Welcome to my pre-trip report! My name is Sarah, I am a mom to two amazing children, DD-Lexi, 5 yrs old, and DS-Dylan, 6 months. I am with their father, I refer to him as DH just because we've been together for almost 8 yrs, been engaged, almost married, then just BF/GF and not engaged ....
it's a relatively long story, but all that realy matters here is that he is my number one, and we have 2 awesome kiddos together, and since we are truely a family, he is, in my eyes, my DH minus the expensive papers!!
Pic of me and DD last trip:
Pic of DH and DD last trip:
And here is the new one!!! My DS:
This trip all came about back in September, right after I had our son. I just had the itch. It had been 6 months since our last trip (I was 3 months prego at the time) and I wanted to be in the planning stages ASAP!! I was out of work on maternity leave, and really, aside from enjoying this amazing new child of mine, truthfully, the only other thing I thought about was Disney!! haha! (that constitutes an adict, right???) On a whim in early October, I booked an 11 night trip starting with the last day that free dining was offered for in Sept 2011 which guarenteed us free dining for the length of the trip. I told DH two nights after I booked it, I was just sooo excited! I knew he would be upset that I did it without consulting him first, but truth is, if I had consulted him, he woudl have said "are you crazy? We just had a new baby! NO!"... SO I went with plan B, tell him after I booked it, and let him know all would be well, and he would get over it! Then atleast I didnt go against his word... right??? Well turns out, he was pretty excited that I had booked it. The thought of free dining was great to him, he would be able to try all of the weird, odd, unique things he has always wanted to, that I have always talked him out of so we could save a few bucks. After I originally booked it, I was so excited, that I decided to add another night on to the beginning of our trip, thus making our official dates Sept 28th- October 10th. The 10th is Columbus day so both DH and DD have it off from work, so in total they will both be missing 8 days, for a 13 day trip, not too shabby!!! DD will have just started 1st grade and I was a little worried about taking her out so soon, but I figure, better I take her out early in the year when she has plenty of time to catch up, than to take her out near the end of the year after they have got in the groove so to speak. So there you have it, how this trip came to be!!! I will add that we be staying at Coronado Springs, our favorite resort thus far (we did not care for Riverside on our last trip) and we figured lets stick with what we know we love! Our son will be just over 1 onb the trip, and DD will be a few months over 6. We will be bringing a stroller with us for the first tiem ever, normally we just rented one at the parks, but DD was 3 1/2 on her first trip adn coudl walk most of the time. We will also be doing the DDP for the first time, so I have been scouring menus, and making our day by day itinerary for a few weeks to be prepared for making our ADR's this coming Friday, April 1st!!! We do have the park hopper so it will make being able to do all the dining we want a little easier. I am aiming to do mostly kid friendly Character dining experiences, but will also throw just a few non-character meals in. I pretty much have our entire itinerary set, and want to share it with you all to hear what you think! But first up... Our dining plans! Let me know if you have any suggestions before I make the ressies Friday!!!

Pic of me and DD last trip:

Pic of DH and DD last trip:

And here is the new one!!! My DS:

This trip all came about back in September, right after I had our son. I just had the itch. It had been 6 months since our last trip (I was 3 months prego at the time) and I wanted to be in the planning stages ASAP!! I was out of work on maternity leave, and really, aside from enjoying this amazing new child of mine, truthfully, the only other thing I thought about was Disney!! haha! (that constitutes an adict, right???) On a whim in early October, I booked an 11 night trip starting with the last day that free dining was offered for in Sept 2011 which guarenteed us free dining for the length of the trip. I told DH two nights after I booked it, I was just sooo excited! I knew he would be upset that I did it without consulting him first, but truth is, if I had consulted him, he woudl have said "are you crazy? We just had a new baby! NO!"... SO I went with plan B, tell him after I booked it, and let him know all would be well, and he would get over it! Then atleast I didnt go against his word... right??? Well turns out, he was pretty excited that I had booked it. The thought of free dining was great to him, he would be able to try all of the weird, odd, unique things he has always wanted to, that I have always talked him out of so we could save a few bucks. After I originally booked it, I was so excited, that I decided to add another night on to the beginning of our trip, thus making our official dates Sept 28th- October 10th. The 10th is Columbus day so both DH and DD have it off from work, so in total they will both be missing 8 days, for a 13 day trip, not too shabby!!! DD will have just started 1st grade and I was a little worried about taking her out so soon, but I figure, better I take her out early in the year when she has plenty of time to catch up, than to take her out near the end of the year after they have got in the groove so to speak. So there you have it, how this trip came to be!!! I will add that we be staying at Coronado Springs, our favorite resort thus far (we did not care for Riverside on our last trip) and we figured lets stick with what we know we love! Our son will be just over 1 onb the trip, and DD will be a few months over 6. We will be bringing a stroller with us for the first tiem ever, normally we just rented one at the parks, but DD was 3 1/2 on her first trip adn coudl walk most of the time. We will also be doing the DDP for the first time, so I have been scouring menus, and making our day by day itinerary for a few weeks to be prepared for making our ADR's this coming Friday, April 1st!!! We do have the park hopper so it will make being able to do all the dining we want a little easier. I am aiming to do mostly kid friendly Character dining experiences, but will also throw just a few non-character meals in. I pretty much have our entire itinerary set, and want to share it with you all to hear what you think! But first up... Our dining plans! Let me know if you have any suggestions before I make the ressies Friday!!!