Oh, an anime gif! Take that, person who makes enough money from his daily vlog to support himself and travel the country.
There seems to be a huge disconnect here where you guys think he's just some troublemaker that the internet hates, when in fact this "clown" is a relatively famous YouTube personality because of what he has become, a family friendly content producer that tours the country showcasing interesting things. In his daily vlog he now generally tries to be as respectful as possible to the places and people he visits. Yes he's not perfect, but he doesn't have ill intentions. He's more or less a big dork who gets easily excited.
The smugness and ignorance that radiates from wdwmagic never ceases to amaze me. Keep cherry picking stuff he did 7 years ago and incredibly petty stuff since then. If you think pulling back a curtain or flying a drone in a park makes him a nuisance, then I can't even imagine what a square you must be in person.