What's cool about the hardcore Disney community is you have people like myself,
@Mike S, and
@Kman101, who love the parks deeply but want to continue enjoying them, so we have accepted most of the change while still loving the past. You have other fans that lament the misguided changes and from my understanding, don't want anything to change. And you have fans like
@jt04... 'nuff said. But the misguided changes have positives as well (I'm sure everyone realizes this but there's not enough credit given IMO). TRON is not the best choice in that the park needs, but the positives are that it could allow SM to go under for an overhaul, add the first E-ticket in 27 years, and it's thematically appropriate. At least for me, it does not justify the action to be disappointed. There's a new Main Street theater which is EXACTLY what the park needs, yet people feel like it's worth critiquing every detail.
The only announcement that is so far universally loved is the Star Wars Hotel it seems

You can still enjoy something you're passionate about and criticize it, but some people on this forum seem like they are Universal & SeaWorld employees. The shift to IP based entertainment has already happened. I am not going to throw a fit when Ratatouille goes to the France Pavilion. It's a decent IP placement. Now, I am very disappointed with Gotg's placement, but I am happier that it will not go in Tot, and it also seems that side of FW will be more Space focused as a whole. Again, not advocating for Gotg's placement, but it's an E-ticket, and I REALLY CANNOT BE SO NEGATIVE ABOUT SOMETHING I AM SO PASSIONATE ABOUT. My life would be too negative I guess. Maybe that's my reason, it's most likely not yours.
Pandora is a recent example that Disney still has it, and as Joe Rhode is tied to Marvel I have stronger faith that it will be better simply because he is at the helm.
Why don't we slam the GMR getting replaced for budgetary reasons, which will actually make HWS an inferior park to WDS until Toy Story Land opens (how is this even possible?) Criticize parks being left stagnant for well over a decade, and also if Disney does not give Figment an attraction. The Mickey Ride will be epic, Ratatouille is a faaar better placement than Frozen will ever be. Yes, there's a small amount of settling involved, but you end up being a lot happier and still have the ability to lash out against decisions.
I just wish people would criticize, but more sparingly to give more reason for Disney to acknowledge us. When we criticize every single thing, of course they have no reason to listen, but if we also mention the positives in things, instead of continuously listing the negative, I really do believe that's our best bet to getting thematically superior parks in the future. I just hope whoever is the next CEO does not appoint a retail guy as the head of the parks.