

Well-Known Member
I think for many posters ,using initials has become almost right of passage. By using initials we have confirmed to ourselves and the rest of the forum members that we have been around long enough and have enough Disney knowledge to be able to decipher the initials into the actual words. After a year or so of posting I felt comfortable being able to read and respond using initials. I kind of like it.


I think for many posters ,using initials has become almost right of passage. By using initials we have confirmed to ourselves and the rest of the forum members that we have been around long enough and have enough Disney knowledge to be able to decipher the initials into the actual words. After a year or so of posting I felt comfortable being able to read and respond using initials. I kind of like it.

I felt that that was the case since some contributors seem to try and out-do others on how many acronyms they can use.......


Active Member
Is it just me... or does this subject pop up a least once a year?

Acronyms can be confussing at times, but context clues are your friend. If all else false, one could always just ask...


Well-Known Member
Is it just me... or does this subject pop up a least once a year?

Yes, and will continue to pop up as new fans come to WDWMagic, look around, and realize they don't understand some posts and either don't know about, or are put off by such a long list of gibberish they have to learn in order to follow along.

Acronyms can be confussing at times, but context clues are your friend. If all else false, one could always just ask...

I agree context is a big help, it's just a little hard to pick up on in many posts because it's not just the overuse of abbreviations, but often an underuse of grammar and spelling along with it.

But again, while the use of abbreviations might save a little time on the writer's end, they aren't very clear, since different people have different ideas about what the various abbreviations mean.

Unless you're trying to win points in the abbreviation-club, I just can't think of a very compelling reason to want to write posts that are hard to understand.


Well-Known Member
I think for many posters ,using initials has become almost right of passage. By using initials we have confirmed to ourselves and the rest of the forum members that we have been around long enough and have enough Disney knowledge to be able to decipher the initials into the actual words. After a year or so of posting I felt comfortable being able to read and respond using initials. I kind of like it.

Almost all groups at one time or another develop jargon to differentiate between insiders and outsiders. Even with-in a group sub-groups can form and start their own jargon. It is human nature. You can't stop it, so go with the flow learn the local-ease, and become an insider.


Well-Known Member
is it me, or i just cant keep up with new acronyms..'ll invest 5 seconds more per post and it would make life easier for everyone if we put the complete name

just a thought


Too true. You will eventually get used to them, but the frustration it causes at the start, or when somebody decides to create a new acronym is not much worth it...considering the point you made about the 5 extra seconds it takes. Love the acronym at the end of the post by the way.

I thought it stood for Team Disney Orlando, since TDA is Team Disney Anaheim.

An example of why acronyms are annoying.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
TDO = The Disney Organization

WDI = Walt Disney Imagineers :wave:

I thought it stood for Team Disney Orlando, since TDA is Team Disney Anaheim.

I'm pretty sure TDO stands for Team Disney Orlando...that's why we're always complaining about them compared to Glendale, or Burbank...or Anahiem...or whichever cities they now occupy.
It is Team Disney Orlando...there is no such thing as "The Disney Organization."

They are a company that is incorporated (WDC). BIG difference.


IIRC - that one always gets me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sometimes acronyms are time saving and for the most part universally understood (by the majority of the Disney fan community at least) such as:

- DCA, MK, DHS, ToT, RnRC, TTA, and TTC.

Then there are some acronyms that do not save time, can easily be confused, or can be shortened much better.

-SM could be Splash Mountain or Space Mountain. Use "Splash" or "Space Mt." instead.
-BLSRS is Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. Just using "Buzz" is actually a better shortened version. In fact, "Buzz" is 4 letters while BLSRS is 5!
-KRR is Kali River Rapids, but using Kali is just as effective.
-Muppets is more effected than MV3D.
-KS for Kilamanjaro Safari would be much easier to read through if someone just said "Safari".
-JII is for Journey into Imagination, but just typing "Imagination" gets the point across faster.

But most of the time, I don't mind typing out the full name out of respect for my readers. Sure, I don't need to type out "Playhouse Disney: Live on Stage" when I can leave it as "Playhouse Disney", but simply typing out It's Tough to be a Bug is much easier than having someone think through ITTBAB or trying to think of a shorter way to type it.


My feelings exactly. Boy I thought I was the only one who didn't know the abbreviations and acronyms!! Thanks for commenting on it. It is very annoying not to know what people are talking about. I've been a huge fan since Disneyworld openned and have been there at least 50 times, but have to guess most of the time when reading these posts.
Same here but never wanted to say anything so I would just ignore the post. :confused:


Sometimes acronyms are time saving and for the most part universally understood (by the majority of the Disney fan community at least) such as:

- DCA, MK, DHS, ToT, RnRC, TTA, and TTC.

Then there are some acronyms that do not save time, can easily be confused, or can be shortened much better.

-SM could be Splash Mountain or Space Mountain. Use "Splash" or "Space Mt." instead.
-BLSRS is Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. Just using "Buzz" is actually a better shortened version.
In fact, "Buzz" is 4 letters while BLSRS is 5!
-KRR is Kali River Rapids, but using Kali is just as effective.
-Muppets is more effected than MV3D.
-KS for Kilamanjaro Safari would be much easier to read through if someone just said "Safari".
-JII is for Journey into Imagination, but just typing "Imagination" gets the point across faster.

But most of the time, I don't mind typing out the full name out of respect for my readers. Sure, I don't need to type out "Playhouse Disney: Live on Stage" when I can leave it as "Playhouse Disney", but simply typing out It's Tough to be a Bug is much easier than having someone think through ITTBAB or trying to think of a shorter way to type it.

Amen! I love the 'Buzz' thing....


Well-Known Member
Sometimes acronyms are time saving and for the most part universally understood (by the majority of the Disney fan community at least) such as:

- DCA, MK, DHS, ToT, RnRC, TTA, and TTC.

Then there are some acronyms that do not save time, can easily be confused, or can be shortened much better.

-SM could be Splash Mountain or Space Mountain. Use "Splash" or "Space Mt." instead.
-BLSRS is Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. Just using "Buzz" is actually a better shortened version. In fact, "Buzz" is 4 letters while BLSRS is 5!
-KRR is Kali River Rapids, but using Kali is just as effective.
-Muppets is more effected than MV3D.
-KS for Kilamanjaro Safari would be much easier to read through if someone just said "Safari".
-JII is for Journey into Imagination, but just typing "Imagination" gets the point across faster.

But most of the time, I don't mind typing out the full name out of respect for my readers. Sure, I don't need to type out "Playhouse Disney: Live on Stage" when I can leave it as "Playhouse Disney", but simply typing out It's Tough to be a Bug is much easier than having someone think through ITTBAB or trying to think of a shorter way to type it.
I tend to refer to Splash Mountain as splash, Space Mountain as space, Kali River Rapids as kali, Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin as Buzz, Snow White's Scary Adventure as Snow White, Muppet Vision 3-D as the muppets, etc. When it comes to Journey into Imagination I tend to just say we went to visit Figment! Haha! All that said, I usually handle the initialisms rather well. My problem is when people use different ones for the same ride. For example, when Toy Story Midway Mania came out everyone referred to it as TSMM. Now it is TSM. One letter might not seem like much but in a forum that uses all kinds of initialisms one letter is really important. I have the same problem with BTM and BTMR.... same ride, one letter change. Oy!


Well-Known Member
My practice, for what it is worth, is to spell it out the first time I use it unless somebody before me has spelled it out already in an obvious way. I just read a thread on BTMR and how cool it was in the rain. It must have taken me 5 minutes to figure out it was Big Thunder Mountain Railway. Any clue, even Big Thunder MR, would've helped.

I guess some people don't want to be careful that they are being understood.


Well-Known Member
It is Team Disney Orlando...there is no such thing as "The Disney Organization."

They are a company that is incorporated (WDC). BIG difference.


IIRC - that one always gets me. :lol:

Good to know. Thanks for the correction everyone. I have been totally schooled.

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
Sorry to pull this one up again, but in the process of searching for the stupid acronym page because I couldn't find a direct link, I happened upon this thread. I just had to comment....

Almost all groups at one time or another develop jargon to differentiate between insiders and outsiders.

I might get chastised for this, but ain't that statement the TRUTH! It's almost as if you're not "cool" on this forum if you're not using the acronyms. I don't mean to make waves, but seriously? You're an "insider" if you use the acronyms? Is it really so important for some people to purposely exclude others because the say Tower of Terror instead of ToT? Is that the basis of why one person is cool, and another isn't? If so, then some people have bigger personal issues than trying to prove that they're better than others because of something so silly. <<climbing down off soap box>>


Active Member
On this forum, I never saw it as "Insiders vs Outsiders", but more like "Lazy People vs People Who Like to Type"

Count me in the lazy category!


Well-Known Member
It is Team Disney Orlando...there is no such thing as "The Disney Organization."

They are a company that is incorporated (WDC). BIG difference.


IIRC - that one always gets me. :lol:
is part of the orlando mafia if you keep it up you might sleep with the aligators or wear cement Crocs:fork:

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