact him...
First, a great big thank you for thinking of me on this topic; it's flattering and I am honored. (double-checking my syntax, it looks like I just said I like being associated with a slide in quality! heavens!)
I have indeed been trying to document a slide in quality, show quality standards, "Disney Look" standards, operational issues, upkeep budgets, and the like... I think the term "declining by degrees" came about in 2006.
The spectrum of reaction to Fantasyland (and no, I don't know any more than the rest of you... your speculations are mine too!) is pretty much the spectrum of reaction to Lights of Winter. That is to say, everyone has his own "straw that broke the camel's back." For some, it's a cut in Fantasyland. For others, it was LoW. For still others, who are by now long gone from Disney and not coming back, it was the destruction of quiet areas, the turning of Main Street into a mall, the cartooning of Tomorrowland, etc. Still others haven't reached their straw yet. Maybe if they took out all roller-coasters and went the kiddie-ride direction?
That's a long winded way of saying that YOUR straw may not be the same as someone else's straw. And there are folks around with no straw at all - they would keep going if MK was razed and turned into Disney's Florida Adventure.
For this reason, I'm usually loathe to join boycotts. I have a teeny-tiny bully pulpit and hope (delude myself?) into thinking that *pointing out* the deficiencies may do more good than simply stopping going by myself. And, truth be told, I still enjoy the experience quite a bit. Disney is still the industry leader, despite everything. So I like to think we (this community, my own articles, other bloggers) can collectively hold power.
Is a SAVE-WDW campaign necessary? That depends on you and your straws, doesn't it? You'd get the whole spectrum of reaction there, much as I do in my emails and on message boards (it can be wince-inducing to read what people say about you when they think you don't have an account on that message board. Al's last name, for instance, should not be call for ad hominem attacks).
Will I help? I'm hesitant to take on more work - goodness knows I have projects lying around here as it is. And I would point out that my weekly article is a somewhat relentless (some say much-too-negative) charting of the shortfalls as it is.
That said, I'm sympathetic to the cause, too. I'll certainly do what I can if it fits my existing projects and articles, and obviously I'd help promote it.
How's that for a wishy-washy, middle of the road answer?