When EE opens, I think the crowds to DAK are going to increase by quite a bit. This being the case, I would think DAK will end up reaching capacity on MANY days.....simply because there is not a great deal of space for people to be in the park.
This last Sunday, I got there are about 3pm......the parking lot was only 2/3 full, but the park was packed......to a level where it was not comfortable. It was hard to walk the paths, due to the large number of guests. KS, Dinosaur, and Kali all had significant waits (45+ minutes).
When EE opens, more people will come to the park. Let's say EE raises the attendance by 7%. That would add an additional 1800 people into the park EVERY day. Now, even though EE will be able to hold this many people in its queue....ALL of DAK's main attractions will have Fastpass....so many of these people will be walking around the park, and not waiting in the queue.
My feeling is that DAK needs to add 2 or 3 more animal treks (like Pangani Forest or Maharaja Jungle) as this will give the park more "floor space" to hold bodies.
Also, perhaps some new exhibit needs to open near Rafiki's Planet Watch, which will keep people out in this area for a longer period of time.