A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Yes, kudos to @skubersky for penning it. Only criticism: not mentioning this forum as it is quite obvious that Mr. Donnelly either suddenly turned into this uber-bigtime 'insider' based at Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall or he borrowed information placed here by myself and others.

I also liked the shot about Shanghai Disneyland. Considering the way Disney has the media afraid to write a damn thing about China's Disney Resort that one comment almost counts as in-depth reporting.

I still think a great story would be touring the park with a family who paid full price for a day. But I do understand how nasty those people at Celebration Place will get if you do so.

Speaking of online sources of Disney Info, is it just me or has Micechat lost its voice? They no longer seem to be running anything newsy at all. Where's the column on how DLR's 60th has really been going? Where's the column on the whole $1 billion expansion and city politics (they voted last night to keep Disney tix tax free for another 30 years!)? Where's the column on what will be or won't be announced at D23 and the whys? Hell, where is their news on the disaster that is Shanghai Disney Resort? Something odd is up there. Very odd.

LOL He did all his research here.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh, some added info on EPCOT's new VP, Melissa M Valiquette.

Apparently, she is the No. 2 under Phil at MK (GM). I either wasn't aware of it or forgot, but she replaced Chris Lutz when he moved to DAK.

This far, her claims to fame are being WDW Ambassador in 1997 and being the talking head to the press when Disney loosened its grooming standards about a dozen or so years back.

In other words, it seems like just more rearranging of deck furniture.


Well-Known Member
I will say I am pretty impressed with how well Orlando City has done in their first season in the MLS attendance and interest wise. MLS will fail in Miami.

I respectfully disagree.

MLS has a high chance of succeeding in Miami...IF the right conditions manifest...Particularly a stadium in Dade that Beckham and Co build with their own money. Miami is a more favorable market than Orlando for soccer...but dumb decisions like having a Miami team play in Ft. Lauderdale would make success harder. Team management and community relations also play into it. I concede that the margin for error isn't comfortable. But with the large presence of European and South/Central Americans in South Florida and the much stronger MLS of today...in the right hands, success is almost guaranteed.

As for the Wall Street and China mess...where's Mr. Robot when you need him?

Any chance Disney's leverage in China increases if the Chinese economy tanks?


Well-Known Member
So is the Chinese stock market still crashing? What does this mean for Shanghai? Probably not good...

It's not crashing, it's crashing and burning and hitting the sides of the cliff and crashing some more. And taking the housing market with it.

When 200 Million newly minted middle-class Chinese folks see all their savings vaporized, and 800 Million Chinese peasants get the squeeze too once the middle class stops spending, there's 90 Million members of the Chinese Communist Party who should be very, very worried. Opening, or not opening, a Disneyland in suburban Shanghai will be the least of China's worries in 2016 and beyond.

What will be interesting is to see the exposure Burbank's bank account has to the China situation through the end of this decade.


Well-Known Member
My fiancé works as a flight attendant for American/US, according to her all she's heard about United is that their computers have been down all day... thanks babe, great insider info. :banghead:

The government already let us know the three "glitches" were not attacks and coincidental. I'm sure any other glitches that follow will be the same. So there is nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Well the idiots on television were discussing how that stock exchanges value has dropped 40% in the past 30 days.

Yes.. It's bad.

It even managed to get some attention in the media here in Germany - while otherwise everything here is about Greece, Greece and Greece. So, yes, it is bad. Might even be worse than the worst case scenario for Greece.

And to add something more on topic: I got an offer from the German Disney Store (only online, the same website as the US one, just less merchandise and in German) that I could get 6 stamps (0.62 €, good for a standard letter) with really cute Donald, Mickey and friends on them for FREE with any order (no minimum purchase price) and I was not able to find one single thing that I would have any interest in ordering!!! The only thing I want are the stamps... It is moments like this when I really question Disney's international strategies. There is a huge market for rather nice Donald and Mickey collectibles here, but those are all licensed, not produced by Disney. Those stamps really fit for that market segment. But the German Disney store itself is full with cheap-looking, but overpriced kiddie costumes...


Well-Known Member
Oh, some added info on EPCOT's new VP, Melissa M Valiquette.

Apparently, she is the No. 2 under Phil at MK (GM). I either wasn't aware of it or forgot, but she replaced Chris Lutz when he moved to DAK.

This far, her claims to fame are being WDW Ambassador in 1997 and being the talking head to the press when Disney loosened its grooming standards about a dozen or so years back.

In other words, it seems like just more rearranging of deck furniture.
She proved herself a good soldier who won't rock the boat and was rewarded. Change has to come from the top


Well-Known Member
Speaking of online sources of Disney Info, is it just me or has Micechat lost its voice? They no longer seem to be running anything newsy at all. Where's the column on how DLR's 60th has really been going? Where's the column on the whole $1 billion expansion and city politics (they voted last night to keep Disney tix tax free for another 30 years!)? Where's the column on what will be or won't be announced at D23 and the whys? Hell, where is their news on the disaster that is Shanghai Disney Resort? Something odd is up there. Very odd.

I've noticed that myself. Ever since Al took ill & Dusty took over, Micechat just wants to be another life-styler site. Shame.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Mighty coincidental.
Unusual coincidences occur. Like the person who was convinced there was something nefarious going on when he/she got the same four scenes on Star Tours 3 times in a row. Unusual indeed, but it'll happen to about 1 in every 3,000 guests who ride 3 times.

I don't know what the statistical likelihood of United, WSJ, and NYSE having computer problems at the same time is, but it is more than zero. And likely higher than the likelihood of somebody choosing to and wanting to breech them all at the same time.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It's not crashing, it's crashing and burning and hitting the sides of the cliff and crashing some more. And taking the housing market with it.

When 200 Million newly minted middle-class Chinese folks see all their savings vaporized, and 800 Million Chinese peasants get the squeeze too once the middle class stops spending, there's 90 Million members of the Chinese Communist Party who should be very, very worried. Opening, or not opening, a Disneyland in suburban Shanghai will be the least of China's worries in 2016 and beyond.

What will be interesting is to see the exposure Burbank's bank account has to the China situation through the end of this decade.
if the USA has survived many recessions, I dont think the chinese cant.
after all, they have all the infrastructure and production...

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