Additional Luggage Charge


Well-Known Member
I see in my newpaper today American Airlines is now going to charge a $15.00 fee both ways for a single checked bag. Wha'ts next - pay toilets?


New Member
I think it's outrageous to charge for the first checked bag. 2nd I can see but not the first. I will not fly American if I can avoid it and hopefully others will do the same. Bring back the days when food was edible and the airlines cared about their clients.
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Well-Known Member
I would rather see an increase in the fare or a higher fuel surcharge than charging a fee for the first checked bag. Are we supposed to travel with only the clothes on our backs?

A lot of people already carry on pretty big 'weekender' suitcases and some have to check them at the ramp due to lack of available overhead storage. I wonder if bags checked at the ramp will be subject to the same $15 fee?

I rarely fly AA and will avoid giving them my business if at all possible. My concern is that if the flying public lets them get away with this, other airlines will follow suit.
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Well-Known Member
We went to book flights on AirTran and after we selected our flights we had to pay something like $15.00 per seat per flight for seat assignments.:fork: Cancellation fees and schedule change fees have become extremely outrageous and now you cannot even check one bag without it costing money. Since the addition of the charge for the second bag and the high percentage of lost luggage lately the carry-on luggage has gotten insane. I watch people jam, push, shove and pray to get there oversized carry-on into the overhead compartment. I didn't believe it could get much worse, but it just has. Next you will be charged for your carry-on, women's purses, laptop computers and maybe a jacket if you have on with you. Also make sure you carry quarters for the tiolet.
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I think American, by doing this and not just raising ticket prices by $20 is encouraging people to try to overstuff their carry-ons (as others have already mentioned)

Hopefully the public will stand up and refuse to fly with them.

Let's see what is next...

1. A flight attendent standing with a height and weight chart says, "Oh you are 10% over the what the chart recommends, so please pay a 10% premium right now". Me "I'm not fat! I'm big boned!"

2. "That is a very bulky winter coat, $5 please."

3. "Those shoes have a very chunky sole, $2 please."

4. "That will be $20 to wheel grandma down to plane"

5. Snack service: All non-alcholic beverages $5, Ice $1, Little sratchy napkin $1, Peanuts, Cookie and other assorted tiny snacks $5, Delivery fee $5, Trash removal fee $3. Smiles or Funny looks still Free

6. Restroom waiting fee $3 (Don't get out of line if you see another restroom open up because the $3 fee only applies to your current line); Toilet paper $.05 a square; Water to wash hands $1; Soap $2; Flushing Fee $2 (you must flush or you will be locked in the restroom).

7. Smiling on your way to WDW $10. Frown on your way back $5

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Well-Known Member
This whole thing is very rediculous. I was just watching about it on the news this morning. Passengers are just livid, and we have every right to be. Its bad enough that we have to pay these expensive rates just for tickets to fly, now our luggage gets charged??? I will never fly American Airlines. Pretty soon, it'll be cheaper to drive 1,000 miles all the way down to Orlando from NJ, even with the gas prices as high as they are, than to fly. I don't know why the already paying customers have to be punished because the fuel is so expensive. I'd rather pay a little more for a ticket, than pay for my luggage to get on the plane.
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Active Member
We used to fly American out of Boston, but the eliminated the morning flight to Orlando so we switched to Southwest out of Manchester, which is really more convenient. But price is alot and I definitely will not look at American now with this additional cost.
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Well-Known Member
While I usually only bring a carry-on with me, I will NEVER again fly American Airlines. I checked a bag for the first time in over a decade when I went to Disney in February, and only because then I didn't have to carry it to the hotel!
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Well-Known Member
We went to book flights on AirTran and after we selected our flights we had to pay something like $15.00 per seat per flight for seat assignments.:fork:

Side note... The AirTran seat assignment fee is only if you want a seat assignment beforehand. Otherwise, you'll be assigned one at the airport for free when you check in.

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Well-Known Member
After having to cancel more than 1000 flights in April due to their slow response to a safety problem with 300 of their planes, you'd think AA would be the last airline that would want to further alienate the flying public with this sordid money grab.
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It seems like this rule for charging for EVERY checked bag is targeting vacation travelers. Business travelers rarely have checked luggage (in my experience traveling anyway)

I actually had to cancel a trip based on the excessive flight costs. For example, a flight from Halifax to Orlando cost me $425 last year and that was DIRECT. I tried to look this year and direct flights have been cut back so the cheapest flight I can find includes a connection and will cost me $1200!!! (it's a 3.5 hour flight) :confused:

How am I expected to save for a trip to Disney with a friend when the flight costs more than my hotel, park tickets and meals combined!!!

Also, a friend of mine just traveled with her husband and son on American. Their baggage allowance was fine for thier international flight from Berlin to New York but their carry-on was overweight for their domestic portion from New York to Atlanta.

Since they already had their quota of checked baggage, they had to pay for the overweight was less than 3 lbs overweight and they were charged $89!

I don't know if I'll ever get back to Disney...I used to be able to afford it at least every couple of years and I still can afford the hotel deals, meal plans and park tickets but I can't afford to actually GET there! :(
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Well-Known Member
Our local news station interviewed a travel agent who said that they wouldn't be surprised if a flyer in the future will be charged by their weight. Like in so much per pound....kinda like buying a steak or a roast at the meat counter. :eek:
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Well-Known Member
I was reading somewhere (and now cannot remember where) the logic behind this.

People wonder why they dont just add $15 to a ticket price. The answer was perceived cost. At a certain point, people will look at the cost of an airline ticket and decide that for the price, they will do something else for vacation. If an airline raises its ticket prices too high, it looses customers on that flight, and then its a vicious cycle to try and make up the cost of the flight by raising prices even more.

However, most people view fees and surcharges as something different than the price of a ticket. They tend not to look at them untill it comes time to pay them.

Yes, many of us here do look at them, but then this is a special group, and not your average travelers.

A funny (sort of) story. I just flew Continental to WDW in April. When I checked my luggage I had two bags, each about 1/2 full, they weighed about 20 lbs each. The attendent picked them up and said "wow, nice and light". I said I don't see the point of cramming it all into one and then having people break their backs loading and unloading it. He said "I wish more people would do that". You can bet that if I ever have to fly AA, they are getting one heavy bag insted of two light ones.

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Well-Known Member
Our local news station interviewed a travel agent who said that they wouldn't be surprised if a flyer in the future will be charged by their weight. Like in so much per pound....kinda like buying a steak or a roast at the meat counter. :eek:

My co-worker actually said exactly the same thing today at work while we were discussing the new checked baggage fees... Though he went farther and suggested they have a weight limit that's included in the price of the ticket that's for you AND your luggage. So a lightweight person can afford to pack more, and a heavier person needs to either pack lighter or pay an overage charge.

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Well-Known Member
The airlines have to cover their costs and they can either do it through higher ticket prices or extra fees. Either way, everyone is still going to pay extra money. I'd bet that a few weeks after this fee increase goes into effect, other airlines will follow. Personally I'd rather have the baggage fee because i'm a single guy and when I do travel, I travel lightly and won't need to check anything. There are ways around a checked bag fee, but there are no ways around a fare increase.
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Well-Known Member
My co-worker actually said exactly the same thing today at work while we were discussing the new checked baggage fees... Though he went farther and suggested they have a weight limit that's included in the price of the ticket that's for you AND your luggage. So a lightweight person can afford to pack more, and a heavier person needs to either pack lighter or pay an overage charge.


Ok I am a big guy 6-1 300 and as such my clothes are a bit bigger than the avg person but never do my bags weigh anywhere close to the 50 pound limit most airlines set.So explain to me why I should have to pack any less when my clothes(packed full in a large duffel bag)weigh within the FAA or airline guidelines?:shrug:

I fit just fine in to a airline seat with only having the problems of my knees banging into the seat in front of me.I may be bigger but I shouldn't be treated any different than you.Now if I was unable to fit in a seat then maybe I can see having to pay for a extra seat but I dont need that and I am a big dude.and before someone says I make someone uncomfortable by sitting next to them due to my size well my brother usually flies with me and he has yet to gripe and he always sits in the middle if we are sitting with another passenger.He has plenty of room.
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Well-Known Member
Ok I am a big guy 6-1 300 and as such my clothes are a bit bigger than the avg person but never do my bags weigh anywhere close to the 50 pound limit most airlines set.So explain to me why I should have to pack any less when my clothes(packed full in a large duffel bag)weigh within the FAA or airline guidelines?:shrug:

I fit just fine in to a airline seat with only having the problems of my knees banging into the seat in front of me.I may be bigger but I shouldn't be treated any different than you.Now if I was unable to fit in a seat then maybe I can see having to pay for a extra seat but I dont need that and I am a big dude.and before someone says I make someone uncomfortable by sitting next to them due to my size well my brother usually flies with me and he has yet to gripe and he always sits in the middle if we are sitting with another passenger.He has plenty of room.

Because if it truly is a 'weight' issue, you are taking up double the weight on the flight that I do. So if it costs the airline whatever per pound to transport me, and that adds up to say, $50, then it would cost $100 for you.

Now, I'm not saying what he said is going to happen, because it probably will not. I can't see that standing up to lawsuits. Just pointing out the reasoning, which is correct. Hes just saying that say a standard ticket gets you 250lbs of 'allowance' on the flight. Thats you, your carry on, your checked bag(s), etc. Since you admit you are over that, you would be charged more, but people that are under are not charged extra because they are cheaper for the airline to transport. Again, I can't see it happening, but it makes sense, simply from a pound by pound standpoint.
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