Tom Morrow
Well-Known Member
Oh that's odd, I thought he was calling for pitchforks for Universal and saying he didn't do anything to deserve it??Adam has posted this message on his page. He does not seem to be engaging in any discussion about it and seems to accept what happened.
Published on Apr 6, 2017
In July 2012 I recorded two videos at Universal Studios Orlando of past attractions no longer open to the public . A lot has changed since those days both in my approach to documenting as well as the way I go about gaining access . Although I technically did not sneak into the locations alone and unnoticed as it may appear in the clips I do understand how posting the footage is frowned upon and can appreciate their concern. After nearly 5 years and countless return visits and annual passes to Universal Orlando Resort they have chosen at this time to trespass me from the property indefinitely .
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