A Walt Disney World Sitcom!?


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My Pipedream: Rather weird but possibly some fun. :wave:

I'm planning on writing a script for a Disney theme park sitcom called "The Cast" that will probably come to nothing, but could be fun. It would be aimed at hardcore Disney fans like you and me, and the humor would be something like Friends.

I probably sound off my rocker, but I will write a script to last at least twenty minutes. However even with my wit,:slurp: I couldn't do all this. Which is where all those who care come in. If anyone thinks of a good theme park joke for a sitcom type show could they post it in. I will think of a way to fit it in, and eventually I will post a script for a "pilot episode."

The main characters at this point will be:

Johnny, a practical joker who is a Jungle Cruise skipper
Simon, a young Disney fanatic who does everything by the book and is very gullible
Jacob, a clumsy man of about 45 who is moved around operations as he doesn't fit in anywhere
Helen, a strict woman who echoes Simon to an extent, but despises him
Gerald, a "duck-winder" of sorts who delights in snitching and telling everything to the upper management

and side characters:
Martha, a guest relations woman. The main joke is that people complain about ludricous things
Harry, a security guard who is asked silly questions by guests and given farfetched excuses about guests in the wrong

If this sounds like your kind of thing, please do help. This is just somewhat of a project to fuse my two favourite things, Disney and comedy, together.

Thank you for your time, and get wisecrackin'!


Naturally Grumpy
Let's see
you will need:
A transportation CM (bus or monorail)
Concierge or Hotel desk
Costumed CM (possibly with roaming hands)....


Active Member
Original Poster
Good idea!

An example of the kind of jokes I'd like:

Costumed Character- *tired* Heigh, Ho, Children... welcome to the Stitch Kingdom!

Kid- Stitch Kingdom?

Costumed Character- *monotonous, like quoting from a statement* Open since October 2004, Stitch Kingdom has transported guests right into the fabulous world of Stitch! See Toiletrella Castle in all of it's loo-rolled glory, and Stitch's Great Escape V.107.6, the original and compelling blockbuster attraction. Explore the wonders of Stitch's patookie and regions beyond. See the Plush Mountain and much more. The Stitch Kingdom can be reached by the Ferry Merry, the Patookie-rail, or the Stitch World resort buses!

Kid- Are you Baloo or Brer Bear?

Costumed Character- *looking at himself* Erm...Look for the bear necessities-

Kid- Silly Brer Bear! You don't sing that!

Costumed Character- *muttering*erm...*joyous* Look for the Brer necessities, the simple Brer necessities...

Kid- Come on Mom, this is boring! Let's ride It's A Stitch World!

Corny Comedy..that's what I'm looking for! Keep 'em coming!


Well-Known Member
thats cool-iv been thinking it would be cool to have a reality show based on wdw.something in between COPS AND AIRLINE. have the reality show based on security cast and what they have to put up with on a daily basis like shoplifters and irate guests and things like that. or follow an operations manager on their daily routines trying to fix issues and irate guests etc.sounds kinda boring to most but if you think on as daily basis how many stupid and funny things happen in the parks.


New Member
wedway71 said:
thats cool-iv been thinking it would be cool to have a reality show based on wdw.something in between COPS AND AIRLINE. have the reality show based on security cast and what they have to put up with on a daily basis like shoplifters and irate guests and things like that. or follow an operations manager on their daily routines trying to fix issues and irate guests etc.sounds kinda boring to most but if you think on as daily basis how many stupid and funny things happen in the parks.
Sounds like Reno 911 on Comedy Central.:lol:


Account Suspended
Your main problem so far are ideas behind the secondary characters. If you have the pipedream that someone would pick this up, Disney would never approve of a show based on WDW making fun of their guests or anything their guests do.


New Member
Sounds funny, you have a ton of male characters though, maybe you might wanna think about adding one more female in to even things out? Otherwise, I like it :)


Active Member
I like the sitcom idea and the reality "Airline" type idea. I would watch it. They could put it on the Disney channel and get rid of some of the unrelated Disney shows. I watched Thunder in Paradise all the time just to see WDW in the background and see how they used the different areas of Epcot to be location shots so I would watch something along these lines.


New Member
Got another character for you:
Sarah-Guest who's ALWAYS there and thinks she knows more than the cast members when she really doesn't.
And plot ideas:
A sensored Splash Mountain photo
A TTA shutdown
Can I be simon???-i'd love a job at disney-and just a thought- if you maybe tried to se up a "meeting" with some imagineer person that was "high up" and went through the script with him and then brought people into the meeting (such as me!:) -Keep me posted on how it goes!! Schwenkietwo@hotmail.com) -sorry had to ad that- and showed something of what it would be like- that would be a better way in my eyes in getting the persons mind ticking! And it shows them the fans really care!!!

Just a thought!



New Member
If it's going to be a reality-based show about Disney, you'll have to have a scene in which a street sweeper turns out to be none other than... RAVEN!!!!
She seems to be in everything else Disney. Every time my daughter turns on the Disney channel, something with Raven in it is on. How did she get so "in" with Disney anyway?


New Member
Don't forget all the "College Program" antics (I have personal experience with that). Maybe a Jack character (from Will and Grace) would be appropriate too. Ya know someone in a show or parade - lil too much energy but we love him.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
goonsquads57 said:
If it's going to be a reality-based show about Disney, you'll have to have a scene in which a street sweeper turns out to be none other than... RAVEN!!!!
She seems to be in everything else Disney. Every time my daughter turns on the Disney channel, something with Raven in it is on. How did she get so "in" with Disney anyway?

Because nobody else is Raven enough. She is SO Raven.

Meanwhile, lots of luck with the sitcom, but unless you make the location just different enough to NOT be Walt Disney World, it'll never fly. As has been said before, Disney the Corporation would never allow a show based on their "intellectual property" that would either lampoon them or their guests or their fans. Even if you took making fun of the company or the guests out of the equation, and tried to make it "Friends in a theme park," Disney would not allow anyone to comment on what the CMs MIGHT be doing backstage. CMs dating? Talking about each other in non-corporate terms? Backbiting? Rumor-spreading? Nuh-uh, amigo.

Anyone remember the Roseanne episode where they all went to Disney World? The 1st episode after they returned focused on David getting a job at a Disney-esque-but-in-Lanford theme park. They made fun of the way CMs are trained and treated, that team/bunker mentality, but it had to be made abundantly clear that this was NOT Disney. The episodes that WERE at Disney didn't really make fun of Disney too much; rather, they had fun at the expense of the series' regular characters while they happened to be at Disney. The waiting for the opening rope when you're not the most patient person on the planet. Darlene's reluctance to give in to the "magic" until she sees Pooh and melts. Dan's quest to get out of the MK so he could have a beer. That sort of thing.

So if one of the top-rated sitcoms of all time couldn't get away with really making fun of Disney, a whole sitcom devoted to life behind the scenes at the parks would never fly without Disney's permission. And to get that permission, the show would become so watered down as to be meaningless. They'll claim that they're trying to keep the parks magical, but ultimately, they don't want anyone to know what happens behind the scenes, and they're certainly not going allow anyone to speculate in a movie or series and expect to get permission to use their characters.

So my suggestion is, after you write it, rewrite it and create a fictional park filled with cartoon characters that were never actually created, but in the reality of you show, they are as popular and ubiquitous as Disney characters are. Hell, make it Wally World, and maybe you can get National Lampoon to join in.


New Member
This thread inspired me to get back to a WDW-based show idea that I had. The main character list isn't as big as the one in this thread, but there will be more one-episode-type characters. It's more fiction than fact, with my concept that the CM's move from attraction to attraction on a day-to-day basis. My idea is that it will be a pinch of M*A*S*H, a dash of Murphy Brown, a hint of The Drew Carey Show, and a whole load of my imagination. I'll put the main idea in another thread, so I don't take away from the idea at hand.

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