A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Upset that multiple people shot down your argument? Sad.

LOL...right. What you and others personally think about my opinions and arguments keep me up at night. I am not going to take up anymore of this thread with your nonsense. If you would like to debate further send me an email. You seem pretty upset that I will not agree with you and that is ok.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I believe you said it was internal in a previous post?
Here is what I said in the original post:
On the uniform and internally, the job is referred to as Custodial Guest Services.

Now, again, the main job is to keep the park clean, but many guests are first timers and need help finding their way around so if we see someone looking at a map like they are lost, we go up to them and help them (that is, if we aren't in the middle of doing something much more important). Also, because we wear all white, we are highly visible and are always moving around... guests come to us a lot for help, so we need to know a lot about the park or where to send them if we don't know exactly how to answer their question.

I'm not trying to come off as over bearing here, but the point is, criticizing custodial for doing water Mickey's isn't worth the time. It honestly takes away from nothing. Sometimes it may be as simple as they overstaffed Main Street or whatever for that time of the day and they just need to give someone something to do instead of just sitting around.

Overstaffing/understaffing is a much bigger problem at WDW than water art.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I said in the original post:

Now, again, the main job is to keep the park clean, but many guests are first timers and need help finding their way around so if we see someone looking at a map like they are lost, we go up to them and help them (that is, if we aren't in the middle of doing something much more important). Also, because we wear all white, we are highly visible and are always moving around... guests come to us a lot for help, so we need to know a lot about the park or where to send them if we don't know exactly how to answer their question.

I'm not trying to come off as over bearing here, but the point is, criticizing custodial for doing water Mickey's isn't worth the time. It honestly takes away from nothing. Sometimes it may be as simple as they overstaffed Main Street or whatever for that time of the day and they just need to give someone something to do instead of just sitting around.

Overstaffing/understaffing is a much bigger problem at WDW than water art.

Right. I never said it took away from anything except the wage they are making to do the responsibilities of a custodial CM. Water pictures is not part of the core responsibilities of a custodial CM agree? The problem I had/have with it is CM's doing the water art to milk the clock until they go home. Do I care for the art? No...that is why I walk past it. Would I ever campaign to remove it? No. I group it in with the towel animals and as I stated before when my room did not have any washcloths there should not have been a towel animal in my room. With what you and others have stated and personally doing a cross-u in custodial I am aware of how much work there is to do. Once again I am not debating the amount of hard work custodial CM's do day to day.

There is always work to be done as a custodial CM and killing time with water art in my opinion is not a very good use of resources. If it is not time for the CM to go home and there is nothing for them to do them give them an ER.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
You might want to do a little research before sticking your foot in your mouth
Wow! going pretty aggressive today, aren't you?
I have no idea what the hell is your problem, but get down from your mighty tall horse.
Because you seem to rush in a position when you really do not know much, I did my research. Thank you so much! you're the one whos not getting it.

As for my post:
I am not talking about TOTAL money after they ended their theatrical run. My point is THIS:

If the rate continues, JW might surpass THE AVENGERS US total.

but in the 22 day total.. JW stomped PAST the avengers.

As for Avatar, I was looking at the US only figures.
Note that of the 2+ billion of avatar.. 72% came from the foreign market.

also, right now JW is standing at 1.2 Billion.. The Avengers was 1.5 billion.
If the rate of JW stands, they might reach and surpass THE AVENGERS as well.

So much for "sticking the foot", you should follow your advise sir.

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Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
There is always work to be done as a custodial CM and killing time with water art in my opinion is not a very good use of resources. If it is not time for the CM to go home and there is nothing for them to do them give them an ER.
I understand your point but it's not like people are just standing around doing nothing waiting to do this, I was just using what I said as an example.

It's something that happens rarely and lasts for 5-10 minutes. If the park closes at 1 and some CMs don't leave until 2-230, there's going to be some lucky CM's that get out earlier, normally when the park closes. What typically happens is a finally trash run will happen, the zone gets closed out and say they are leaving at 1 with the park. Say they are approved to do water art and want to do it quickly for a guest before they leave... is that really so bad? I've seen that happen on numerous occasions. Custodial CMs really enjoy doing water art and it makes them feel appreciated and happy that they can draw a crowd together to make them smile every once in awhile.

My stance on it: As long as it's not interrupting something you need to be doing, then I don't see it as a big deal. There are much worse things they have us do. I've been sent to "task" for TWO HOURS of a shift before. Tasking is basically code for walk around and act like you are doing something and answer guest questions.

I'm pretty sure Tasking is a much bigger waste of time than you're making water art out to be.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
Isn't housekeeping at WDW a non-tipped role anyway? I know lots of CPs do it, and they expressly can't work tipped positions.
You are absolutely right. I know for a fact from knowing people in Housekeeping and working in Custodial no one is allowed to accept tips (the amount of tips I had to turn down in custodial was depressing...).

If you did accept money and they found out about it in my department, they took it from you and guess what they did with it? THEY PUT IT IN A JAR FOR PIZZA. Not even kidding.

It's sad how they treat their employees considering how hard they work them for only $9.50/hour.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I can't believe there is such a detailed and intense argument about water art and what custodial CMs do. Who woulda thunk it?
Hey, I was proud of what we did there and always felt we did the best we could considering the amount thrown at us so when someone tries to say otherwise, I feel the need to stick up for my fellow custodians, at least the Main Street CMs (although I don't know many of them anymore, that's what I hate about the DCP, constant turnover - and I just finished working there too).
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Well-Known Member
A very Happy July 4th to all in this MAGICal realm.

I admit I'm surprised there are no breathless phased closing threads. Summer and July 4th falling on a weekend. Nothing yesterday. Nothing today. As near as I can tell, nothing at UNI as well.

I'm going to start wondering about it being crazy busy in O-Town all the time now (it really isn't .... just compared to say 1985 or 1995 it's busier) if we can't even get capacity parks on the July 4th weekend!
My family and I went to MK both nights, July 3rd and 4th and found the crowds to be not too bad. Actually, July 3rd seemed more crowded, however, July 4th they did start to restrict access. We were able to go through because we were APs. It certainly didn't seem as crowded as July 4th in the early 90's. In fact, I-4 traffic was better than most weekends.
I will say, there was a large presence of Police, Security and CMs which was comforting considering the security concerns being discussed on the news.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
You are absolutely right. I know for a fact from knowing people in Housekeeping and working in Custodial no one is allowed to accept tips (the amount of tips I had to turn down in custodial was depressing...).

If you did accept money and they found out about it in my department, they took it from you and guess what they did with it? THEY PUT IT IN A JAR FOR PIZZA. Not even kidding.

It's sad how they treat their employees considering how hard they work them for only $9.50/hour.
The top thing kinda gave me an idea of the likes of GodFather.

I mean... If someone accepts tip and is found out... The money gets into the pizza jar?
Isnt this a perfect way to offer free pizza to all cms ?

Like "I have an offer you cant refuse".
Hands money, forces the manager to accept it, goes to pizza jar.. all cms are happy.

'PIZZA' being codeword for the GSM's back pocket.
woah hang on.. what?


Well-Known Member
Not a chance, Avatar's numbers are in excess of $2bn.

Actually closer to 3 (2.7?).

But...while I totally agree Jurassic World won't, Episode VII has a strong chance. Particularly since a lot of the same outside factors that led to Avatar's success will also be in effect with Star Wars, and on top of it 40 years worth of fandom who is squealing in delight.

Basically, Episode VII had quite a bit of what Avatar had going for it, and way more than Jurassic World had, so it's pretty much a no-brainer. 2/3 of Avatar + JurassicWorld(x2) = it will take an epic catastrophe for it not to be the first film to break 3B.


Well-Known Member
Actually closer to 3 (2.7?).

But...while I totally agree Jurassic World won't, Episode VII has a strong chance. Particularly since a lot of the same outside factors that led to Avatar's success will also be in effect with Star Wars, and on top of it 40 years worth of fandom who is squealing in delight.

Basically, Episode VII had quite a bit of what Avatar had going for it, and way more than Jurassic World had, so it's pretty much a no-brainer. 2/3 of Avatar + JurassicWorld(x2) = it will take an epic catastrophe for it not to be the first film to break 3B.
A lot of what Star Wars has in its favor is a fandom that will see it multiple times during it's theatrical run. I know I'll be seeing it it in IMAX and if it's not awful I'll see it at least 1 more time. That number will be even higher for the diehards with open wallets.


Well-Known Member
"The small details are what used to make Disney great!"
"Ugh this small detail is a waste of time!!!!"

^^ why no one at TWDC takes fan opinions seriously. People will seriously complain about everything and anything, even if it's something they claim to lament about the past.
A true detail pushes a story. It is the sort of thing an expert on a subject would note and recognize as fitting. They are not just things not done elsewhere or because they are meta. A row of mailboxes with the names of old Imagineers on them is not a detail because of the names of old Imagineers, but because such a set of mailboxes would have names on them.
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Well-Known Member
A very Happy July 4th to all in this MAGICal realm.

I admit I'm surprised there are no breathless phased closing threads. Summer and July 4th falling on a weekend. Nothing yesterday. Nothing today. As near as I can tell, nothing at UNI as well.

I'm going to start wondering about it being crazy busy in O-Town all the time now (it really isn't .... just compared to say 1985 or 1995 it's busier) if we can't even get capacity parks on the July 4th weekend!

I was at Epcot for the 4th in the afternon, we had no problem getting the FP+ we wanted for Soarin when me made our reservations Friday night and it just seemed like a really busy summer day. Crowd got bigger closer to fireworks which I am guessing were locals, CM's and their families and friends.

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