About Motion Sickness...


New Member
Stay away from Misssion Space in Epcot!!!!! I have pretty big problems with motion sickness and I rode this ride like the idiot I am! Needless to say, I was sick as a dog from the time I rode it until I went to bed that night. They did have warning signs and I ignored them. It was not one of my better decisions! :)

On another note, I do fine with roller coasters and other rides, it's just the spinning ones that make me sick.


New Member
I'm very motion sicknessy...which is why I'll probably never go on Mission Space. Star Tours made me a little sick, but I've never had a problem with anything else...even RnRc.


Active Member
I have suffered from extreme motion sickness all my life. I used to not be able to be a passenger in a car from any seat. I am a strong proponent of the Reliefband motion sickness watch. It takes effect instantly, you can use it after you start to feel sick, and no drowsiness. You just have to get used to the shocking sensation in your wrist. It's kind of pricey but well worth it, you'll use it over and over again.



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Valawen9 said:
I'm very motion sicknessy...which is why I'll probably never go on Mission Space. Star Tours made me a little sick, but I've never had a problem with anything else...even RnRc.
You can do Mission Space. It's not bad at all if you just look forward. I can't wait to get your butt on Splash Mountain. I will do it one day.


New Member
pintraderpayee said:
I know this might sound crazy, but I take one deep breath and SCREAM like heck during rides like TOT, RR, M:S and probably will do so on Exepedition Everest. The screaming seems to keep my "stomach" in its proper place! Sadly, enough I cannot stand the MK tea cups or EPCOT's Body Wars:hurl:

6 weeks 1 day 'til we are ºoºrlandºoº Bºoºund

lol...I have to scream to in order to keep my stomach from coming out of my mouth :lol:


I feel sorry for all of you who cant enjoy some of the thrill rides.

You can take this with a grain of salt because I dont suffer from motion sickness much but I know the feeling and have only had it happen twice on a ride. But I will say that if you read every warning sign you would be afraid to go on anything. I understand that legally Disney needs to CYA and post everything possible.

But I will never forget my Mom reading the list of warnings for Space Mountain on our first visit in 75' and she was scared to death to go on, but she did and like many afterwards she was like "WOW that was no big deal".

She is now 71 and rode TOT with me in December!:D


New Member
Trizz41999 said:
Dont go on mission space, you'll feel horrible after. I dont even have a motion sickness problem and I felt dizzy. Don't go on that ride.

My aunt rode Mission: SPACE once, loved it, rode again, and said she felt sick. I think it's a matter of tolerance. I don't suffer from motion sickness at all. I've never thrown up on or after a ride (although I was close on a Top Scan running an incredibly intense program), so it's really a matter of personal tolerance.


New Member
I have really bad motion sickness, and was really worried when I went to WDW, but I never got it once!
I think it was I was so excited to be there, and determined NOT to ruin my trip, that it was mind over matter!


Active Member
I get motion sickness. I have trouble riding in the backseat of cars, or in airplanes. I even get really nauseous if I watch a home video that is too shaky...
I typically am fine at Disney. I cannot tolerate Dramamine so I do not take it. The only time I have a problem is if I go on a ride twice in a row, immmediately following each other. Like one time I went on RNRC twice in about 5 minutes, I was nauseous and had a horrible headache. But if I space it out I am typically fine.


Active Member
Heatherbell said:
I get motion sickness. I have trouble riding in the backseat of cars, or in airplanes. I even get really nauseous if I watch a home video that is too shaky...
I typically am fine at Disney. I cannot tolerate Dramamine so I do not take it. The only time I have a problem is if I go on a ride twice in a row, immmediately following each other. Like one time I went on RNRC twice in about 5 minutes, I was nauseous and had a horrible headache. But if I space it out I am typically fine.

You sound just like me. Road trips used to be miserable! I'm tellin' ya you really ought to check out that ReliefBand - it's been amazing for me. (And no I don't get any kickbacks for promoting it!):lol:

Plus it's fun to let others try it out and watch the expression on their face when it shocks them the first time! I did it to my boss, it was classic.:animwink:


Is it 5:00 yet?
Primevil Whirl made me feel funny for the rest of the day. It's a fun ride until they start spinning you at the end. I even closed my eyes and that didn't help at all. I have not tried M:S...I know it will make me:hurl: ...Plus I am clostrophobic...I know I would freek out..


Well-Known Member
Teenchy said:
I feel sorry for all of you who cant enjoy some of the thrill rides.

You can take this with a grain of salt because I dont suffer from motion sickness much but I know the feeling and have only had it happen twice on a ride. But I will say that if you read every warning sign you would be afraid to go on anything. I understand that legally Disney needs to CYA and post everything possible.

But I will never forget my Mom reading the list of warnings for Space Mountain on our first visit in 75' and she was scared to death to go on, but she did and like many afterwards she was like "WOW that was no big deal".

She is now 71 and rode TOT with me in December!:D

Spoken like a person who doesn't get motion sick. :)

I have been so miserable for hours after riding BTMRR and TT that the thought of riding one of the faster/jerkier/spinnier rides isn't remotely appealing to me. Please don't feel sorry for me. I can't enjoy the thrill rides because I *wouldn't* enjoy the thrill rides. I did ride Star Tours once at DL because someone in my party told me "oh, it's not that bad, if you start feeling sick just close your eyes." Yeah, right. :hurl: in the trash can after the ride sure ruins the magic of the rest of your day. Lucky I made it to the trash can.

If you don't get sick then yeah, the warnings might seem a bit much. But if you do it's nice not to have to find out the hard way.


New Member
ksccar said:
Primevil Whirl made me feel funny for the rest of the day. It's a fun ride until they start spinning you at the end. I even closed my eyes and that didn't help at all. I have not tried M:S...I know it will make me:hurl: ...Plus I am clostrophobic...I know I would freek out..

Oh yeah I forgot about Primevil Whirl...that definitely made me feel really sick. I hate rides that spin so I don't even know why I went on! lol I guess I thought it'd be quick and I could handle it.


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Valawen9 said:
Oh yeah I forgot about Primevil Whirl...that definitely made me feel really sick. I hate rides that spin so I don't even know why I went on! lol I guess I thought it'd be quick and I could handle it.
I don't really get motion sickness but PW made me feel like crap afterwards.


Active Member
I, too, suffer from motion sickness. Soarin', Primeval Whirl, and Test Track were not a problem for me at all. ToT left me feeling a bit dizzy, but not bad. I won't even try MS or RnRC.

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