Well-Known Member
I didn't watch it or the halftime and commercials, nor have I ever seen a full football game in my 26 years of life (as an American male). I was asleep during the entire thing (long day prior). Nor would I have watched even if I was awake. Heck I don't even know what teams were playing. Sure I could google it and see who played and who won, but then again I don't give a crap (though it's inevitable i'll see it eventually when I read anything news related).Don't say you don't care about the game if you watched it, the halftime or commercials. Or if you even know who won. If you spent the night making love or giving your three spaniels baths or cleaning out your closet in your den etc then you have the right. Otherwise, you were part of the 100 million plus who proved yet again that live/event TV will never go out of style.
I'll readily admit i'm the exception here, with regards to live televised sports anyways. The only real "sport" I have a moderate interest in are a select few events in the Olympics (very acrobatic events in particular such as gymnastics and ice skating). Least of my interest in sports being "football" though (the ridiculously misnamed sport that has almost nothing to do with feet and balls, stealing the title of the sport that actually warrants being named football).
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