A Trip in Loving Memory


New Member
I know that I've already made it perfectly clear about my age and the fact that I am going alone to DW. But I never explained the actual reason WHY I am going to DW. I haven't even told my family why I am going. But since you all are such nice people and have been so helpful to me and to others, I thought that I should tell you all so you can understand me a little better.

I wrote it in third person, because it still is extremely hard to talk about what happened to me and to my family in the past six years.

Her parents had talked for years about taking the entire family on a trip to Disney World. Just when it was about to happen, her mother hurt her back and had to go on disability. No trip that year. Nor the year after. Or the year after that. She left to go on her own to ease the burden of a disabled mother who couldn't work and a Father for whom work was hard to find. She stayed home to help her mother and keep an eye on the running of the house for the first three years. She finsihed 30 High School credits in a month and graduated from Independent Study and then went to Lake Tahoe to work in the hotels there and make her own living. With less children in the home and one daughter providing for herself, the burden on the injured mom and the Father for whom work was hard to find was slightly eased. The girl worked graveyard shifts as a PBX operator in a Lake Tahoe area hotel and attended college classes during the day. She was poor, yet content. She wanted to come and visit her parents, but due to money constraints never had the chance.

The girl never saw her father or her beloved Grandmother again. Her Grandmother died of Cancer in 2004 Then her Father was diagnosed with Renal cancer and died within a year, just this past March. He was 45. She was never able to make it to see either of them before their deaths. In fact, at their request, to spare her the pain, the family was told not to tell her or her brother that either of them were ill. They wouldn't let her see them, so that she remembered them as happy and healthy and not sick and wasted away.

This young woman chose a trip to Disney World and painstakingly saved every cent for it to fulfill her dreams and childhood hopes, to have fun in honor of her Father's memory. She chose the POFQ because her Father's family came from New Orleans, a place that she had been told many stories about but never had the chance to visit. A place that in her beloved Father and Grandmother's stories was a place like no other.

She hopes that with this trip she can allow herself to have fun and pay tribute to her loved ones who are no longer on this Earth, by spending time in a place that they so wanted to see her enjoy.

My Mom has no clue that this is the reason why I am going. I am not sure that she would understand. But I am glad that I was finally able to tell someone(s) about my reasons for paying a visit to the Happiest Place on Earth.
If you got this far in reading: Thanks for listening to me.



Well-Known Member

You deserve to have the best time ever in WDW, Aviva. And you know what? You will.

I'm only 22, and when I first started seeing your posts about your trip and that you're just about my age, I thought, "Wow. This girl rocks. I sure wouldn't be brave enough to go it alone down there." But now, after reading your backstory, I know: You're not going to be alone. Your father and grandmother are gonna be right there with you, sharing in all the Disney magic. :animwink: Enjoy! I can't wait to hear how it turns out.
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Active Member
I've just read your post, right now, with tears in my eyes, I do understand what you are going thru. My best wishes is for you so you can have this Magical Experience with your loved ones in your heart. Please enjoy every minute every kid smile every windblow in a cheek because thats you family thanking you. Go in your own pace, look everything big and small. Ride Small World, Pirates, Soarin' (the score will bring tears to your eyes). Enjoy RoE, Fantasmic, Wishes! But enjoy yourself, for them, for you. A Big Bear Hug, and have the best vacation ever.
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I can't think of a more worthwhile reason to go.
I truely hope it is everything good, you expect it to be.....and more.

(If ever there was a place for wishes and dreams to be realized, it is at Disney World, and maybe more so....The Magic Kindom. In fact.....disney land and disney world were once, only dreams, themselves. )
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Well-Known Member
I hope you have a wonderful time! Small world, but I was born and raised in New Orleans and one of my best friends lives in Riverside CA.
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New Member
Aviva, I agree with everyone’s sentiments…it is a well deserved trip and I can’t wait to read on how much you enjoyed it.

BTW, I don’t live too far from you….I’m in the Rancho Cucamonga area. :wave:
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New Member

WDW reminds me of my father, I get teary eyed everytime I walk down mainstreet. It brings back memories of when they took me as a child there going back to '71. Our last trip was, if memory serves, was right after Epcot opened.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I hope you have a great time, but I'd also recommend you not push yourself too hard. You could wind up feeling some pretty strong emotions. If you feel the need to go back to your room and mourn a little bit, do it. Keep sunglasses handy (good advice in the Florida sun regardless) so you can cover up if need be. Not that you should be ashamed of your feelings, but you might not want the attention that comes from strangers checking up on you, no matter how earnest their intentions are. On the flip side, if you find people there who are enjoyable to spend time with, don't be embarrassed about hanging out with them if they're up for your company. Just take as much in stride as you can so you're better prepared for whatever emotions might hit you.

What I certainly hope is that you have the vacation your family would've always wanted you to have, would've wanted to have with you, and that will keep your spirits up.

Oh, and don't waste your time on Stitch's Great Escape. :D

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New Member
Although everyone's situation is unique, I can empathize with you a little. Our family had had plans to go to Disney World last Dec. for awhile. Well, our trip was scheduled for Dec. 15-20. On Dec. 8, my grandpa died unexpectedly from a heart attack. Of course, this being so hard on our family, we canceled all reservations but our airlines. For some reason, we hadn't called in to cancel those at the same time that we did for everything else. We started talking about it more, and the more we talked, the more we realized that he would not have wanted us to cancel our trip to Disney World. He knew how much we loved visiting, and we knew that we would never regret our trips to Disney World simply because we have fun and enjoy our family time down there. We had, in fact, taken my grandparents with us for 3 of the trips, and we were so thankful for that. When in doubt, go to Disney World and have a great time. I know that it did our family good to go to a place far from reality to help in the healing process. I hope that you too can enjoy your trip and know that you are doing the right thing in going to the happiest place on earth.
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