The Florida Times-Union printed an AP article with excerpts from the book "Trim Kids." Although it was aimed at fighting obesity in children, some of the tips would work just as well for adults!
*Take smaller bites and chew more, 15-30 times per bite.
*Do not take seconds...except for vegetables.
*Leave some of every type of food on your plate.
*Leave the serving bowls of food in the kitchen.
*Use a smaller plate.
*Drink a large glass of water 15 minutes before each meal.
*Eat in one place and on a schedule.
*Don't do ANYTHING else while eating! (my big no-no! I love to read the paper while eating breakfast)
*Take smaller bites and chew more, 15-30 times per bite.
*Do not take seconds...except for vegetables.
*Leave some of every type of food on your plate.
*Leave the serving bowls of food in the kitchen.
*Use a smaller plate.
*Drink a large glass of water 15 minutes before each meal.
*Eat in one place and on a schedule.
*Don't do ANYTHING else while eating! (my big no-no! I love to read the paper while eating breakfast)